Daily Brief - Friday 18th February, 2022


Govt opens $3m Paramin Lookout

An already popular site for locals, what was once known as the "Cell Site" by the Paramin community has been given a $3 million facelift and has been officially declared a tourism site by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. The La Vigie Paramin Lookout launched in the midst of the power outage that affected the nation on Wednesday. Read more here

Boy, 15, shot dead while looking for WiFi during blackout

A 15-year-old boy with a slight mental disability from Tunapuna was gunned down during the blackout on Wednesday night. The teenager was identified as Antonio Badenoch. Badenoch's mother, Marcia Ramsawak believes that her son was mistaken for someone else. Police said they were told that Badenoch was standing along a track near his home on St Vincent Street, Tunapuna when a white car drove alongside him and an occupant of the vehicle shot him. Read more here



PM heads to Qatar for gas forum

The Prime Minister will leave TT on Friday to go to Doha, Qatar to attend the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF.) A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister on Thursday said Dr Rowley had accepted the invitation of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, to attend the summit. Energy Minister Stuart Young will also attend. Read more here

Morris mulls over contesting PNM Tobago Council internal elections

Minority Leader in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Kelvon Morris says he is not sure yet whether he will contest the People’s National Movement’s (PNM) internal elections for a Tobago council. The party will hold an internal election on April 24 to fill all 17 executive positions in the Tobago council. This comes after a number of its executive members resigned following the party’s 14-1 defeat in the December 6 THA elections. Read more here



File compensation claims with T&TEC but will you get money?

You may file a claim for compensation from the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) as a result of Wednesday’s extended power outage. If you get compensated however is another matter. An investigation by a Cabinet appointed body will first have to be completed into the matter to determine what exactly went wrong. According to the Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) Guaranteed Electricity Standards 1: “T&TEC is required to restore supply after an unplanned outage on the distribution system within ten hours.” Read more here

DOMA praises TTPS for protecting city

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) was praised by the Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (DOMA) for protecting Port of Spain on Wednesday night during the nationwide power outage. In a release yesterday, DOMA said it was in constant contact with police during the blackout and there were only two incidents on Wednesday night directly related to the prolonged darkness due to loss of electricity. Read more here



US$250M expansion for Houston shore base this year

The Guyana Shore Base Inc. (GYSBI) is expected to undergo massive transformation this year, with plans in place to invest a further US$250 million into the company. Through the proposed investment, the company will be expanding its land holdings by 45 acres, according to the Executive Director of Muneshwar Limited, and Senior Partner at the Guyana Shore Base, Robin Muneshwar. He said this on Wednesday, during the International Energy Conference and Expo at the Guyana Marriott Hotel. Read more here



Judge rules Donald Trump must testify in New York investigation

Former US President Donald Trump and two of his children must answer questions under oath in a New York investigation into their business practices, a judge has ruled. New York's attorney general has accused the Trump Organization of obtaining tax breaks and loans through "fraudulent or misleading asset valuations". Mr Trump must sit for sworn testimony within 21 days. He denies the accusations, and is expected to appeal the decision. He could also invoke his right to remain silent in any deposition. The Trump Organization said in a statement to the BBC: "The entire system is corrupt." Read more here

18th February 2022


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