Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Wednesday 20th December, 2023

Thirty-seven families got keys to their new homes in time for Christmas during a key distribution ceremony under the Housing and Village Improvement Programme (HVIP). The ceremony was held at the Land Settlement Agency's (LSA) Orange Grove Road office and the keys were handed out by Housing and Urban Development... Read more

20th December 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 19th December, 2023

The Joint Chambers said yesterday the change in leadership of the Industrial Court offers an opportunity for a much-needed, holistic reset and review of the legislation and institutions that impact the industrial relations climate. Former Industrial Court president Deborah Thomas-Felix’s contract was not renewed last week, and Heather Seale was... Read more

19th December 2023

Daily Brief - Monday 18th December, 2023

Five members of a South Oropouche family narrowly escaped with their lives after their neighbour's home was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. The fire had spread to theirs. Homeowner Denise Acevero-Hosein of Mon Desir Road, Dow Village, South Oropouche, said if the police and fire services had responded when... Read more

18th December 2023

Daily Brief - Thursday 14th December, 2023

Wednesday’s appointment of Heather Seale as the new Industrial Court President is raising conflict-of-interest concerns. President Christine Kangaloo's husband is now being brought into the fray amidst demands for clarity on the appointment and disappointment of Industrial Court members. Read more

14th December 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 13th December, 2023

A Guyanese mother and her son were brutally murdered while they slept at their Battoo Street, Marabella home on Tuesday morning. Marabella residents lamented the killing of innocent children, as the bloodied bodies of Guyanese national Hollice Skinner Thomas, 40, and her son Noel, eight, were discovered in the bedroom... Read more

13th December 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 12th December, 2023

A Colombian man and two women from the Dominican Republic, all living in Tobago, have been slapped with human trafficking charges and a separate offence under the Children’s Act, police announced on Monday. Divy Oscoro Silva, 20, Digna Yulay Los Santos, 33, and Alexandra Chalas Pozo, 22, all of Riseland... Read more

12th December 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 6th December, 2023

Two businessmen told Newsday on Tuesday that TT businesses operating in Guyana were closely monitoring the situation with Venezuela's claim to the Essequibo, with one man saying businesses were already making small adjustments to their daily operations. Read more

6th December 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 5th December, 2023

A scorned husband who killed his estranged wife in 1994 after he allegedly found her with another man whom she said she preferred and refused to return to the marital home has been resentenced by a High Court judge and released after serving close to three decades in prison. Read more

5th December 2023

Daily Brief - Monday 4th December, 2023

The ANSA McAL Group and Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) – an indigenous regional leader in green energy project development – have signed an MOU to accelerate development of new and commercially viable green energy projects in the Caribbean. Read more

4th December 2023

Daily Brief - Friday 1st December, 2023

President of the Couva/Point Lisas Chamber Mukesh Ramsingh has made a stirring plea for leaders to stop playing the blame game, pointing fingers at their predecessors for situations they have inherited, and fix the problem. “When I say leaders, I don’t mean politicians alone,” he clarified at the chamber’s dinner... Read more

1st December 2023

Daily Brief - Thursday 30th November, 2023

A 27-year-old man was shot dead in Port of Spain on Thursday. Jeffrey Joseph was sitting at the entrance of Building C, Charford Court around 2.40 pm when a gunman walked up to him and shot him dead. Read more

30th November 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 29th November, 2023

Poor eyesight, especially in children, has been identified as one of the lingering after-effects of the covid19 pandemic. Rapidfire Kidz Foundation, through its Eyes Right project, has teamed up with Republic Bank Ltd to ensure the inability to see properly does not deny a child the right to a bright future. Read more

29th November 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 28th November, 2023

To foster greater trade ties with its Caricom countries, the T&T Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) will be hosting a private sector delegation on a trade mission to Antigua and Barbuda from today to December 1, 2023. The mission will be led by Dr Mahindra Ramdeen, the CEO of TTMA and will... Read more

28th November 2023

Daily Brief - Friday 24th November, 2023

A High Court judge has ordered the Chief Immigration Officer (CIO) to forthwith grant a student’s permit to a Chinese national who is expected to sit the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination in 2024. On Thursday, Justice Avason Quinlan-Williams made the order as she ruled on a lawsuit filed by... Read more

24th November 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 21st November, 2023

Amid the mid-morning bustle, Sharaz Ageemoolar walked into an insurance company’s office in San Fernando and shot his ex-wife Anissa Rajgobin-Ageemoolar twice, before killing himself after eluding police having escaped from the scene of his crime. Read more

21st November 2023

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