Daily Brief - Tuesday 11th September, 2018


Pollonais rescued by police

Four days after she was kidnapped, Palmiste mother of three Natalie Pollonais was rescued by police. The news was shared moments ago by the Police Service via their Twitter feed. No additional information was made available. Earlier today, Newsday attempted to interview her husband, Inland and Offshore Contractor Ltd director Jason Pollonais, but he declined to speak. Pollonais, 47, disappeared last Thursday, when she left the C3 Shopping Complex in San Fernando around 11.30 am, after using the gym, to visit a friend in Palmiste. When she did not show up and the friend could not reach her on her cellphone, an alarm was raised. Read more here

Another fire at Mon Repos Fire Station

For the sec­ond time in as many months, fire broke out in­side the Mon Re­pos Fire Head­quar­ters, prompt­ing of­fi­cers to call for an im­me­di­ate rewiring of the en­tire build­ing. Through­out Sun­day night and for most of the day on Mon­day, the head­quar­ters, sit­u­at­ed at the San Fer­nan­do Bye-Pass re­mained with­out an elec­tric­i­ty sup­ply. Fire of­fi­cers said the heat was un­bear­able in the fa­cil­i­ty, adding that the toi­lets were dirty as the wa­ter pumps were dys­func­tion­al. The fire start­ed around 6:20 pm, in an elec­tri­cal me­tre in­side the en­gi­neer­ing sec­tion. The of­fi­cers used a fire ex­tin­guish­er to quick­ly bring the fire un­der con­trol and a T&TEC crew lat­er ar­rived and took away the me­tre. Read more here

Tehillia’s accused killer sent to St Ann’s

The sister of Tehilla St Clair shouted to the man charged with the murder of her sibling as he was escorted to the Siparia Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning. Angel St Clair was among a group of people gathered outside the court when the prisoners’ truck arrived. Read more here




Rowley on Curepe overpass: We will oppress no one

The Prime Minister has commented on the obstruction to the Curepe overpass, saying no one will lose their property based on undervaluation and Government oppressing them. He also accused the previous administration of using private treaty to acquire lands and “rape the country.” “Buy all kinds of lands that nobody else will buy, where only bull grass will grow, that has no value, and pay millions and millions and millions for it.” Dr Rowley was speaking on Sunday evening during the second leg of his campaign for the People’s National Movement (PNM) internal elections and presentation of his “Red and Rowley” slate at the Diego Martin Community Centre. Read more here

Roget wants inquiry into closure of Petrotrin refinery

The Oil­fields Work­ers Trade Union (OW­TU) has de­liv­ered a let­ter to the Of­fice of the Pres­i­dent, out­lin­ing its po­si­tion with re­gard to the de­ci­sion to close the Petrotrin re­fin­ery. Pres­i­dent Paula-Mae Weekes is cur­rent­ly out of the coun­try and Sen­ate Pres­i­dent Chris­tine Kan­ga­loo is act­ing as Pres­i­dent of the Re­pub­lic. The OW­TU leader, An­cel Ro­get is call­ing for an in­quiry and pub­lic de­bate in­to the de­ci­sion. He will al­so de­liv­er let­ters to the Leader of the Op­po­si­tion, Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar and In­de­pen­dent Sen­a­tors dur­ing the course of the day, as part of what Ro­get calls their "cam­paign of aware­ness". He said the con­tents of the let­ter de­liv­ered this morn­ing will be made pub­lic af­ter the pres­i­dent has time to pe­ruse the doc­u­ment. Read more here

Bring proof of land value

Bring proof of the value of your lands. That’s the call from Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan to residents affected by construction of the Curepe Interchange who are threatening court action if they are not adequately compensated. Read more here



Declines in all three indices

Over­all Mar­ket ac­tiv­i­ty re­sult­ed from trad­ing in 14 se­cu­ri­ties of which two ad­vanced, six de­clined and six trad­ed firm. Trad­ing ac­tiv­i­ty on the First Tier Mar­ket reg­is­tered a vol­ume of 141,296 shares cross­ing the floor of the Ex­change val­ued at $8,064,873.62. Re­pub­lic Fi­nan­cial Hold­ings Lim­it­ed was the vol­ume leader with 68,729 shares chang­ing hands for a val­ue of $7,120,983.93, fol­lowed by JMMB Group Lim­it­ed with a vol­ume of 30,000 shares be­ing trad­ed for $51,000. GraceKennedy Lim­it­ed con­tributed 15,000 shares with a val­ue of $41,250, while Ansa McAL Lim­it­ed added 8,815 shares val­ued at $493,640. Read more here

MovieTowne looks to expand beyond Guyana

MovieTowne chairman and founder Derek Chin is eyeing St Lucia and Jamaica as the next territories for the expansion of his multi-million dollar cineplex. Read more here



Parking Lot - Motorists Blame NWA For Gridlock, Say Gov't 'S Plan Flawed

MOTORISTS AND residents in the Corporate Area have rubbished claims by the National Works Agency (NWA) that unruly motorists were at the heart of the traffic gridlock that brought movement to a standstill for extended hours yesterday. In a release issued yesterday evening following a meeting with senior engineers and police personnel, NWA communications manager Stephen Shaw indicated that Gretna Green Avenue was of particular concern, as motorists attempted to use the stretch to bypass the traffic on Hagley Park Road which contributed to the long delays at the intersection of Hagley and Waltham Park roads. Shaw further outlined that access to Waltham Park Road through the Total service station at the intersection of Waltham Park Road and Gretna Green Avenue will be restricted as motorists also used the driveway through the gas station to bypass the traffic. Read more here



Migrant crisis: Scores drown off Libyan coast

More than 100 migrants died in a shipwreck off the Libyan coastline earlier this month, an aid agency says. Two rubber boats set off on 1 September but one of the vessels deflated and sank, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) says. The 276 survivors were eventually taken to the Libyan port city of Khoms, around 100 km (62 miles) to the south-east of the capital Tripoli. MSF says the group is now being held in "arbitrary detention". The survivors, including pregnant women, children and infants, have been treated by MSF for pneumonia or burns from leaked fuel. Read more here

Hurricane Florence forces more than 1 million people to flee

The southern East Coast of the United States is bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Florence as the storm -- already packing winds of up to 140 mph -- nears Category 5 strength. More than 1 million people face mandatory evacuation orders in coastal areas of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Tropical storm force winds are expected to reach the Carolina coasts late Wednesday night into early Thursday morning, CNN meteorologist Michael Guy said. Those states are also now under hurricane and storm surge watches. Read more here

11th September 2018


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