Daily Brief - Tuesday 2nd August, 2022


NGC doing work on Wrightson Road

Commuters on Wrightson Road will experience a disturbance in the flow of traffic as NGC is working on a pipeline on the road on Monday. In a media release on Monday the National Gas Company of TT Limited (NGC) advised that it will extend construction works to divert a segment of its existing 16-inch low-pressure pipeline on Wrightson Road. The work is expected to be done between 8 am on Monday and 4 am on Tuesday. Read more here

Suspect in murder of couple found dead

The decomposing body of an African male discovered in a forested area off Rincon Road, Las Cuevas, yesterday morning has been unofficially identified as that of Franklyn Abel Clement. The 34-year-old, who worked as a security guard, is believed to have murdered Hollis and Shireen Valdez on July 29 at their home before he made good his escape into the bushes leading off to a popular hiking path. Although an official identification will be done today at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, angry villagers yesterday blocked the main road in front of the house where the murders occurred with burning debris, demanding lawmen show them the corpse. Having spent two sleepless nights since the murders occurred, as they were fearful the armed Clement could return and hurt them also, the villagers said they were happy to receive closure after viewing the suspect’s clothing and belongings. Read more here



Kambon to Government: 'Days for asking over...We must demand reparation'

The Caribbean Freedom Project’s director Shabaka Kambon made it clear to National Security minister Fitzgerald Hinds on Monday, that the Caribbean should not be asking for reparations for slavery from the British government but rather demanding it. Kambon, speaking at the formal ceremony before the start Kambule Procession at Treasury Building, Treasury Street, Port of Spain, was responding Hinds' earlier revelation that the Prime Minister had written to the UK’s Prince Charles and to Prince William to “call and contemplate” for a system of reparations for African people. The procession, hosted by the Emancipation Support Committee of TT (ESCTT), was the first held to celebrate Emancipation Day in TT since the start of the covid19 pandemic in 2020. Read more here

Kamla promises to create a steelpan factory in T&T

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says she will create a pan factory in T&T when she returns as Prime Minister. Speaking at Emancipation celebrations held at Southern Marines Pan Theatre at the Marabella Trainline on Emancipation Day, Persad-Bissessar said it was regrettable that T&T invented the steelpan but does not sell the instrument. “If you want to buy a steelpan right now you have to go to Japan to buy one. You think that is right?” she questioned. Saying she planned to work closely with Pantrinbago to expand steelpan education and training, Persad-Bissessar said: “The pan in schools programme was one way that my government recognised the Steelpan Movement. On our return, we shall work closely with Pan Trinbago to expand this programme to include the steelpan facilities in our communities that continue to work with our youth.” Read more here



GraceKennedy's half year revenues up J$9.2b over prior year

During the first half of 2022, GraceKennedy Limited (GK) achieved revenues of J$72.59 billion, representing an increase of 14.6 per cent or J$9.24 billion over the corresponding period in 2021. This resulted in profit before tax (PBT) of J$5.46 billion an increase of $12.6 million over prior year, as outlined in the company’s financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2022. Net profit attributable to stockholders for the period was J$3.7 billion, which is $111.6 million higher than the corresponding period last year; and earnings per stock unit was J$3.73, compared to J$3.62 in 2021. Commenting on the half-year performance, GK Group CEO Don Wehby said the company remained cautiously optimistic, pointing out that despite the difficult economic climate being experienced locally and globally, GK’s half year revenue and profit are ahead of target. Read more here

Copper crime worries

Chief executive of Digicel Trinidad, Abraham Smith, says he is deeply concerned about the increasing number of instances of deliberate cable vandalism caused by persons searching for copper. On Sunday morning, TSTT’s fibre optics and copper cables were cut and stolen from one of its main arteries in Cross Crossing, San Fernando. The incident caused disruption to mobile, Internet and cable service to tens of thousands of customers throughout the country and acting Commissioner of Police McDonald Jacob described it as “a security risk in the whole communications network”. Read more here



Selfless was their struggle

The sacrifices made by our African ancestors in their fight for the abolition of slavery must forever be given the honour and respect they deserve, and must never be diminished. These sentiments were expressed by President, Dr Irfaan Ali on Monday as he delivered the feature address at the Emancipation Day Cultural Diversity Festival held at Stelling Road, New Amsterdam, Region Six, in celebration of Emancipation Day. The celebration was observed under the theme, “Celebrating Our Emancipation and Cultural Diversity.” Read more here



Ayman al-Zawahiri: Shock in Kabul as US kills al-Qaeda leader

The first signs of an operation that was months in the making erupted when an attack rocked the centre of Kabul in the early hours of Sunday morning: we heard two thunderous blasts on our street nearby. Speculation swirled around who or what had hit this "empty house" in Sherpur. It is a neighbourhood which became notorious over the past two decades for its garish multi-storey villas, mocked by Kabul residents as the stronghold of corrupt warlords and officials, a gaudy symbol of the spoils of an ugly war. Kabulis called it Choorpur, the town of thieves. The Taliban took over some of the empty villas, close to some high-walled Western embassies, which also slammed shut when the Taliban took charge. Read more here

2nd August 2022


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