Daily brief - Tuesday 17th December, 2019


Newallo-Hosein: Declare Penal/Debe a disaster zone

CUMUTO/MANZANILLA MP Christine Newallo-Hosein has sought to bring a definite matter of urgent public importance to have Penal/Debe and other areas severely affected by recent catastrophic flooding as disaster zones.

She brought the motion at Monday's sitting of the House and included the need for Government to expeditiously implement disaster relief and compensation to those affected. Read more here…

Five to hang for Khoury’s murder

Five men were sen­tenced to death by hang­ing af­ter a ju­ry found them guilty, af­ter lengthy de­lib­er­a­tion, of the kid­nap­ping and mur­der of Dr Ed­ward Khoury.

High Court Judge Mal­colm Holdip passed sen­tence on Shawn James, Caleb Don­ald­son, Jerome Mur­ray, Ter­ry Moore and Robert Franklyn at around 8:15 pm, more than six and half hours af­ter he sent the ju­ry to de­cide up­on a ver­dict.

The 12-mem­ber ju­ry took about four and a half hours to de­cide in the tri­al in to­tal as there were two breaks in the de­lib­er­a­tion process. Read more here…



Too much power

Oropouche East MP, Dr Roodal Moonilal, is urging government to first reform the police service before giving them draconian powers by which citizens can be abused to create "a reign of terror."

“You are giving more powers to the police, draconian powers," he said in Parliament on Monday. "You should reform the police service before you even bring this kind of legislation.” Read more here…

AG: Opposition Leader may be called as witness

Some MPs, in­clud­ing Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar, may po­ten­tial­ly find them­selves giv­ing ev­i­dence in court in pre­lim­i­nary in­quiries linked to Life Sport and Pris­ongate.

This was re­vealed yes­ter­day by At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi dur­ing de­bate of the Ad­min­is­tra­tion of Jus­tice (In­dictable Pro­ceed­ings) Bill which he pi­lot­ed in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Read more here…



Touchstone finds more oil in Ortoire

CANADIAN energy company, Touchstone Exploration, yesterday announced that the company has made what it described as “a significant crude oil discovery with the Cascadura-1ST1 well”, which is onshore in the Ortoire exploration block.

The oil company said Cascadura well cased hole wireline logs indicated. Read more here…



Commissioner Says Proposed Merger Won’t Compromise Britain’s Ties With Ja

The top British diplomat in Jamaica has sought to dispel fears here and in the wider Caribbean that the prospective merger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for International Development (DfID) will cause millions of pounds sterling in aid to governments to be slashed.

Last week, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson charged, in the run-up to the general election, that officials at both the FCO and DfID draw up plans on the viability of consolidating the two agencies. Read more here…


Security cameras with facial recognition for Ports of Entry – MOPT

THE Ministry of Public Telecommunication’s National Data Management Authority (NDMA) is gearing up to launch a major security initiative, which will see the installation of high quality surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition, at the country’s ports of entry. Read more here…



Brexit bill to rule out extension to transition period

The post-Brexit transition period - due to conclude in December 2020 -  can currently be extended by mutual agreement for up to two years. But an amended Withdrawal Agreement Bill the Commons is set to vote on this week would rule out any extension. Read more here…


Democrats try to make Republicans pay the price in Trump trial

It may be a no-brainer for Senate Republicans to keep President Donald Trump in office -- but it's becoming clear that Democrats mean to make them pay a heavy price for saving the President in his impeachment trial early next year.

In a sign of the high-stakes politics to come, minority Democrats are not waiting for the House to impeach Trump -- a move expected on Wednesday -- before they open the political battle in the Senate. Read more here…


17th December 2019


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