Export Action Programme

The Export Action Programme (EAP) is a groundbreaking initiative between TTMA and the Eximbank, aimed at sustaining and supporting SME’s in their exporting journey.

 The EAP is instrumental in building a robust Caribbean manufacturing support network. We are creating a comprehensive hands-on support tool with industry partners and stakeholders to address key areas crucial for successful exporting, including:


  • Market Research
  • Sales
  • Shipping
  • Manufacturing
  • Certification
  • Governance
  • Logistics
  • Finance


Our goal is to develop synergistic partnerships that contribute to our community and country, supported by the manufacturing industry and government. We are mindful of maintaining a balance between micro and macro perspectives, aiming to procure opportunities that yield the most positive outcomes.

 Key Partnerships include:

•             Ministry of Trade

•             ExporTT

•             Cariri

•             Ministry of Health

•             Manufacturing companies (mentorship, coaching, and contacts)

 “The Export Action Programme: Taking Action from Local to Global”

 Interested participants, kindly fill out the application form below:



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