Daily Brief - Wednesday 5th August, 2020


PAHO director warns of healthcare disruptions

There are concerns that the continued effects of the covid19 pandemic will severely affect the operations of regional healthcare services, as some aspects of the health sector have already been disrupted, according to director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) Carissa Etienne on Tuesday. According to a media release from PAHO on Tuesday, Etienne made the remarks during PAHO’s virtual media conference in which she said that as countries in the Americas continue to grapple with the virus, non-covid related programmes like public vaccination programmes, clinics for pregnancy care, HIV and Tuberculosis have also been affected by a shortage of staff. Read more here

Virologist urges wearing of masks

As COVID-19 cases continue to climb, Virology Professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of the West Indies Dr Christopher Oura has reinforced the need to use masks. This as the anti-mask movement takes root in several parts of the world, spurred on by protests in London and the United States. Speaking to Guardian Media from the United Kingdom on Tuesday, Dr Oura said T&T was experiencing cases of unknown spread and it was extremely important to carry out the health protocols outlined by the Health Ministry. The country recorded ten new cases yesterday bringing the count to 192.Professor Oura said it was important to prevent and stop community spread. Read more here



PM: UNC covid19 plan would lead to disaster

The Prime Minister said the United National Congress (UNC) plan to deal with covid19, including a “dome” around the country, would lead to disaster. He was speaking Tuesday night at the People’s National Movement (PNM) meeting in La Brea. He referred to the UNC’s published seven point covid19 plan in the media. On the point to have 65 per cent of beds and ventilators for in-country cases and 35 per cent for incoming stranded nationals Dr Rowley said Government built a parallel health care system the world has called number one. An Oxford study had ranked TT first among countries most prepared to lift lockdown restrictions. Read more here

PM to announce on COVID measures

Government may be unlikely to postpone next Monday’s general election even though 12 more COVID-19 cases were reported yesterday but further measures may be announced today to protect the public from the virus, top PNM sources said yesterday. They spoke after an announcement that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley will hold a media briefing at noon today. Rowley is expected to update the public on what more may be done to curb spread and is likely to give an update on the August 20 SEA examination and other matters, the source added. Read more here



BP announces major cutbacks, implications for T&T

BP the parent company of bpTT has announced major changes in it global business that will have major implications for Trinidad and Tobago. The company has said it is not going to explore for hydrocarbons in any new jurisdictions. It will, in other words, not look for oil or gas anywhere that it does not already operate. The company in a significant statement of intent also indicated that it plans, by 2030, to reduce its output of oil and gas by a whopping 40 percent and that it will reduce its Capital Expenditure to between US $9 and $11 billion annually. The major announcement was made yesterday as the company also revealed a loss of US $16.8 billion for the second quarter of 2020 and slashed its dividend payment by 50 percent for the first since the Deep Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The company had recorded a US $1.8 billion profit for the same period last year. Read more here

Boost for fuel wholesalers, retailers

Government has announced a boost for fuel wholesalers and retailers with an increase in their margins for gasoline. This announcement was made yesterday by the Minister of Energy Franklin Khan during the opening of NP’s newest service station in Arima. Read more here



Gov’t readies to hit the ground running

Continuing along the path towards a smooth transition, President Irfaan Ali and the Transition Team met with members of the diplomatic corps; members of the private sector; Permanent Secretaries of all Government Ministries and key stakeholders in the national COVID-19 fight on Monday. Read more here

‘You feel it?’ - PM flies election kite in push for votes

With a pair of Clarks Desert boots and stark, teasing language, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has put the country on notice that he could be ready to announce the date for the next general election. And, no sooner than he told scores of excited Labourites in the battleground Clarendon North Central constituency Tuesday afternoon that he’s “feeling” the election buzz , a new song of festive character started circulating on social media by party operatives urging Holness to ‘give the green light’. Green is the official colour of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). Read more here



Beirut explosion: Frantic search for survivors of deadly blast

Rescue workers in Lebanon are searching for more than a hundred people who are missing after a huge explosion devastated the port area of the capital Beirut on Tuesday. The blast killed at least 100 people and injured more than 4,000 others. The whole city was shaken by the explosion and a mushroom cloud could be seen spreading over the port area. President Michel Aoun said the blast was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored unsafely in a warehouse. Ammonium nitrate is used as a fertiliser in agriculture and as an explosive. President Aoun convened an emergency cabinet meeting and declared three days of mourning which started on Wednesday. Read more here

Trump's interview debacle sends a warning for the fall campaign

Donald Trump's weak and flailing interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios fired a warning flare about the President's hopes for reelection, if his campaign and White House staff programed to fulfill his yearning for praise are prepared to recognize it. Trump came across as ill-prepared, narcissistic and far from in control of the coronavirus pandemic. It was a far cry from the image of courageous leadership and energetic, unstinting commitment on behalf of Americans that his aides spend every day trying to sketch. Read more here

5th August 2020


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