Daily Brief - Monday 13th December, 2021


Over 9,000 new covid19 cases since December 1

Since December 1, Trinidad and Tobago has recorded 9,246 new covid19 cases and 249 deaths. These include the 558 new cases and 24 new deaths reported by the Ministry of Health on Sunday. The new cases were from samples taken between December 9 and 11, while the new deaths were recorded between Saturday and Sunday. There are currently 14, 251 active cases and the total number of covid19-related deaths in TT is 2,407. Read more here



PM Rowley sees brighter 2022

With the last two years defined by a crippling pandemic, harsh restrictions, economic downturn and job loss, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is giving some hope for the new year, telling citizens 2022 will be better. Trinidad and Tobago has meandered through restrictions over almost two years in an attempt to control the ebb and flows of COVID-19 cases – businesses were closed, movement restricted and a State of Emergency implemented among the measures adopted by the Government. Read more here



Kia EV6 breaks charging time record

The Kia EV6 is now in the Guinness Book of World Records for shortest charging time to cross the United States in an electric vehicle, beating previous world record holder the Tesla Model S by more than five hours. The car company announced in a release Friday that the all-new 2022 EV6 took seven days to complete the run. The vehicle travelled 4,635 kilometres, from New York to Los Angeles. Read more here

PriceSmart to invest $74m in T&T

Trade and Industry Minister, Paula Gopee-Scoon, on Friday dismissed as “frivolous” an Opposition private motion calling for the Lower House of Parliament to “condemn the Government for its neglect of the economy”. Responding to the motion, which was moved by Oropouche West MP Davendranath Tancoo, Gopee-Scoon spoke about a pipeline of projects that she said will result in thousands of jobs and increased revenue. Read more here



US$89,000 medical centre commissioned at Iwokrama for indigenous communities, road users

The Iwokrama International Centre, today, commissioned its brand new US$89,000 medical centre at the organization’s Kurupukari location. Funding for the medical centre was provided by the Government of Japan through a Grant for Grassroots Human Security Projects. Guyana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was integral in this partnership. Read more here



Kentucky tornadoes: Race to find missing in flattened US towns

US rescue teams are racing to locate dozens of people after tornadoes devastated towns across Kentucky, with at least 64 confirmed deaths. With many residents of one small town unaccounted for, families are still awaiting news of loved ones. State governor Andy Beshear warned the death toll could pass 100, saying he was hoping for "some miracles". No-one has been found alive since Saturday morning, but search crews have continued to work through Sunday night. Emergency workers, including 300 members of the National Guard, have been scouring debris for survivors and distributing water and generators to residents. Read more here


13th December 2021


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