The Central Tenders Board was established by Act No. 22 of 1961 (hereinafter referred to as the legislation) to ensure that the proper procedures are followed to obtain the most suitable supplies and services from available sources.
The Central Tenders Board Ordinance No. 22 of 1961 as amended provides for the establishment of a Central Tenders Board which has the sole and exclusive authority, except as provided for in Sections 20 and 35 of the Legislation:
- To act for, in the name and on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and Statutory Bodies to which the Ordinance applies, in inviting, considering and accepting or rejecting offers for the supply of articles or for the undertaking of works or any services in connection therewith, necessary for carrying out the functions of the Government or any of the Statutory Bodies. (Refer to Section 4(1) (A) of the Legislation).
- To dispose of surplus or unserviceable articles and real estate property belonging to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago or any of the Statutory Bodies. (Refer to Section 4(1) (B) of the Legislation).
- The Board also performs other functions and duties as the President may by order prescribe from time to time. (Refer to Section 4 (2) of the Legislation).
- To appoint consultants in connection with any project. (Refer to Section 27 (B) of the Legislation).
The Central Tenders Board accepts written requests from ALL Government Ministries and some State Departments and Agencies for:-
- The supply or purchase of articles;
- Services or works for projects;
- The disposal of unserviceable/surplus articles belonging to the Government.
In addition, the Central Tenders Board also:
- Advises Government Agencies on the principles and practices governing tendering procedures and the award of contracts;
- Manages the Tendering processes and facilitates the functioning of Tender Evaluation Committees, in the name and on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and Statutory Bodies.
Contact Information:
Central Tenders Board
Ministry of Finance
116 Frederick Street
Telephone Numbers:
Director of Contracts: (868) 625-3320
Deputy Director of Contracts: (868) 625-1868
Assistant Directors of Contracts: (868) 625-3577 / (868) 623-5915
Contracts Officers: (868) 625-4330 / (868) 625-3565
Annual Supplies and Services: (868) 625-1868
Accounts/Administration: (868) 625-3610
Email Address:
Link for Tender Notices: