Daily Brief - Thursday 26th November, 2020


Docs: Covid19 may overload parallel health care if we don’t behave

In yet another plea to the public to avoid large gatherings, Ministry of Health officials have warned that ignoring medical advice or public health regulations could lead to a spike in covid19 cases which could overwhelm the parallel healthcare system even before the end of the Christmas season. Medical professionals speaking during the ministry’s virtual covid19 update on Wednesday advised the public to avoid Christmas gatherings, as a rise in cases is expected in the new year, because of Christmas and New Year gatherings. Read more here

Economist: Economy will suffer if Venezuelans leave

Should Venezuelans return home it would hurt the economy. Need for greater data on the community. Warning that labour market should not over rely on migrant workers. As the new year approaches, the government will have to make a decision on whether to extend the stay of registered Venezuelans in the country and one local economist is warning that any exodus of Venezuelan from T&T would significantly hurt the economy. Read more here



Row over migrants as PM rants at OAS, US

The Venezuelan migrant crisis reached boiling point on Wednesday after the Prime Minister accused the Organization of American States (OAS) of "triggering and fuelling" the influx of migrants here and even boldly stated that "these public officials have virtually declared war on Trinidad and Tobago," for refusing to join the United States "in forcing violent regime change" in the South American country. Read more here

Bharath pledges to return stalwarts to UNC

A new United National Congress will return stalwarts who’ve been alienated from the party and will have a committee of elders comprising former MPs, says leadership contender Vasant Bharath. He also offered those plans while deeming the Kamla Persad-Bissessar leadership a failure - including on the recent Anti-Gang debate in Parliament Speaking at a meeting last night, Bharath added, “To the current leadership, I say the entire nation is looking on. If you cannot manage your party’s affairs and its democratic internal election with honour and principle, how could the country expect you to provide distinguished, competent and fair national leadership?” Read more here



Mario's keeps Trini flavours in 'new normal'

Mario's Pizzeria has survived the shock of the covid19 pandemic, but now the "new normal" of social distancing measures suggests its future has changed. Even after the lockdown was lifted, until recently in-house dining at restaurants was banned. Customers can now eat on the premises, with some restrictions, but the pandemic may have long-term effects – even for Mario's, part of the TT landscape since 1972, with 21 branches. Read more here

Even as the country is in peril, they will not pivot

A few weeks ago I asked the question whether Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar can pivot like Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley. At that time I was reflecting on a speech given by Mottley in which she articulated a vision for the Caribbean. A bold vision in which the region could be a global leader in technology and one which finally moves away from an over-dependence on a singular product for its sustenance. Read more here



$4b Tax Cheats - Multinationals Under Microscope For Offshoring Wealth

Jamaica’s public service is being robbed of at least $4 billion yearly because of elaborate tax avoidance and tax-evasion schemes used by some companies, a new report has suggested. Fingers are being pointed particularly at multinational corporations that funnel huge profits back to their host countries but pay very little in the countries they operate. The report published by Public Service International stated that approximately US$20 million in yearly tax losses can be directly attributed to multinational corporations, while US$9 million can be pinned on private individuals. Read more here

Democracy the ‘oxygen’ for development

Democracy remains the strongest ally for development, said President Dr Irfaan Ali in his address at an Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Suriname on the occasion of that country’s 45th independence anniversary. The President, who is in the neighbouring country on a state visit, told Suriname’s National Assembly that through democracy, the electorate is allowed to hold its government accountable and Guyana looks forward to working with Suriname to ensure greater respect for democratic norms and values. Read more here



In Trump and Biden, reality and fantasy collide on Thanksgiving

Coronavirus infections are skyrocketing. Unemployment is rising. Food lines are getting longer. And President Donald Trump is tweeting. Happy Thanksgiving. This year's holiday season is bringing Americans together, literally, despite the best advice and increasingly urgent pleas of experts, who worry that family gatherings will seed a surge-upon-a-surge of Covid-19 cases. Read more here

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: PM declares assault on regional capital Mekelle

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed says he is launching the "final phase" of the army's operation in Tigray with an attack on the regional capital, Mekelle. He said the military would try not to harm civilians and urged people in the city to stay at home. It comes after a deadline he gave for Tigray fighters to surrender passed on Wednesday. The TPLF party, which controls Mekelle, has vowed to keep fighting. Read more here

26th November 2020


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