Daily Brief - Friday 12th April, 2024


Taxi drivers criticise demerit point system

Adrian Acosta, president of the TT Taxi Drivers Network, says some taxi drivers are losing their licenses without crossing the maximum number of demerit points. On Thursday during a protest at the Ministry of Works and Transport in Port-of-Spain, Acosta said “The point system, as it stands used to be that 14 points would get you a disqualification without consultation, or adequate consultation, however, there are drivers getting disqualified for having ten points.” Assistant secretary David Mack added that while drivers have contested this in court and won, the demerit points are not removed. Read more here

7 babies die in less than a week at POSGH

The parents of at least seven babies who died between April 2 and April 9 at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital are calling for a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding their babies’ deaths. The babies, all under 32 weeks, died from sepsis. Guardian Media understands that at least one other baby is in critical condition. The North West Regional Health Authority, in a press release issued on Thursday evening, confirmed the deaths of the babies saying it was as a result of infections. The authority said laboratory tests detected the presence of three dangerous organisms—Serratia marcesens, ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Klebsiella aerogenes. “Despite administering high-dose antibiotics and providing advanced and intensive cardio-respiratory support, the infection claimed the lives of some of these preterm babies, all weighing under 1500 grammes and less than 32 weeks gestational age. Read more here



Griffith unfazed by UNC's bid for St Joseph

National Transformation Alliance (NTA) political leader Gary Griffith says he is not concerned by Opposition Senator Anil Roberts offering himself to be selected as the UNC's candidate for the key marginal constituency of St Joseph. Roberts submitted a nomination package for the constituency at UNC headquarters in Chaguanas on April 11. Recently, the NTA chose Griffith to be its St Joseph candidate. Griffith was also unfazed by Roberts sidestepping questions from the media about whether the UNC and NTA still have an alliance to contest next year's general election. Read more here

UNC senators file to challenge Al-Rawi, Deyalsingh in next election

Incumbent Opposition MPs and senators are among the United National Congress (UNC) members who filed nominations at the party’s headquarters in Chaguanas yesterday to contest the next general election. Among those vying to become a UNC candidate in the polls which are due next year was Senator Anil Roberts who is hoping to challenge incumbent Terrence Deyalsingh for the marginal St Joseph seat. Roberts, who was the MP for D’Abadie/O’Meara in the People’s Partnership coalition of 2010-2015, is already predicting a UNC victory. “The UNC will take St Joseph. The UNC will take five more marginals and Rowley will be gone...There may be other competitors who are going in there. I’m going to give my best shot to win for Team UNC,” he said. Read more here



Will T&T Mortgage Bank go public?

In his speech at the launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank (TTMB) on March 20, Minister of Finance, Colm Imbert, described the country’s newest financial institution as representing “a significant milestone in the Government’s thrust to offer to deserving and eligible citizens of T&T mortgage instruments which could propel them from being renters at the mercy of landlords to proud owners of their castles.” Referring to the theme of launch, which was Anti-Gravity, Mr Imbert said: “We use this word in its figurative sense today, as this merger of the Trinidad and Tobago. Mortgage Finance Company (TTMF) and the Home Mortgage Bank (HMB) is destined to take T&T to higher heights, defying in a real sense the gravitational pull of those who wish to hold us back as a country. Read more here

CariCRIS reaffirms ‘high creditworthiness’

Rating agency Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Ltd (CariCRIS) has reaffirmed its overall “high creditworthiness” ratings to the $100 million collateralised mortgage obligation of Home Mortgage Bank (HMB). “CariCRIS has reaffirmed its overall issue ratings of ttAA—(SO) on the T&T national scale to the $100 million Collateralised Mortgage Obligation (CMO) of Home Mortgage Bank (CMO 2022-01). This rating indicates that the overall level of creditworthiness of this structured debt obligation, adjudged in relation to other rated debt obligations within T&T, is high,” a release from CariCRIS stated. Read more here



Turkish company being engaged for ‘emergency power’

The Government of Guyana is in talks with a Turkish company—Karpowership – to supply “emergency power” to the country’s grid amid an increase in power outages, People’s Progressive Party (PPP), General Secretary Dr Bharrat Jagdeo said on Thursday. Jagdeo, during his weekly news conference, said about 36 megawatts (MW) of power is being sought. Recently, as reported previously, Guyana has seen an upsurge in power outages because of aged infrastructure, lack of investments from 2015-2020, and a rapid increase in the demand for power. “GPL continues to give us headaches,” Dr Jagdeo said, adding: “We are very much aware about the problems it is causing to many people in this country. We have been inundated with complaints, and people’s lives are being disrupted because of the situation.” Read more here



US restricts travel for diplomats in Israel amid fears of Iran attack

The United States has restricted travel for its embassy personnel in Israel amid fears of an attack by Iran. The US embassy said staff had been told not to travel outside the greater Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Beersheba areas "out of an abundance of caution". Iran has vowed to retaliate, blaming Israel for a strike on its consulate in Syria 11 days ago, killing 13 people. Two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News that an attack could come as soon as Friday. One unnamed official said the attack could include more than 100 drones, dozens of cruise missiles and perhaps ballistic missiles as well and will be aimed at military targets in Israel. Read more here

12th April 2024


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