Daily Brief - Friday 22nd November,2019


Network: More women going into politics

The Network of NGOs for the Advancement of Women is hoping to change the landscape of politics through its Women’s Transformational Political Leadership Skills Training (TTIWiL) course.

Trustee of the group Hazel Brown said there had been a 36 per cent increase in women's participation in politics from 1946 to 2019. Read more here…


Weed decriminalising bill goes to Parliament

Leg­is­la­tion to have mar­i­jua­na de­crim­i­nalised is to be laid in Par­lia­ment to­day.

The an­nounce­ment of the long-await­ed leg­is­la­tion was made by At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi at last nights Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment elec­tion meet­ing in La Hor­quet­ta.

“ Our Cab­i­net to­day (yes­ter­day) un­der our Prime Min­is­ter to­day (yes­ter­day) ap­proved for lay­ing to­mor­row in the Par­lia­ment, two pieces of law. One the amend­ment to the Dan­ger­ous Drug Act to de­crim­i­nalise the pos­ses­sion of mar­i­jua­na,” he said. Read more here…





Energy Minister to compensate quarry operator

A QUARRY operator who had been pre-approved for a mining licence for a lucrative operation in Matura in 2015 will be awarded compensation from the Energy and Energy Industries Ministry after the minister chose to rescind the pre-approval. Read more here…


Tsoiafatt Angus resigns as THA presiding officer

Dr Denise Tsoiafatt Angus has resigned as presiding officer of the Tobago of Assembly, presumably to contest the leadership of the People's National Movement's (PNM) Tobago Council in the party's January 19, 2020 internal election. Read more here…


Kamla threatens to sue Health Minister over swine flu statements

OPPOSITION LEADER Kamla Persad-Bissessar has accused Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh of making defamatory allegations that she hid data on the number of people who died of the H1N1 influenza virus (swine flu) from 2013-2015, when she was prime minister. Read more here…



WITCO stock split approved

One year since the an­nounce­ment, the shares of the West In­di­an To­bac­co Com­pa­ny (WIT­CO) has now re­ceived the reg­u­la­to­ry ap­proval to be split in­to three.

In a fil­ing on the T&T Se­cu­ri­ties and Ex­change Com­mis­sion (TTSEC), WIT­CO not­ed: “The amend­ment au­tho­rised a share split to con­vert each or­di­nary share of the com­pa­ny in­to three or­di­nary shares sub­ject to reg­u­la­to­ry ap­proval. Reg­u­la­to­ry ap­proval has now been re­ceived.” Read more here…




St Andrew Business Fined $25,000 For Breaching Plastic Ban

NEPA says the sanction was imposed when the company appeared before the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Wednesday. The agency says over 16 individuals and companies have been charged to date since it embarked on an enforcement drive.

“As a general rule, court is a last resort…whilst there has been compliance generally, there remain persons who are intent on flouting the law and the agency is taking action and will continue to do so,” said Stewart Panton, attorney for NEPA. Read more here…

Coastal Disaster Could Paralyse Jamaica, Warns McKenzie

Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie has painted a frightening picture of how Jamaica could be crippled by disasters affecting the coastline because of a significant number of important state institutions and parish capitals sited close to the shores.

Ten of the island’s 14 parish capitals are coastal towns, with the exceptions being Clarendon’s May Pen, St Catherine’s Spanish Town, Mandeville in Manchester, and Half-Way Tree in St Andrew. Read more here…




Impeachment inquiry: Trump 'promoted discredited Ukraine theory'

Fiona Hill said the president had instead listened to the views of his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Ms Hill called the claims about Ukraine a "fictional narrative".

The inquiry is assessing if Mr Trump withheld aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate a political rival. It is illegal in the US to seek foreign help to gain electoral advantage. Mr Trump denies any wrongdoing. Read more here…


Why Britain's Queen Elizabeth had to let Prince Andrew go

It should have been a day of joy for Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, who were marking their 72nd wedding anniversary. Instead, Wednesday culminated in the 93-year-old monarch sanctioning her second son's retreat from royal duties, after a disastrous interview about his friendship with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein engulfed the family in an unprecedented crisis. Read more here…

22nd November 2019


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