Daily Brief - Tuesday 12th October, 2021


Lifebuoy to host global virtual classroom on hand washing

Global hygiene soap brand Lifebuoy plans to observe Global Hand washing Day (GHD) by hosting what it says is the world’s largest virtual classroom to impart the important lesson of hand washing with soap. Having already helped over one billion people develop better hand washing habits, improve their hygiene, and protect themselves against preventable diseases, this GHD, Lifebuoy will launch a series of interactive games aimed at driving digital behaviour change, along with a hygiene-focused alphabet book. Read more here



Roget agrees with Kamla: Budget a war on the people

Without fear of contradiction or condemnation, president general of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) Ancel Roget said he agrees with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s position that the 2021/2022 budget is a war on the people of TT. War on the population was a recurring theme in Persad-Bissessar’s response to the budget as she cited, among other examples, the divide between vaccinated and unvaccinated which she said deprives children of an education, bad laws, alleged interference in independent bodies such as the Police Service Commission (PSC), as well as the “imposition of a useless curfew.” Read more here

Govt official denies Moonilal’s claim of impending SoE crisis

The State of Emergency regulations can be amended by Cabinet to have it under the name of the Minister of National Security instead of the Police Commissioner, if that is at all necessary. This was explained by a Government spokesperson last night after United National Congress MP Dr Roodal Moonilal claimed another crisis was emerging since the curfew and State of Emergency (SoE) was under the CoP’s “hand.” He then cited reports that there may not be a Commissioner of Police (CoP) after October 15. Moonilal made the comment during the UNC's Monday Night Forum. Read more here




RFHL changes name of its insurance company

On August 16, the Central Bank of T&T granted Republic Financial Holdings Ltd (RFHL) approval for its wholly owned subsidiary, Republic Evolve Ltd to be registered as a long-term insurance company to conduct the life insurance class of business only. Effective September 15 Republic Evolve Ltd (Republic Evolve) became known as Republic Life Insurance Company Ltd (Republic Life). Read more here

Business as usual in Chaguanas

IT WAS business as usual in downtown Chaguanas yesterday, the first day of the implementation of the Government’s TT Safe Zone initiative. There were no safe zone signs in front of the malls but conspicuous signs stating that patrons must wear masks to enter were seen at the front of several business places. Chaguanas seemed busier than usual and shoppers walked freely into malls and patronised food courts. Read more here



Coalition’s ‘unconscionable’ wrong to sugar workers being corrected

Correcting what he called an “unconscionable” wrong, Vice-President Bharat Jagdeo in a video interview published on Facebook stoutly defended the announced distribution of $250,000 each to thousands of sugar workers who were severed during the tenure of the A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) government. Acknowledging the APNU+AFC’s claim that public servants received 70 per cent in increased salaries between 2015 to 2020, Vice-President Jagdeo pointed out that sugar workers did not benefit from this. Read more here



Covid: UK's early response worst public health failure ever, MPs say

The UK's failure to do more to stop Covid spreading early in the pandemic was one of the worst ever public health failures, a report by MPs says. The government approach - backed by its scientists - was to try to manage the situation and in effect achieve herd immunity by infection, it said. This led to a delay in introducing the first lockdown, costing thousands of lives. But the report highlights successes too, including the vaccination rollout. It described the whole approach to the vaccination programme - from the research and development through to the rollout of the jabs - as "one of the most effective initiatives in UK history". Read more here

12th October 2021


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