Daily Brief - Wednesday 27th July, 2022


TTMA worried about crime

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) has renewed its call for greater efforts to combat illicit trade activities in the country. In a release, the TTMA noted the illicit operations were a part of rising crime within T&T which adversely affect the country’s social and economic progress. TTMA’s President, Ms Tricia Coosal, who made reference to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s recent statement that the dramatic escalation in violent crime is now at crisis-level, agreed that violent crime is at an extra-ordinary high and unbearable level and calls for the Government to ensure our borders are adequately patrolled to specifically prevent illicit traded activities, which are linked to serious crime. Read more here

TTMA: Illegal trade a key enabler of crime

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) has said that it notes "with some concern" that illicit trade activities continue to adversely affect the country’s social and economic progress as evidenced by the increase in violent crime. The TTMA, in a news release, said that recently, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said the dramatic escalation in violent crime is now at crisis-level, and he admitted there were plans to declare it a public health issue. "This does not augur well for the business community, who stands to incur an increase cost to safeguard their business operations and themselves against this escalation," the TTMA said. TTMA’s President, Tricia Coosal said she agrees that violent crime is at an extra-ordinary high and unbearable level and calls for the Government to ensure our borders are adequately patrolled to specifically prevent illicit traded activities, which are linked to serious crime from occurring. Read more here



Woman shields baby from bullets as gunmen kill husband

A one-year-old baby girl was almost the victim of a fatal shooting in central Trinidad which claimed the life of her father on Monday night. The incident is one of many in the Enterprise, Chaguanas community in the last few weeks. This incident, however, left 29-year-old Jamaican national Dwayne Robinson dead. His wife, Allison Vialva-Robinson, was also shot in the right buttock during the gun attack but survived to tell the story. The two had been married for five years and lived at Goodwill Street, Enterprise. Yesterday, Vialva-Robinson said her husband had just got home from work after 8 pm. He was relaxing on the street. She said a car drove by on more than one occasion before the attack. Read more here



$.4m in self-help grants for 21 Diego Martin families

Over $400,000 in grants were distributed by Finance Minister and Diego Martin North/East MP Colm Imbert on Tuesday to needy people in his constituency. The grants were given under the auspices of the National Commission for Self Help and Imbert was at the Bagatelle Community Centre to give the grants to 21 needy people. These people would have been approved by the commission to receive the grants for minor repairs and reconstruction, worth up to $15,000; as well as emergency relief/reconstruction grants valued at $25,000. Read more here



Sinanan: PTSC plans for electric fleet

The Ministry of Works and Transport is moving ahead with plans for electric buses for the public transportation service but it is keeping mum on the cost. Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan, when questioned yesterday, would only say that the cost would be significant but that it would save the country a lot of money in the long term. Sinanan was speaking with reporters following the sod-turning ceremony for the Piarco International Airport Solar Park project. Read more here



US$140M ‘Houston Towers’ to enhance landscape of EBD corridor

With Guyana on track to becoming a major investment magnet, local company Pritipaul Singh Investment Inc., is set to undertake the construction of a massive US$140 million condominium building at Houston, on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD). According to the company’s Managing Director, Pritipaul Singh Jr., this multimillion-dollar investment, “Houston Towers,” which is set to transform the aesthetics of the East Bank corridor, will have over 300 rooms that are offered at rates affordable to both foreigners and locals. He told the Guyana Chronicle that this project was conceptualised after the company recognised the growing demand for accommodation in Guyana. Read more here



Gas prices soar as Russia cuts German supply

Gas prices have soared after Russia further cut gas supplies to Germany and other central European countries after threatening to earlier this week. European gas prices rose 9%, trading close to its earlier all-time high after Russia invaded Ukraine. Critics accuse the Russian government of using gas as a political weapon. Russia has been cutting flows through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany, with it now operating at less than a fifth of its normal capacity. Germany imports 55% of its gas from Russia and most of it comes through Nord Stream 1 - with the rest coming from land-based pipelines. Read more here

27th July 2022


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