Daily Brief - Tuesday 26th April, 2022


Gate falls on girl, 13, at Carapichaima school

A 13-year-old girl was injured on Monday when a gate fell and knocked her to the ground shortly after she arrived at school in Carapichaima. Her mother told Newsday by phone on Monday afternoon, "She hit her hands. She is in pain. The gate also hit her in the back of her head. Her head is hurting." The mother said it happened shortly before 8 am. She was not present. Read more here

CAL saves some jobs with smaller retrenchment list

With several new routes added to its schedule, Caribbean Airlines (CAL) says it will have to decide whether any of the 280 employees who were retrenched in 2021 will be rehired. Responding to questions from Guardian Media yesterday, CAL’s corporate communication manager, Dionne Ligoure, said the airline managed to save some jobs after their almost TT$173 million loss in 2021. About ten months ago, the company announced it would retrench 450 workers after it took a huge loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. But Ligoure yesterday said not all the employees set to be retrenched were sent home. Read more here



Al-Rawi: Borough Day events cancelled to protect against covid

Rural Development and Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi says Trinidad and Tobago  must accept that notwitstanding the lifting of most public health restrictions, it is very easy for the country still to be swamped by the covid19 virus, if people and communitities are not careful and vigilant. He said Government had decided to cancel some of the major events associated with Pt Fortin Borough Day because there is still a risk that such events could be super-spreaders of the virus. Read more here

Kamla on spy claims: You'll get no evidence from me

No evidence from Kamla! Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the PNM Government will not bait her into "bringing evidence" to name people who are being illegally spied upon. And she’s now called for Government to say if it is using another type of spyware - Cytrox’s Predator spyware - as a 2021 Canadian article claims. "I bring no evidence for you foolish people– none whatsoever. I will bring no evidence!” Persad-Bissessar added at Monday night’s UNC forum meeting. She was responding to calls by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds to do so. Rowley last week deemed as false, her claims on Pegasus intercept equipment and that people in sectors from the magistracy to media were being illegally spied upon. Read more here



Four-fold path to transformation

In order to solidify the foundation of Guyana’s economy and enhance the overall well-being and welfare of every Guyanese, the government is crafting a framework for development that will be sustained through prudent and effective investment of oil funds into education, health, infrastructure and the non-oil sectors. Unlike the agenda of the former administration, especially as regards expenditure of the immense returns that will accrue to Guyana from its oil-and-gas sector, Dr Jagdeo said the intention of the incumbent is to craft a framework for the future which will see more proceeds from the petroleum industry going towards Guyanese. Read more here



War in Ukraine: The village with Russia and Belarus on its doorstep

The village of Senkivka in Ukraine is situated at the nexus of the border crossing between Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Once the site of festivals that celebrated the friendship between the three countries, it's now a war front line, and its residents tell of families separated across borders living in fear. With rare access to the village, Yogita Limaye has seen first-hand the impact of a community torn apart by war. Russian forces withdrew from northern Ukraine at the start of April, but mortar shelling and grenade attacks continue in Senkivka. Prior to the invasion, it was home to a little more than 200 people. Now there are just a handful who've stayed back. Nina Malenok's home is just by the side of a road that Russian troops used as they began their invasion of Ukraine, on their way to the northern city of Chernihiv, and the capital Kyiv. Read more here

26th April 2022


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