Daily Brief - Monday 28th September, 2020


Union accuses CAL of acting unfairly

As reports circulated that Caribbean Airlines (CAL) may cut salaries and staff, the Aviation Communication and Allied Workers’ Union (ACAWU) warned against such action and breach of workers’ rights by the state entity. In a media release, ACAWU said it noted that while CAL proposed reducing operating staff salaries by five to 20 per cent; limiting the staffing requirement needed to perform essential operations; and sending home the remaining staff for three months without pay (furloughing), these were in breach of section 4(d) of the Constitution. Read more here

Tourism stakeholders seek support to get through tough times

Even as the world celebrates World Tourism Day from September 26 to September 29, destinations across the world are still reeling from the fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the launch of the Tourism COVID-19 policy brief UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, described the fallout experienced by developing countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a “global emergency.” “Particularly for many small island developing states and many African countries. For women rural communities, indigenous peoples and many other marginalized populations tourism has been a vehicle for integration empowerment and generating income.” Read more here



Highway Reroute Movement accuses govt of bullying

Leader of the Highway Reroute Movement (HRM) Dr Wayne Kublalsingh has accused the state of bullying citizens to get its way, and the use of the law to benefit them only when necessary. He was speaking during a small protest on Sunday morning at the construction site in Fyzabad which has been earmarked for the Fyzabad to Mon Desir section of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin. Read more here

200 days of COVID in T&T

On March 12, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Trinidad and Tobago. Two hundred days later, COVID-19 cases have soared above 4,000, and our death toll has reached an astounding 71. Our new normal in September 2020 now looks like what we considered a dystopian future from a January 2020 perspective. From an unprecedented lockdown which has cost the country billions (and counting), to the new normal of mandatory face masks, social distancing, and limits on crowds—how did we get here? Through the numbers: T&T’s COVID-19 journey to community spread. Read more here



Central Bank has no Deputy Governor

The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago is without a single Deputy Governor months after Dr Sandra Sookram’s term came to an end—even though the law calls for up to two. Since the Rowley administration came to power in 2015, the government and Finance Minister Colm Imbert have failed to recommend to the President anyone to be appointed as Deputy Governor and the Bank has been operating for the last five years short of its compliment of Deputy Governors. Read more here

Personal tips to improve your finances

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased the number of unemployed, showing us that it is quite possible to lose our job unexpectedly. Read more here



38,000 tonnes of sugar

Work has commenced at the shuttered Rose Hall Sugar Estate which is expected to produce between 8,000 to 10,000 tonnes of sugar in the first year of operation. The Rose Hall Estate will be the first of the three estates closed by the former APNU+AFC administration to re-open and is expected to begin grinding in 2022. In 2017, the APNU+AFC Coalition Government had announced the closure of several sugar estates across the country, leaving thousands of persons without a job or source of income. The move saw four sugar estates being closed and 7,000 sugar workers losing their jobs. Read more here

Horne Signals He Won't Be Running For President Of The PNP

Senator Norman Horne has issued a statement suggesting that he will not be contesting the election for president of the People's National Party (PNP). Horne, who had indicated an interest in leading the party when current president, Dr Peter Phillips demits office, said the November 7 election date announced by the party's National Executive Council (NEC) today is too soon for any aspirant to organise a robust challenge, especially in light of the continued COVID-19 restrictions. Read more here



Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia-Azerbaijan fighting rages in disputed region

Fierce fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces is raging on in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, with each side claiming an upper hand. The region is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but is run by ethnic Armenians. The separatist authorities there said 31 of its soldiers had now died, and some lost positions had been retaken. Azerbaijan said 26 civilians had been injured in heavy Armenian shelling. It earlier reported at least five deaths. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan have already declared general mobilisation and martial law in some areas. Read more here

Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham

It was the moment when Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal" fabulism, billionaire tycoon bluster and populist standard-bearing for forgotten Americans was revealed to be what it always looked like: a sham. A stunning New York Times exposé of the President's tax returns Sunday revealed a pitifully inept businessman and a serial tax avoider crushed by massive debts that could expose him to conflicts of interest given his position as President and power to help undisclosed lenders. Read more here

28th September 2020


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