Daily Brief- Friday 21st September 2018


TIC targets all business

TT's largest trade convention turns 20 in 2019

AS the Trade and Investment Convention (TIC) marks its 20th anniversary next year, the TTMA and its partners are looking ahead to finding ways to use the convention to foster economic growth in TT. TIC 2019 was launched last Thursday at the Five Star Convention Centre in Chaguanas. Read more…


Rampersad makes historic same-sex ruling

It’s of­fi­cial, sex­u­al ac­tiv­i­ty be­tween con­sent­ing male adults is no longer il­le­gal.De­liv­er­ing a 14-page de­ci­sion at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain yes­ter­day, High Court Judge Devin­dra Ram­per­sad mod­i­fied sec­tions 13 and 16 of the Sex­u­al Of­fences Act, which had pre­vi­ous­ly crim­i­nalised bug­gery and se­ri­ous in­de­cen­cy even be­tween con­sent­ing adults. Read more…

Prof Sankat's son charged with stealing passenger plane

The young man charged with trying to steal a jet plane at the Melbourne International Airport in Florida on Thursday, is the son of former UWI principal Professor Clement Sankat.The Sankat family confirmed this in a statement on Thursday night. Read more…

MP: Quality over quantity

ST AUGUSTINE MP Prakash Ramadhar says the question of whether Commonwealth lawyers should be appointed locally to serve as High Court judges is a case of “quality over quantity.” Ramadhar, a former legal affairs minister, was commenting on concerns raised on this matter by Independent Senator Sophia Chote SC on Tuesday. Read more…



Young: PNM members trying to undermine me, PM

Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young has ac­cused sup­port­ers and mem­bers of the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) of at­tempt­ing to un­der­mine him and Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley as the par­ty’s in­ter­nal elec­tion draws clos­er.Young made the state­ment on Wednes­day while de­liv­er­ing the fea­ture ad­dress at a po­lit­i­cal meet­ing at St Fran­cois Girls’ Col­lege, Bel­mont, mere days from the PNM’s Sep­tem­ber 30 elec­tion. Read more…



The profit in corporate social responsibility

The last quar­ter of 2017 in­to the first quar­ter of 2018 saw Nike tak­ing a hit in their bot­tom line due to nu­mer­ous scan­dals cen­tred on sweat­shops, and mis­be­hav­ing ex­ec­u­tives, es­pe­cial­ly in North Amer­i­ca.Sales dropped to a record low in Feb­ru­ary 2018; by -6 per cent ac­cord­ing to Forbes, 11 ex­ec­u­tives ei­ther left or were dis­missed due to the scan­dals and the pub­lic per­cep­tion of the brand was left in sham­bles amid poor pric­ing de­ci­sions in its flag­ship “Jor­dan’s” sneak­ers, and protests of a more-so­cial­ly-con­scious con­sumer. Read more…



Jamaican-owned Fast Food Chain Expands into Canada

Eight months after the death of its founder, Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery and Grill has expanded its operations into the Canadian market, opening two stores in the greater Toronto, Ontario, area, home to a large number of Jamaican and other Caribbean nationals. Read more…

Bermuda opposition party leader ousted

Bermuda’s opposition party, the One Bermuda Alliance (OBA), has seen yet another of their leaders ousted.This time, Jeanne Atherden was reportedly removed for being too passive. Read more…



Mother of 7-year-old rape victim in India says attacker should be hanged

After raping the 7-year-old girl with a water hose in New Delhi, the attacker handed her 10 rupees and a piece of chocolate in exchange for her silence, according to her mother. He then left her -- a towel around her waist and bleeding -- near her home.The 26-year-old mother scooped up the frightened child and asked her to point out the man, she told CNN Thursday. Read more…

Lake Victoria, Tanzania ferry disaster death toll hits 100

At least 100 people are known to have died after a ferry carrying hundreds of people capsized on Lake Victoria, Tanzania, officials say.Many more are missing and it is feared that more than 200 people may have drowned. Rescue efforts resumed on Friday after being halted overnight.The MV Nyerere ferry overturned near Ukara island on its way from Bugorora. Read more…



21st September 2018


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