Daily Brief - Thursday 5th August, 2021


Spain, Sweden donate covid19 vaccines to Latin America, Caribbean

The governments of Spain and Sweden have begun donating covid19 vaccines to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. On April 21, the Spanish government announced it will donate 7.5 million doses of covid19 vaccines to the region. In a press release, its Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said it was part of the "unequivocal commitment of the Government of Spain to universal access to the vaccine so that "no one gets left behind." Read more here

Unions, business leaders begin planning for full reopening

In an attempt to formulate a framework to guide safe work as T&T moves towards a full reopening of the economy, the heads of several business organisations have started discussions with the trade union movement, hoping to arrive at a position that will protect workers’ rights and preserve the rights of all employers. In a joint release yesterday, the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM), National Trade Union Centre (NATUC) and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions and NGO’s (FITUN) said Tuesday’s meeting was “to commence bi-lateral dialogue on the framework for safe work in a COVID-19 environment across all sectors as the economy reopens, with the aim of mitigating further economic hardship.” Read more here



Minister, MP visit Maraval fire survivors

Minister of Social Development and Family Services Donna Cox visited the Maraval fire survivors at their grandmother’s home, Bournes Road, St James on Wednesday. The Burke family have been staying there since their home at Rookery Nook, Maraval was destroyed. Ezekiel, 17, Faith, six, and Kayden Burke, three, died trying to escape from the house after a fire broke out on July 26 around 7.20 am. Only two children, 13 and 15, got out alive. Read more here



What Justice Seepersad's ruling on fixed number portability means

The finding delivered by Justice Frank Seepersad on July 28 was clear: "The court hereby declares that TSTT is legally obligated to implement FNP (fixed number portability) and the parties shall be heard on the issue of costs." What was at stake here and what does it mean for consumers? What are the likely next steps? The first response came from TSTT, which immediately shot back with a press release, noting that, "The court made no mandatory order against TSTT." Read more here

 TTSEC launches investor protection app

The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) yesterday launched a new mobile app that makes it much easier to report investment scams and make complaints about dodgy investment practices. Delivering the feature address at the launch of the mobile investor protection app, acting TTSEC CEO Lystra Lucillio said last year in the midst of the pandemic, they saw an increase in the number of Ponzi/pyramid type financial scams being reported in the news and circulating on social media. Read more here



President seeks partnership with World Bank on educational advancement

President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, has informed senior officials of the World Bank that Guyana is interested in a dedicated funding partner for education.
He lobbied for support in this area during a meeting with a visiting delegation from the World Bank and a subsidiary of the bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), at the Office of the President, on Wednesday. The visiting high-level team was led by the World Bank’s Vice-President responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean, Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, and the Country Director for the Caribbean, Lilia Burunciuc. The Head of State said that while the oil and gas sector is important, it will not be Guyana’s sole sector moving forward. Read more here



Delta variant is ravaging the world but it's pushing Southeast Asia to breaking point

Countries across Asia are grappling with their worst coronavirus outbreaks of the pandemic, spurred by low vaccine rates and the highly-contagious Delta variant. While nations such as ChinaJapan and South Korea are seeing growing outbreaks, the sharp edge of the Delta wave is being keenly felt in Southeast Asia, with countries seeing rapid rises in case numbers and deaths. Southeast Asian nations that managed to contain outbreaks last year are now struggling with overwhelmed health services, a lack of hospital beds, equipment, and oxygen. They have also reimposed lockdowns, shuttering factories in crucial manufacturing hubs and restricting the movement of citizens already suffering financially. Read more here

5th August 2021


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