Daily Brief - Thursday 28th November, 2019


Cease your attacks on journalists

One Caribbean Media (OCM) chairman, attorney Faarees Hosein, has called on Police Commissioner Gary Griffith to desist from engaging in behaviour that causes “discomfort, distress or anxiety” to media professionals. Read more here

Sinanan: PTSC needs 450 buses

THE PUBLIC Service Transport Corporation (PTSC) needs 450 serviceable buses to service TT, reported Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan. He was responding in the House on Wednesday to a question from Tabaquite MP Surujrattan Rambachan. Read more here

Stray bullet misses student, grazes teacher

Gunmen climbed onto rooftops of the Plannings at Upper and Lower Nelson Street and fired off “warning/message” gunshots at each other yesterday morning when five stray bullets ended up penetrating a classroom at the South East Port-of-Spain Secondary School. Read more here



Moonilal calls for investigation into alleged CoP set-up

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal has called for an investigation into an alleged set-up of Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith. "We call for a full and complete investigation into any purported attempt to frame and set-up the Commissioner of Police in this matter. Read more here

Imbert: ‘Excellent’ prospects to recover CL Financial $8b

FINANCE Minister Colm Imbert has said CL Financial and its subsidiaries still owe the State more than $8 billion. He was responding to a question in the House on Wednesday. Read more here



McDonald’s gearing up to support Heroes

THE Heroes Foundation will benefit from all sales of McDonald’s ‘Big Mac’ burgers during the restaurant’s 2019 ‘Great Day’ fundraiser this Friday. This was revealed on Monday in a release from marketing manager of McDonald’s TT Kalifa Duncan. Read more here

Nestle not leaving T&T...Official: departure talk fake news

Nestlé is not closing its operations and leaving Trinidad and Tobago. In fact, the company continues to invest millions in to its operations here and hopes to stick around for another 100 years, says Patricio Torres, head of market for Nestle in the Anglo-Dutch Caribbean. Read more here



Sea defence needs $14b in urgent repairs over next three years – Patterson

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson says $14 billion is needed between 2020 and 2022 to effect “urgent” repairs on 32.9 kilometers of Guyana’s sea defence, failing which, locations across the coast will suffer a fate similar to what Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, has been seeing in recent weeks. Read more here

Trademark Dispute Over Bliss Cakes - J’can Businessman Wants Registration Held By Barbados Company Revoked

A Jamaican company which began producing desserts under the name Bliss cakes and bars seven years ago has asked the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office, JIPO, to revoke the trademark registered by Caribbean Brands International Inc, a Barbados-based affiliate of the Jamaica Biscuit Company, which has been selling cakes with the same name for two years. Read more here



Hong Kong protests: China warns US over Human Rights and Democracy Act

China has warned the US it could take "firm counter-measures" if Washington continues to show support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. The warning came after US President Donald Trump signed the Human Rights and Democracy Act into law. Read more here

The precipitous fall of America's mayor

(CNN)For the last three years, Rudy Giuliani seemed to roam the world with impunity as a kind of rogue ambassador to President Donald Trump, swatting aside concerns from US national security aides and diplomats as he carried out the President's bidding. Read more here




28th November 2019


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