Daily Brief - Tuesday 25th June, 2024


Cousins killed for jewellery in Matura triple murder

A relative of three cousins who were killed in a home invasion in Matura on June 23 say the trio were killed for their jewellery. Police said around 1.15 am, Sherwyn McFarlane, 17, Andre Maloney, 21, Malcolm Richardson, 21, and Rick Sookdeo, 30, were at a house on Mendoza Street when four gunmen shot them. Officers from the Eastern Division Task Force and Matura Police Station responded to calls by residents and found the four men. Read more here

Weather Forecast for Today until Midnight – Tuesday 25 June 2024

Cloudy and windy with showers/periods of rain.  Medium (40%) chance of isolated thunderstorm activity. Conditions will settle by afternoon with a few lingering showers. Gusty winds and street/flash flooding can occur in the event of heavy showers and/or thunderstorms. Night will be partly cloudy and hazy with the isolated shower. Read more here



Kamla: Ragbir will be given due process

Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Dr Rai Ragbir, who voted in favour of the Whistleblower Protection Bill in the Parliament last week, must be afforded due process and will be treated fairly and according to the party's constitution, says UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Persad-Bissessar told supporters at UNC's cottage meeting at its Mulchan Seuchan Road, Chaguanas, headquarters on June 24 that the party's new national executive had "not caucused on the matter." Read more here

12 seats up for contest in PNM Natex

Some current national executive members of the People’s National Movement (PNM), including Welfare Officer Maxine Richards and Operations Officer Irene Hinds, intend to contest the posts they hold when the party’s internal election is held. Others, including PNM treasurer Kazim Hosein, have not decided yet on contesting. At last Sunday’s PNM Family Day, Prime Minister Keith Rowley announced that the PNM’s national executive elections would be held at the party’s convention, which will take place soon. The last executive election involving 16 posts was in 2022. Contestants won with votes ranging from Rowley’s 8,424 to assistant general secretary Patricia Alexis’ 5,607. Read more here


Trade Ministry wins best online public service award

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has been awarded the best online public service award for its TTBizLink platform. The award was presented at the Ministry of Public Administration’s (MPA) Public Service Excellence Awards at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on June 20. The award recognises ministries, departments, or agencies demonstrating excellence in delivering online services to citizens. Read more here

CAL wins best airline staff award

Caribbean Airlines has once again walked away with the best airline staff in Central America/Caribbean 2024 award from UK ratings agency Skytrax. The announcement was made yesterday at the World Airline Awards held at Fairmont Windsor Park in the United Kingdom. Often called the ‘Oscars of the aviation industry’, the World Airline Awards is a global passenger satisfaction survey that solicits feedback from over 100 customer nationalities. This is the second year in a row that Caribbean Airlines has won the award. Qatar Airways beat out over 350 airlines to be voted the world’s best airline, as well as the world’s best business class, the world’s best business class lounge and the best airline in the Middle East. Read more here



CARICOM distillers urged to establish joint marketing entity

President Dr, Irfaan Ali on Monday urged regional distillers to form a collective mechanism to establish a marketing entity that could penetrate international markets. The Guyanese Head of State who is also the current chairperson of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) touted the initiative at the handing over of the Demerara Distillers Limited’s (DDL) Rum Blend on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of CARICOM. “One of the things I believe that the CARICOM distillers should do in celebration of their own integration in this 50th year is to come together to find ways in which collectively we can penetrate a regional brand carrying all our products in the international market,” President Ali said. Read more here



Age anxiety hangs over first Biden-Trump debate

For Joe Biden and Donald Trump - the two oldest candidates ever to seek the US presidency - age is an election issue neither can escape. On Thursday, the current Democratic president, 81, and his Republican predecessor, 78, will face off in Atlanta, Georgia, for the first of two debates ahead of November’s vote, offering Americans a rare, split-screen comparison of the two men’s physical and mental strength. For 90 minutes, under the glare of the high-definition cameras, President Biden and former President Trump — who remain nearly tied in national opinion polls — will spar on issues ranging from the economy and foreign wars to immigration and the future of democracy. One slip-up, stumble or verbal miscue could cement concerns about their advanced age, with the potential for reshaping an already tight presidential race as voters begin to pay attention. Read more here

25th June 2024


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