Daily Brief - Wednesday 23rd February, 2022


GECF leaders to co-operate on natural gas development

The Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) ended in Doha, Qatar on Tuesday, with the Prime Minister and the other leaders making several resolutions in the Doha Declaration. The resolutions included encouraging the expanded use of natural gas, increasing the share of natural gas in maritime and land transport and improving the international trade conditions for natural gas. Read more here



PM in Doha: ALNG restructuring will bring more revenue for Trinidad and Tobago

The Prime Minister is confident that the restructuring of Atlantic LNG (ALNG) will improve the revenue Trinidad and Tobago earns from the export of LNG (liquefied natural gas) from the company's plant in Point Fortin. Dr Rowley made this statement when he addressed the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), in Doha, Qatar on Tuesday. Read more here

PNM wants Mark before Privileges Committee

Government moved yesterday to send United National Congress Senator Wade Mark before Parliament’s Privileges Committee for false allegations about National Insurance Board chairman Patrick Ferreira. In the Senate, Government Leader Clarence Rambharat presented a case of this, calling for Mark to be referred to the Privileges Committee. Senate President Christine Kangaloo subsequently said she would deliver her decision at a later date. But she then encountered issues with other UNC senators. Read more here



Carnival cannot be business as usual

Rethinking Carnival is a must, in order to make it economically viable and socioculturally sustainable. This is just one of the many recommendations that Dr Jo-anne Tull, lecturer of Carnival Studies at the St Augustine campus of The University of the West Indies insists must be done. In an interview with Express Business on Monday, Tull said the Covid-19 pandemic should teach everyone in the Carnival business, including the Government, that the approach cannot be the same as in previous years; it must be done holistically. Read more here



Embrace the train of progress

Fifty-two years ago, our journey as a Republic began. Along the way, there have been many successes, challenges and threats. Notwithstanding this, and, importantly, as a people, we were resilient, focused and resolute in our desire for a democratic, free, peaceful and prosperous Guyana. As a people, we have endured many challenges; some self-inflicted, some imported, and some manufactured for a “self-agenda”. Tonight, I have decided to directly address what is required from each of us as Guyanese to advance this country and create the ‘One Guyana’. Read more here



Ukraine crisis: UK ready to escalate Russian sanctions, says Truss

The UK is ready to escalate sanctions against Russia in the event of a full invasion of Ukraine, the foreign secretary has said. Liz Truss defended criticisms of measures announced by the government on Tuesday, describing them as "severe". She said it was important to keep further sanctions "in the locker". Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops to be sent into two Ukrainian regions held by Russian-backed separatists. On Tuesday Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced sanctions against Russia in response, with five banks having their assets frozen, along with those of three Russian billionaires who will also be hit with UK travel bans. Read more here

23rd February 2022


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