Daily Brief - Monday 20th December, 2021


Omicron variant found in national without travel history

The Omicron variant of concern has now been detected in circulation among the population. The case in question was one of two people announced yesterday to as the newest discoveries of the variant on our shores. According to the Ministry of Health, the person had no recent travel history or recent contact with a COVID-19 positive person. The person was detected by the St Augustine Medical Laboratory (STAML) on Saturday night. “We now believe we have the first suspected cases of community spread which was confirmed early this morning,” STAML director Dr Shari Ramsaran told Guardian Media. Read more here



UNC promises legal challenge against mandatory vaccinations

If Government pushes through with its plan to furlough any public servant refusing to take the covid19 vaccine, the Opposition will challenge this in court. This was the promise on Sunday by UNC Senator Anil Roberts and former health minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh who both spoke at a virtual press conference. Dr Rowley warned that apart from a certified medical reason against vaccination, any public servant refusing to be vaccinated will be sent on leave without pay, until they are fully vaccinated. Read more here

PM, PAHO, Chinese Embassy condemn news report on Sinopharm

The Chinese Embassy, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the St Augustine Medical Laboratory (STAML), have all condemned an Express newspaper article that challenged the efficacy of the Sinopharm vaccine. The article, published in the newspaper’s Sunday edition, implied the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine is ineffective at generating immunity against the disease. Four titer antibody tests done by STAML were used as part of a report which sought to compare antibody levels between people vaccinated with Sinopharm and AstraZeneca. The report has since garnered heavy criticism. Read more here



Teen wins Republic’s vaccination lottery

Some 60,401 entries and three months later, one teenager was selected as the winner of the grand prize of a Suzuki Vitara in Republic Bank Ltd’s (RBL) Take-Your-Shot-To-Win promotion. Keleisha Johnson, 18, was chosen at random on December 11, and was officially presented with the black SUV at a closed ceremony at Lifestyle Motors over the weekend, the bank said in a news release yesterday. Read more here



Over 2,300 jobs to be created

Even as Guyana continues to contend with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and other external shocks, there has been a notable increase in the number of opportunities for Guyanese, with the latest symbol of this being the approval of 48 private projects which, collectively, have the capacity to create over 2,300 jobs. The Guyana Chronicle understands that the local economy has been a magnet for investors, who have expressed an interest to invest in massive projects across the various economic sectors. Read more here



Tortured to death: Myanmar mass killings revealed

The Myanmar military carried out a series of mass killings of civilians in July that resulted in the deaths of at least 40 men, a BBC investigation has found. Eyewitnesses and survivors said that soldiers, some as young as 17, rounded up villagers before separating the men and killing them. Video footage and images from the incidents appear to show most of those killed were tortured first and buried in shallow graves. Read more here

20th December 2021


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