Daily Brief - Friday 19th July, 2024


Business community supports police roadblocks

The Business Community has expressed its support of a series of co-ordinated police exercises along highways and main thoroughfares, which inconvenienced motorists and commuters on July 18. Newsday spoke to president of the TT Chamber of Industry and Commerce Kiran Maharaj, who, after the chamber’s business outlook event, held at the Hilton Trinidad, Port of Spain, on July 18, said she received no reports of any delays of goods or people as a result of the police exercises. “I am glad they are doing roadblocks. It means that they are looking for someone,” she said. Read more here

Woman run over by drunk driver dies

The mother of a 33-year-old woman who died two days after she was run over twice by a car driven by an intoxicated driver in Siparia wants the driver to be charged with killing her daughter. Early yesterday morning, Anezia Lewis, of Santa Flora, succumbed to her injuries at the San Fernando General Hospital. Footage of the horrific accident went viral yesterday, triggering a storm of outrage on social media. Shortly before 10 pm on Monday, CCTV footage shows Lewis exiting the front passenger seat of a car in the carpark of Secret Lounge Bar, at SS Erin Road, Quarry Village. She walked to another car and was speaking to a friend in the driver’s seat. The driver’s door was open. Read more here



PSA: Consult workers, union on TTRA process

President of the Public Services Association (PSA) Leroy Baptiste says the government has not consulted the PSA on matters "at all" regarding the operationalisation of the TT Revenue Authority (TTRA). On Thursday, the Privy Council said public servants at the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) and the Customs and Excise Division (CED) must choose an option regarding integration into the TTRA – resign from the public service, accept a transfer to the TTRA or be transferred to another office in the public service – although the constitutionality of the authority is still before the court. Read more here

Public servants get July 31 deadline to sign on to new Revenue Authority

Public servants at the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) and the Customs and Excise Division (CED) will have to decide whether they wish to join the T&T Revenue Authority (TTRA) while the Privy Council weighs in on the final appeal over its operationalisation. After hearing submissions on the substantive appeal at the United Kingdom Supreme Court Building in London, England, yesterday morning, five Law Lords were asked by lawyers representing the Public Services Association (PSA) to consider a stay of a July 31 deadline given by the Ministry of Finance for the workers to decide their future employment position. Read more here



TTIFC CEO calls for focus on exports

Chief executive officer of the T&T International Financial Centre (TTIFC) John Outridge says that access to finance and talent is crucial for establishing this country as a fintech hub and encouraging businesses to adopt cashless transactions. However, he emphasised that there also needs to be a focus on exports. “We are where we are; the focus really has to be on exports. When talking about the fintech sector, that is where we see the biggest enabler, particularly for the businesses,” Outridge said. Read more here



Government’s ‘clear’ plan, policy interventions helping citizens battle rising prices

There is not enough acknowledgment of the government’s numerous policy interventions which are geared towards addressing the high cost of living, an issue that is taking a toll on larger economies, People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has highlighted. During a press conference at the party’s headquarters on Thursday, the General Secretary pointed out that although Guyana is a much smaller country compared to the United States of America (USA), the PPP/C government has managed to keep inflation relatively stable with its prudent management. Despite attempts by those with their own personal agendas, Dr Jagdeo placed things into perspective and highlighted how the government since assuming office in 2020 has not only made key cost-of-living interventions, but has also made long-term investments which have improved the standard of living for all citizens. Read more here



UK to resume funding to UN Gaza aid agency

The UK will resume funding UNRWA, the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees, the foreign secretary has announced. David Lammy told MPs he had received reassurances about its neutrality in the wake of a review of alleged links between its staff and terror groups. The UK was among several countries to suspend donations in January, after Israel alleged 12 UNRWA staff were involved in the October 2023 attacks by Hamas. An internal UN investigation into those specific allegations is continuing. But a separate UN review, published in April, found Israel had not provided evidence for its claims large numbers of UNRWA staff were members of terror groups. Read more here

19th July 2024


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