Daily Brief - Thursday 10th September, 2020


Illicit Trade in Music

The illicit trade in music known as piracy and copyright infringement, is the exploitation of another person’s musical creation via reproduction and duplication for bootleg sale, unauthorized sampling for a new musical work, or distribution or unlicensed use in an environment where money will be exchanged. Copyright piracy also entails movies, television, music and live performances, computer software and video games. Read more here



Gang killings stump police

Gang-related murders remain a major challenge for the police to solve, as witnesses are either too scared to come forward, intimidated or protect offenders, says Police Commissioner Gary Griffith. These killings account for the largest category of cases annually. Crime statistics for the first eight months of this year point to a decline of over 25 per cent in violent crimes, which include murder, rape, kidnapping, shooting and wounding with intent, serious indecency, robberies and assault. Read more here

CoP: Bayside partygoers not off the hook yet

The individuals who attended a pool party at Bayside Towers in Cocorite recently are not off the hook just yet, Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith said yesterday. Speaking during the T&T Police Service press briefing yesterday, Griffith said an investigation is still being conducted into the incident. “In this investigation, if we find out, what we have heard is some of these individuals were not residents of Trinidad and Tobago, we will check and realise whether they have documentation to be here. And even if they do, persons can be removed from this country if they are deemed (A) a threat to national security or (B) a liability to the public purse,” warned Griffith, as he denied that the group had been let off easy by the TTPS due to their class or ethnicity. Read more here



Young: About 240 nationals to return this weekend

More than 200 nationals are scheduled to return to Trinidad this weekend, reported Minister of National Security Stuart Young. “We are currently working on two flights this weekend where we expect to repatriate approximately 240 nationals. This is in addition to nationals who have been making their own way back to Trinidad after having been granted exemptions," he told Newsday in a message. Read more here

Duke: Raise water rates, leave WASA workers alone

Public Services Association (PSA) President, Watson Duke wants the government to remove the subsidy on water rates to save workers at the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA). Duke told the media at a press conference at the PSA Head Office yesterday, that he understands the government has plans to restructure the WASA because the state agency was overstaffed by some 4,000 workers. “Did those workers, just appeared in WASA one day? Did they sleepwalk into WASA and no one knew how they got there or was is it the state that over the last five years employed these people,” he asked. Read more here



Nestlé tackles sustainable packaging solutions

Nestlé, the world’s biggest food processor, has made a commitment to make all its packaging 100 per cent reusable or recyclable by 2025. The Swiss-based company made the ambitious announcement in a globally streamed press conference on Monday. Executive vice president and head of operations Magdi Batato said sustainability is deeply rooted in the company’s values and an integral part of its business strategy. Read more here

BpTT gets 10 years extension to licenses in T&T

Energy giant bpTT has been given a 10-year extension on 92 of its exploration and production licences in the Columbus Basin. And as a result of this, the State is expected to reap a financial benefit of US$250 million over the next four years. Energy Minister Franklin Khan yesterday announced the Licence Extension Agreement among the government, bpTT, and Co-Licencees, EOG Resources, Perenco and its Co-Licencees, the National Gas Company and Heritage Petroleum. Read more here



Petrojam Loses At IDT, Ordered To Pay Dismissed General Manager $15.8 Million

Former Petrojam General Manager Howard Mollison has won his case at the Industrial Disputes Tribunal (IDT) against the state-owned oil refinery for improper dismissal. In its ruling handed down Wednesday, the IDT ordered Petrojam to pay over $15.8 million in compensation to Mollison. The tribunal also said the sum paid over to the former general manager as his severance package should be considered as part of the compensation amount. In February 2015, Mollison was given a two-year contract as Petrojam general manager. Read more here

Economy projected to grow 51.2 per cent

As the world faces an uncertain future because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and other global events, Guyana is better poised to emerge from the crisis rapidly, with a more resilient economic base, said Minister of Public Infrastructure, Juan Edghill, as he presented government’s $329.5B budget to the National Assembly, on Wednesday. The country, though faced with the challenges associated with the pandemic and a recently concluded protracted electoral process, is poised to grow by between 48.4 per cent and 51.2 per cent by the end of this year. Read more here



Trump's historic dereliction of duty laid bare

It matters who the president is. Millions of lives and livelihoods depend on the character, competence, altruism and integrity of the person in the Oval Office -- whatever their party or ideology. But President Donald Trump -- as he devastatingly revealed in his own voice to Bob Woodward -- met the great crisis of his age with ineptness, dishonesty and an epic dereliction of duty. Rarely have a president's actions -- or inaction -- and individual decisions on such a critical issue been so consequential and so exposed in his own time -- in this case in taped interviews with The Washington Post reporter for his new book, "Rage." Read more here

Wildlife in 'catastrophic decline' due to human destruction, scientists warn

Wildlife populations have fallen by more than two-thirds in less than 50 years, according to a major report by the conservation group WWF. The report says this "catastrophic decline" shows no sign of slowing. And it warns that nature is being destroyed by humans at a rate never seen before. Wildlife is "in freefall" as we burn forests, over-fish our seas and destroy wild areas, says Tanya Steele, chief executive at WWF. "We are wrecking our world - the one place we call home - risking our health, security and survival here on Earth. Now nature is sending us a desperate SOS and time is running out." Read more here

10th September 2020


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