Daily Brief - Wednesday 17th November, 2021


Babysitter and parent of child she cares for killed

A 33-year-old hairdresser who was working as a babysitter was killed on Monday night along with the father of the child she was babysitting. Police said at about 12.08 am on Tuesday they were alerted to a wounding at Celestine Drive, Pelican Extension Morvant. On arrival they were told that at around 8 pm on Monday, Abigail Lewis, 33, of Alfred Richards Street, St James, Shaquille Primus, 27 and a relative of Primus were watching television when the relative took the child and put him to sleep. Read more here

Privy Council asked to overturn life sentence ruling for death row inmates

The Privy Council has been asked to overturn the decision of the local Court of Appeal to rule that automatic life sentences given to murder convicts, who cannot be executed due to delays in their appeals, were unconstitutional. Presenting submissions before the United Kingdom-based appellate court, yesterday morning, attorneys representing the State claimed that Chief Justice Ivor Archie and two Appeal Court Judges got it wrong in 2018 when they ruled that High Court Judges have the discretion to decide commuted sentences based on the particular circumstances of each case. Read more here



Moonilal: Hinds 'hopeless, hapless, clueless'

Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal is concerned that National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds is trying to instil fear in the public as the state of emergency (SoE) comes to an end on Wednesday. Moonilal said his concerns are based on Hinds's suggestions during a radio talk show on Sunday that some criminal elements have been waiting for the SoE to end. Read more here



Trade Minister: Trinidad and Tobago perfect combination for investors

Minister of Trade Paula Gopee-Scoon said Trinidad and Tobago are the perfect combination of industry and ecology that can be the place where foreign investors could see their businesses flourish. Gopee-Scoon made the statement while speaking at the “Doing business with Illinois” webinar hosted by Amcham on Tuesday, in which business owners, attorneys and members of the US Senate joined with TT representatives from government, local businesses and ExporTT to discuss the benefits of a business relationship between TT and Illinois. Read more here

CL Financial land, shares, companies for sale

Asset by asset, the liquidators of the CL Financial group are selling off the company that it took Cyril Duprey and his nephew, Lawrence, 73 years to build up. The liquidators are plodding through the sale of thousands of acres of land, millions of dollars worth of shares in a local conglomerate, a major local insurance firm, a manufacturer of resins and a security company. Read more here



Real estate sector ‘ripe’ with opportunities

Having launched its Guyana operations on Tuesday evening, Real Estate Maximums (REMAX) can now boast of being in every country in South America, according to Canada-based Guyanese businessmen Hemant and Shiv Misir, who founded REMAX Guyana. At an official launch at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown, Shiv Misir said that in addition to providing world class real estate services, REMAX Guyana also intends to provide training for agents operating in Guyana. Read more here



Deadly storm cuts transport links around Vancouver

A deadly storm described by officials as a once-in-a-century weather event has severed road and rail links around Vancouver, Canada. Two motorways connecting the West Coast city were closed after being damaged by severe flooding. Thousands of people were forced to leave their homes due to the massive storm, which struck on Monday. A woman was killed in a highway landslide, and rescuers say at least two other people are missing. The woman's body was found near Lillooet, about 250km (155 miles) from Vancouver, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Read more here

17th November 2021


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