Daily Brief - Thursday 1st September, 2022


TTMA welcomes trade complaints MOU with Jamaica

The T&T Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) has said it applauds the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on trade complaints between T&T and Jamaica. This is a landmark that will deepen and strengthen existing trade relations, the TTMA said in a statement. “The TTMA fully supports this initiative as it will further develop the Caricom Single Market and Economy. It will also assist in the removal of non-trade barriers and restrictions and continue to develop each country’s economy,” the TTMA explained. According to the organisation recently, both countries faced many trade-related challenges, especially those originating in the extra regional arena which has curtailed the free flow of trade. It said solidifying domestic relations, such as this MOU is therefore, timely. Read more here



Independence Day parade returns

A stray dog stole the show at the Independence Day parade at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain when it trotted in front of the audience after a display from the Police Canine Unit. People cheered for the dogs of the unit as they heeled, sat, crouched and walked at the command of their marching human partners. However, ironically, as the unit was leaving centre stage, a black and brown "pothound" decided to strut back and forth in front of the stands to the amusement of the crowd who laughed and clapped for the stray dog. The parade in commemoration of 60 years of independence for TT, started promptly at 7.30 am on Wednesday. But just 15 minutes before that, at the main gate of the Grand Stand, there was a large crowd of people with invitations attempting to get inside in time for the start of the event. Read more here



THA Minority Leader: Trinidad and Tobago should feel proud of its achievements

THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris says Trinidad and Tobago should feel proud of its achievements as an independent nation. In a statement to mark the country’s 60th anniversary of Independence on Wednesday, he said, “We are still a young nation. Yet we have come so far in terms of our development. We have distinguished ourselves on the world stage in sport, music, academics and so many other areas.” Morris, the electoral representative for Darrel Spring/Whim, said that the country’s religious, racial and cultural diversity has also been one of its greatest strengths. Read more here

Newallo-Hosein doesn't feel NTA will split UNC votes

Former UNC Cumuto Manzanilla MP Christine Newallo-Hosein, who’s now the National Transformation Alliance’s (NTA) south-east co-ordinator, doesn’t believe the party will split United National Congress votes in her former constituency - and she’s referred to her new part as the “bridge constituency.” On whether Newallo-Hosein sanctions NTA and UNC joining up, she said, “This is exactly what a bridge does ...” Newallo-Hosein was announced recently as south-east co-ordinator on the team of onetime People’s Partnership minister Gary Griffith’s NTA. Newallo-Hosein started in politics in 2007, unsuccessfully contesting Tunapuna for UNC. She was a Senator and Minister of the People and Social Development (2010-2015) and replaced Collin Partap as UNC’s Cumuto-Manzanilla MP from 2015-2020. For the 2020 general elections, Newallo-Hosein wasn’t chosen by the leadership and was replaced by Dr Rai Ragbir. Read more here



Step into the Parlour: TSTT launches digital craft store for artisans

TSTT has put the artisans of TT, and eventually the Caribbean, on the international market with its new e-commerce platform, Parlour. Through its partnership with the Export Centres Company Ltd (ECCL), Parlour will be home to the national digital craft store CraftHubTT, showcasing a range of local crafts and making transacting within the Caribbean simpler and more effective. The aim is to help its vendors build and transform their businesses by providing a digital ecosystem to support its vendors in modernising how they promote and sell their products. Read more here

GraceKennedy to acquire another Scotia operation

GraceKennedy has announced that it has come to an agreement with the Bank of Nova Scotia to acquire 100 per cent of Scotia Insurance Caribbean Ltd (SICL), with the associated transaction being subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. GraceKennedy is currently listed on the T&T and Jamaica stock exchanges. In a stock exchange notice on Tuesday, the Jamaican conglomerate said SICL is a licensed life insurance company, which offers credit protection to customers on personal loans, residential mortgages, personal lines of credit, personal and small business credit cards. SICL currently operates in Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Turks & Caicos Islands. Read more here



‘I can now house my children safely’, says mother of two

Owning your own home must be an exceptional feeling, one clearly experienced by these 450 house lot beneficiaries of the Experiment Housing Scheme, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) who, on Wednesday, accessed their lands for the first time as infrastructure for a section of the scheme is now complete. A statement from the Housing and Water Ministry said Minister within the ministry, Susan Rodrigues visited the developing scheme to have a first-hand look at the project. “Over $455 million was invested for infrastructure works in the area. The works began in 2021 and are now eighty-five per cent complete,” the Housing and Water Ministry said. Read more here



In the east, Ukraine braces to launch counter-attack

Government forces in Ukraine are trying to seize the initiative from Russian troops before the arrival of winter. A counter-offensive is already under way in the south and the Ukrainians are now preparing to expand that in the east to take back land lost in Donbas and around Kharkiv in the north. Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway have been given exclusive access to a unit of Ukrainian troops. The air is thick with the smell of burning sunflowers, and the pat-pat-pat of Russian cluster bombs can be heard landing across the fields, setting fire to a crop which stands, heads bowed, awaiting a harvest that's unlikely to come. A self-propelled gun roars through the field, its caterpillar tracks tearing up the rich Donbas earth. The National Guard hold this ground in Ukraine's east - territory that Vladimir Putin has claimed as central to his war aims. It will be taken "step-by-step", he said. But for now, Russian progress has been reduced to a crawl. Read more here

1st September 2022


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