Daily Brief - Tuesday 22nd February, 2022


Healthcare Horror: 3-week wait for COVID test results

In early January, teachers were conducting virtual classes, huddled in their South Trinidad school’s staff room. As they were already hyper-vigilant because of COVID-19, a cough in such a tight setting would have been concerning. The small room was the only area on the school compound with a reliable internet connection. Then, it echoed through the room. It began as a cough, and one of the teachers was exhibiting flu-like symptoms upon further inspection. The teachers were ordered to get tested immediately and go into quarantine. Read more here

Health Ministry launches school covid vaccination drive

The Ministry of Health rolled out its covid19 vaccination drive in schools on Monday. In a joint statement on Friday, the ministries of Health and Education issued a statement which announced the launch of the drive in secondary schools which will target school staffl, parents, and students 12 and older. Phase one of the project began on Monday and will continue for the rest of the week, targeting 35 schools across the country. Read more here



Tobago PNM: Collect internal election nomination forms from February 28

The PNM Tobago Council has said nomination forms for its April 24, 2022, internal election can be collected at the party’s Robinson Street head office, Scarborough, from February 28, between 9 am and 4pm. In a release on Monday, the party said a pre-nomination check will be held on March 11, a month before the election. A run-off election for political leader, if necessary, will be held on May 1. The Tobago Council’s January 2020 internal election ended in a run-off between leadership contenders Kelvin Charles and Tracy Davidson-Celestine. Read more here

AG, member of PM’s delegation COVID-positive

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, a member of the T&T delegation to Doha, Qatar, led by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and two Opposition UNC Parliamentarians have recently contracted COVID-19. A statement from the Attorney General’s office yesterday confirmed Al-Rawi yesterday tested positive for COVID-19. A subsequent statement from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) meanwhile confirmed that a member of the support staff team which accompanied the Prime Minister to the Qatar energy conference has also tested positive for the disease. Read more here



Gonzales corrects Padarath over cause of blackout

Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales has knocked Opposition MP Barry Padarath for disseminating wrong information to the public with respect to last Wednesday’s blackout. At a news conference on Sunday, Padarath said Gonzales’ comments about the power outage, at the Parliament sitting last Friday in response to an urgent question, contradicted statements made by T&TEC general manager Kelvin Ramsook. Read more here



More doors of opportunity open

The International Energy Conference and Expo (IECE) which concluded on Friday has opened opportunities in multiple sectors, outside of just oil and gas, and the government is pleased with the manner in which the event was conducted. Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle shortly after the four-day event ended, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, said that though the conference was about energy, it placed sufficient emphasis on several of Guyana’s other sectors. Read more here



Ukraine-Russia tensions: Oil surges on supply fears

Oil and gas prices are climbing on fears that the Ukraine-Russia crisis will disrupt supplies across the world. The price of Brent crude, an international benchmark, reached a seven-year high of $99.38 (£73) a barrel on Tuesday. The RAC motoring group warned that rising crude oil prices would hit UK petrol prices. Russia ordered troops into two rebel-held regions in Ukraine's east after it recognised them as independent states. In London, the FTSE 100 share index opened more than 1.4% lower before regaining ground and turning positive. But Asian stock markets closed lower, and US stock exchanges were braced for losses. Read more here

22nd February 2022


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