Daily Brief - Thursday 11th November, 2021


Gary Griffth withdraws PSC suspension lawsuit

Former commissioner of police Gary Griffith has withdrawn his challenge against the former Police Service Commission (PSC) on his suspension less than 24 hours after he was due to have taken up the post as acting top cop in September. On Wednesday, Justice Nadia Kangaloo was informed of Griffith’s decision to withdraw his legal challenge. Read more here

55 COVID cases in Secondary schools since return to classrooms

There have been 55 COVID-19 cases recorded within the Secondary School system since students returned to face to face learning on October 4. The figures were revealed by the Ministry of Health’s Epidemiology Division technical director Dr Avery Hinds at a virtual press conference yesterday. Dr Hinds noted that the figures provided by the Ministry of Education did not give a breakdown by school but by seven education districts in Trinidad. Guardian Media was able to obtain a copy of the statistics. Read more here



PM thanks PSC nominees for being willing to serve

The Prime Minister thanked retired Justice of Appeal Judith Jones, Maxine Attong, Ian Kevin Ramdhanie, Maxine King and Rajiv Persad for their willingness to serve as members of the new Police Service Commission (PSC). Dr Rowley expressed his full confidence in them as he opened debate on a motion in the House of Representatives on Wednesday to approve their nominations to be appointed as PSC members. The motion said Section 122 (3) of the Constitution permits the President to nominate people to become members of the PSC after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader. The motion adds that they must be qualified and experienced in the disciplines of law, finance, sociology or management to be PSC members. Read more here



Metaverse, way forward for Caribbean start-ups

Technology is evolving every day and there are Caribbean people paying attention and taking advantage of these advancements and reaping the rewards. The question is becoming less of, “Does the Caribbean want to be left behind?” but rather ­– “Are you willing to be left behind?” Business Day spoke with digital business strategist and podcast host presenter Keron Rose and co-founder, director of Tech Beach and ChefMade Kyle Maloney, who both believe technology can slow and ultimately bring a halt to the brain drain which has been siphoning the region’s brightest and most talented to the economic north for decades. Read more here

Machel’s company in running for Chamber award

Machel Montano’s chocolate company is one of three finalists that have been selected in the category of Entrepreneurship in the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce’s Champions of Business Awards 2021. In a news release yesterday, the T&T Chamber said one finalist will be selected to receive the award, and announced at the awards finale, which will be televised on November 19. Read more here



Major developments not for the capital city alone

With Guyana slated for massive growth and development as a result of its burgeoning oil and gas sector and other productive sectors, local authorities have urged existing and potential stakeholders to look at investment opportunities outside of Georgetown, so as to ensure that advancement is widespread. Read more here



China's Xi Jinping cements his status with historic resolution

The Chinese Communist Party has passed a "historical resolution", cementing Xi Jinping's status in political history. The document, a summary of the party's 100-year history, addresses its key achievements and future directions. It is only the third of its kind since the founding of the party - the first was passed by Mao Zedong in 1945 and the second by Deng Xiaoping in 1981. It was passed on Thursday at the sixth plenary session, one of China's most important political meetings. Read more here

Supreme Court's Watergate-era rulings against Nixon may end Trump's executive privilege claims

Former President Donald Trump's attempt to withhold records from the House of Representatives related to the January 6 US Capitol attack based on executive privilege -- a claim rejected by President Joe Biden -- would present the US Supreme Court with a novel legal dilemma. But past decisions involving assertions of executive privilege to keep documents confidential suggest Trump has a weak case, even if heard by this increasingly conservative high court, with three Trump appointees on the nine-member bench. Read more here

11th November 2021


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