DailyBrief - Thursday 23rd January, 2020


Children’s Authority meets St Jude’s staff after assaults

CAREGIVERS at the St Jude’s Home for Girls say they are not confident that anything will come of reports of violence against them by girls at the institution.

On two separate occasions, caregivers were physically assaulted by the girls. The first attack happened on December 31, when a staff member was beaten on the head with a fan and had a bottle of lotion poured on her head. She was also hit in the face with a bottle of petroleum jelly. Read more here…

Minor reshuffle of Pan Trinbago executive

Three changes have been made to the Pan Trinbago executive after a general meeting on Tuesday evening.

The meeting was held at the Communication Workers Union, Henry Street, Port of Spain and was the first meeting of the general membership for the year. A source told Newsday of the changes in the executive by president Beverley Ramsey-Moore. Keith Simpson, who was a trustee, has now been assigned to the position of vice president; Lauren Pierre, formerly the assistant secretary, is now a trustee replacing Simpson; and Carlon Yearwood, formerly the vice president, is now assistant secretary. Read more here…



Agriculture ministry on alert for coronavirus

AGRICULTURE Minister Clarence Rambharat said the ministry is monitoring the deadly coronavirus as it had initially been transferred from animals to humans.

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh previously informed Newsday that passengers landing at the Piarco airport are being scanned the moment they step off their aircraft to guard against the spread of a viral outbreak from China which, on Tuesday, was detected in a patient in Washington State, USA. Read more here…

Demerit points for traffic offences from March 2

Come March 2, if you drive while drunk, text and drive, park indiscriminately or commit any ­other road traffic offences, you will ­­receive demerit points on your ­driving record.

Accumulate too many demerit points within a three-year period and you can have your driver’s permit. Read more here…





Patriotic meets government

Pro­duc­tive dis­cus­sions be­tween a gov­ern­ment team and Pa­tri­ot­ic En­er­gies and Tech­nolo­gies Com­pa­ny Ltd and oth­er stake­hold­ers yes­ter­day.

Pa­tri­ot­ic is the pre­ferred bid­der for the Pointe-a-Pierre re­fin­ery. They were ac­com­pa­nied to the talks with the eval­u­a­tion com­mit­tee and a Cab­i­net sub-com­mit­tee com­pris­ing of Stu­art Young in the ca­pac­i­ty as Min­is­ter in the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter, Robert Le Hunte, Min­is­ter of Pub­lic Util­i­ties and Franklin Khan, Min­is­ter of En­er­gy and En­er­gy In­dus­tries (MEEI), by their in­ter­na­tion­al ad­vis­ers. Read more here…

Investing is for you… even if you’re not rich

If there’s one thing TT Stock Exchange (TTSE) CEO Amoy Van Lowe wants people to know when it comes to investing, it’s that they have nothing to fear.

“We have a very risk averse culture and therefore (to change that) it’s education, information and awareness,” she told Business Day during a recent interview at her tenth floor office in Nicholas Tower on Independence Square, Port of Spain. Sound financial advice, then, is the only way to change people's uncertainty to confidence, she added. Read more here…




Pompeo: Holness Stands Up To Maduro Dictatorship


As Washington forges stronger alliances across the region to pressure the beleaguered Venezuelan regime to relinquish power amid socio-economic turmoil, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has heaped praise on Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness for “standing up to the illegitimate destabilising Maduro dictatorship and its brutal repression”.

Speaking at a joint press conference yesterday at Jamaica House in St Andrew, Pompeo told reporters that the US was pleased with Holness’ leadership. Read more here…




China coronavirus: Wuhan and Huanggang on lockdown

Authorities have suspended planes and trains in and out of Wuhan - a city of 11 million people - as well as all public transport within the city.

Similar measures will take effect in nearby Huanggang, a city of more than seven million, as of midnight. There are more than 500 confirmed cases of the virus, which has spread abroad. Read more here…


Trump tapes help incriminate the President at his own trial

Republicans might be blocking new testimony in the Senate trial but Democratic impeachment managers keep returning to the person who makes their case better than anyone: the President himself.

Trump, of course, is not literally in the Senate chamber -- though he said Wednesday he'd love to be in the front row to stare at his "corrupt" accusers. Read more here…


23rd January 2020


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