Daily Brief - Wednesday 23rd September, 2020


UWI Littcon gives journalists forum to discuss pressures in online era

The challenges of offering diverse, in-depth, people-oriented stories in the age of online journalism became a lively topic of discussion among a panel of journalists on day two of The UWI's online literary festival LITTCON 2020 on Tuesday. Pointing out the pressure to produce stories quickly, journalists lamented the increasing need to cover news stories by phone or on platforms such as zoom because of current covid19 restrictions, which prevent normal contact that journalism requires. Read more here

TTFA to drop FIFA case in local court

After several months of legal wrangling between the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) and FIFA, the local body has now decided to withdraw its court matter against the world body following an informal virtual meeting on Tuesday night convened by ousted TTFA president William Wallace and his executives. Sources who were part of the two-hour online Zoom meeting attended by 32 of the 47 TTFA delegates, said a vote on the issue saw 21 delegates voting to drop the case, eight wanted it to continue while three abstained from voting. Read more here



Chaguanas suffering from flooding

Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally has called on the Ministry of Works and Transport to adequately address drainage issues in the area following Saturday’s flash flooding which not only affected Central Trinidad but other parts of the country. In a letter to minister Rohan Sinanan, copied to the ministers of Housing and Urban Development; Planning; Rural Development and Local Government; and Social Development and Family Services, Rambally said an urgent remedy is needed to confront the increasingly difficult task of flood preparation and mitigation. Read more here

Immigration to roll out passport home delivery plan

The Immigration Division of the Ministry of National Security is moving ahead with fully digitising and upgrading its systems to make it easier and safer for people applying for their passports. Soon to come on stream will be a service allowing the home delivery of passports via TT Post’s courier service. This was announced by Minister of National Security Stuart Young during a press conference yesterday. He described the division’s first phase/initiative as a “positive step.” Read more here



NH launches internship programme

At a time when many companies in the local construction sector are struggling financially, NH International has launched an internship programme, aimed at providing the St James-based contractor with a new cadre of experienced leaders for the future. Read more here



New, modern detention facility to be constructed at Lusignan

Just days after an unrest which resulted in the death of two prisoners, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, has announced that government will be building a new, modern detention facility to house inmates of the Lusignan Prison, which has been overrun and crowded since the Camp Street Prison fires. In October 2017, Guyana was advised that the Lusignan Prison should be closed down without delay. This advice came from the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent. Read more here

China, Top Global Emitter, Aims To Go Carbon-Neutral By 2060

Chinese President Xi Jinping says his country will aim to stop adding to the global warming problem by 2060. Xi’s announcement during a speech Tuesday to the U.N. General Assembly is a significant step for the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Calling for a “green revolution,” Xi said the coronavirus pandemic had shown the need to preserve the environment. “Humankind can no longer afford to ignore the repeated warnings of nature,” he said. Read more here



Contrast couldn't be greater between Trump and Xi at the UN, but Chinese leader is the true authoritarian

In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the world to "join hands to uphold the values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom shared by all of us." After hailing China's response to the coronavirus pandemic, Xi said Beijing wants to "continue to work as a builder of global peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order." Read more here

Alexei Navalny: Russian activist discharged from Berlin hospital

Putin critic Alexei Navalny has been discharged from a Berlin hospital where he was being treated for Novichok nerve agent poisoning. The Charité Hospital said it was ending acute medical care because his condition had sufficiently improved. Mr Navalny posted a picture of himself standing unaided with a message saying doctors had given him every chance of a full recovery. His team alleges he was poisoned on the orders of President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin strongly denies any involvement. Read more here

23rd September 2020


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