Daily Brief - Monday 25th November, 2019


Dancing the stress away

Over a hundred patrons turned up to De-stress at the top floor at the Port Mall last Saturday night in the second edition of the dance fitness-based event. De-stress was conceptualised by 25-year-old Ameika Louis; the proud owner of Dance Fitness Tobago and Ile Dingolay - Movement Studio at the top floor of the Port Mall. The event, designed for participants to let off some steam, was an opportunity for everyone, not just dancers or fitness enthusiasts, to free themselves from doubts and negative energy for 2-3 hours. Read more here

Term Finance Holdings wins Business Technology award

Term Fi­nance Hold­ings has won the 2020 Busi­ness Tech­nol­o­gy award in the Cham­pi­ons of Busi­ness awards cer­e­mo­ny. At the start of 2015, Oliv­er Sag­ba found­ed Term Fi­nance Hold­ings Lim­it­ed, a web-based cred­it and loans op­er­a­tion based in Port-of-Spain, with just two peo­ple—him­self and an­oth­er em­ploy­ee. Near­ly five years lat­er, Term Fi­nance has a staff count of 15. Eleven are in Trinidad and four are coun­try man­agers based in Guyana, Ja­maica, St Lu­cia and Bar­ba­dos. Nick Farah, who spe­cialised in mod­ern bank­ing tech­nolo­gies at RBC in both Cana­da and Trinidad, joined the team the fol­low­ing year as Re­gion­al Man­ag­er, in what was a sig­nif­i­cant cap­ture for Sab­ga’s start­up. On No­vem­ber 15, Sab­ga and Farah won the cov­et­ed bmo­bile Busi­ness Tech­nol­o­gy Award at the TT Cham­ber’s Cham­pi­ons of Busi­ness Awards. Read more here



AG: Weed decriminalisation will cripple gangs

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi on Saturday night defended the decision by the government to decriminalise a certain amount of marijuana rather than legalising it. Speaking at a local government meeting in Diego Martin, Al-Rawi said legalising it will cripple any possible industry. “With the decriminalisation, the money that gangs live on will be taken away from them. But there are those who wants legalisation and a free for all. If you want full legalisation you are crippling the economic opportunity for people who could make financial progress.” Read more here

Duke retains post as PDP leader unopposed

Wat­son Duke, leader of the Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots (PDP), re­tained his po­si­tion as the po­lit­i­cal leader of the par­ty at the par­ty’s first-ever in­ter­nal ex­ec­u­tive elec­tions help at the Belle Gar­den Mul­ti-Pur­pose Fa­cil­i­ty yes­ter­day. No one else con­test­ed the post. Duke found­ed the PDP in 2016 to fight the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly’s Jan­u­ary 2017 elec­tions. His par­ty won two of the twelve elec­toral dis­tricts, break­ing the mo­nop­oly held by the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment in the 2013 THA elec­tion. Read more here



SFC, GHL advance

This week, we at Bourse take a look at the financial performance of two major players in the Non-Banking Finance sector, Sagicor Financial Corporation Ltd (SFC) and Guardian Holdings Ltd (GHL), for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2019. Read more here



Taxi Threat - PM Vows To Quell Traffic Chaos In Town Centres

If Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ resolve to curtail the traffic chaos created by lawless motorists in town centres holds true, the widespread indiscipline in the Corporate Area and other urban centres will come to a halt. While acknowledging the right of persons to earn a living in the taxi industry, Holness singled out that group yesterday, warning that a zero-tolerance clampdown on disorder would take effect early next year. “I want the taxi men and road users as well to appreciate that there can be no prosperity in chaos and disorder,” Holness declared to cheering Labourites at yesterday’s 76th annual conference at the National Arena in Kingston. Read more here

T&T manufacturers say seeking to tap all opportunities here

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) led a Trade Mission to Guyana, from Wednesday to today, to engage in mutual trade with Guyanese companies.  A release today from the group said that the major objective of the mission is to expose the membership to markets in Guyana, especially in the area of non-energy exports. “Guyana is a growing market and is projected to have the largest growth in GDP next year (worldwide) and so it is important for the T&T business community to capitalize on our geographical advantage and so leverage all opportunities for investment, sourcing of inputs into manufacturing, exports, joint ventures and collaborations with our neighbours from next door”, the release said. Read more here

‘We’ve ended the nightmare of drug wars’

Attorney-General, Basil Williams on Saturday evening laid out the coalition government’s successes while in office to a large Guyanese audience in Antigua and Barbuda. And, thanking them for their contributions to the country, he also urged them to return to the “green, green grass of home”. Williams is on the island for the 50th Plenary and Working Group Meeting of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) in Antigua, which opens today. “I know that many of you have left Guyana for various reasons; some to seek greener pastures, others to enhance your education and professional experience,” he began. “I assure you that the government which I represent values your contributions. All of you in some way or the other would have contributed, and still contribute, to our people’s well-being. Read more here



Lorry driver Mo Robinson admits plot after 39 migrant deaths

A lorry driver who is accused over the deaths of 39 migrants in Essex has admitted plotting to assist illegal immigration. Maurice Robinson pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to conspiring with others to assist illegal immigration between 1 May 2018 and 24 October 2019. The 25-year-old, from County Armagh, is accused of being part of a larger plot to bring people into the UK illegally. Mr Robinson was not asked to plead to 39 charges of manslaughter. The charges relate to the deaths of 39 Vietnamese people, including children, who were discovered in the back of a refrigerated lorry being driven by Mr Robinson in Grays on 23 October. Read more here

Hong Kongers show not only the depths of their discontent, but also their power

Hong Kong's protest movement grabbed the world's attention with million-strong rallies and city-stopping unrest. But it won big on the weekend by staying silent. The landslide victory for pro-democracy candidates in Sunday's district council elections is a stinging rebuke to the city's government -- and an example of what protesters can achieve given the opportunity. By avoiding unrest and trusting voters to support them, protesters scored a bigger victory than if they had disrupted the polls. They also demonstrated that far from devolving into anarchy, as some on the government side have claimed, the protest movement can -- unlike the police, Beijing or the city's leaders -- control when and where the unrest takes place. Read more here

25th November 2019


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