Daily Brief - Thursday 26th August, 2021


Ready to boost exports

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers Association (TTMA) yesterday welcomed the announcement by Finance Minister Colm Imbert on Tuesday that US$644 million would be added to T&T’s foreign reserves as a result of the expansion of Special Drawing Rights by the International Monetary Fund. In a news release yesterday, the TTMA said the addition to the country’s foreign reserves allows for further assistance to be afforded to manufacturers via the EXIM Bank to the manufacturing sector. Read more here



Chote: Trinidad and Tobago Constitution gives no right to bear arms

Sophia Chote, SC, president of the Law Association (LATT), has agreed with former acting commissioner of police Stephen Williams that the Trinidad and Tobago Constitution does not give citizens the right to bear arms. Williams was responding to statements by current acting CoP Gary Griffith that citizens had a legal right to own a firearm by applying for an FUL under the Firearms Act. Read more here

Two more cases of Delta variant

The Health Ministry has announced two more cases of the Delta variant. The announcement was made via a news release Wednesday night. The Ministry of Health advises the population that today, 25th August, 2021 at 6:09 pm, two additional cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant of Concern were confirmed. Therefore, Trinidad and Tobago has confirmed five cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant to date. The fourth and fifth patients recently returned to Trinidad from the United States and Guyana respectively. As per existing quarantine protocols, both persons provided negative PCR tests (which were taken 72-hours prior to arrival). Read more here



THA takes tough stand on home quarantine breaches

The Tobago House of Assembly (THA) is taking a tough stand on people who breach covid19 home quarantine guidelines. Making this announcement on Wednesday at the post-executive council news conference, Chief Secretary Ancil Dennis said there will be increased patrols by the police and other law-enforcement agencies aimed at monitoring the behaviour of those in home quarantine. Read more here

PM: We’ll discontinue SoE early once safe to do so

Even if another 90-day State of Emergency (SoE ) was approved, Government intends to discontinue the SoE at the first and earliest opportunity once it won’t increase COVID-19 risk and it’s medically safe and reasonable to end it. Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley gave that assurance in the House of Representatives yesterday while piloting a motion to extend the SoE to November 30. It required only Government votes for passage and was eventually passed with a vote of 21 for on the Government’s side, none against and 18 abstentions from the Opposition side. Read more here



How vaccination debate changes the workplace environment

There is a not unreasonable assumption in the conduct of business that there is an advantage in “taking in front before in front takes you.” As the government has loosened restrictions on at least a few more parts of the economy this week, it has brought to the surface the much-publicised ongoing struggles between those workers willing to be vaccinated and those, holding on to their constitutional rights to decide on intrusions into their physical bodies, who are not willing to. It is therefore not unreasonable to predict some industrial-relations conflict on who gets what job and under what conditions, when full occupancy resumes. Read more here

Search for private partner for Scarborough, PoS ports has begun

The search has begun to find a private partner to operate at the Port of Port-of-Spain and the Port of Scarborough. “The Government of the Republic of T&T operating through the Port Authority (PATT), invites interest from willing investors with experience in port investments, development and operations, shipping, logistics and cruise operations to propose business ideas that will support participation in a PPP Landlord model project with the PATT, in any or all of the following areas: Read more here



Vaccination of children commences today

THE inoculation of children between the ages of 12 and 18 years with the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine will commence today, Thursday, according to Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony. “We will start rolling out the programmes; we’ll have an initial programme at Saint Stanislaus College…where we’ll do, between the two ministries – Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, a sensitisation session, then we’ll do some vaccinations for students,” Dr. Anthony said during Wednesday’s edition of the daily COVID-19 update. He said that today’s session will also see the unveiling of the vaccination schedule, outlining the locations, dates and times for the administering of Pfizer, the first coronavirus vaccine to receive full approval from the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Read more here



Afghanistan: Attack could strike Kabul airport within hours, minister warns

There could be an "highly lethal" terror attack at Kabul airport within hours, a minister has warned. Armed Forces minister James Heappey said there were "very credible" reports of a "severe" threat in the capital. The Foreign Office last night issued new guidance telling anyone near the airport to "move away to a safe location and await further advice". It comes amid a race to airlift thousands from Afghanistan before foreign troops depart. The US has set a deadline of 31 August for the withdrawal of its troops, with President Joe Biden rejecting calls from Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other allies for an extension. Read more here

26th August 2021


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