Daily Brief - Friday 11th December, 2020


PAHO, ECLAC start talks on improving medical supplies to region

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) have brought together the health, industry, and science and technology sectors in the region with the aim of preventing interruptions in medical supplies during future health emergencies. During the meeting, participants from ministries of health and science and technology, as well as representatives of associations of the medicines industry and other technologies in developing countries, discussed the regional situation and prospects for implementing comprehensive policies, as well as conditions for improving productive capacity. Read more here

Crown Point land owners given 7 days to vacate properties

Residents who will have to make way for the ANR Robinson Airport Expansion Project say with Christmas a few weeks away, they will not be able to celebrate after they were given notices to evacuate their properties within seven days. The residents said they now feel betrayed, as their MP, Shamfa Cudjoe, had promised them further discussions on compensation for their properties. Read more here



Cox, Namdevco insist: Hampers for students 'of good quality'

Minister of Social Development and Family Services Donna Cox has toured the Namdevco packing house in Piarco and determined that hampers being distributed to children registered under the National School Feeding Programme contain produce of sufficient quality and quantity. Cox's tour was in response to several complaints and images being circulated on social media suggesting t the hampers contained paltry amounts of substandard food items. Read more here

Govt seeking to recover US$123m in US cases

Government is going after matters in the US—under the Unexplained Wealth law—where a potential US$123 million will be repatriated to benefit citizens. Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi indicated this in the Senate yesterday saying proceedings are going on in the US on the situation. He was piloting a miscellaneous bill with amendments concerning various laws. This includes on the Financial Intelligence Unit, Proceeds of Crime, Anti-Terrorism Interception of Communication, Central Bank and Companies Registrar. Read more here



Venezuelan women on street-food hustle

When Diannis Herrera arrived in TT from her home in Venezuela on June 4, 2019, she never thought that thanks to a simple cup of coffee, hers would be a recognisable face in Chaguanas. Herrera, of course, needed a job to survive and to help her family. Unable to find a permanent one, she had to become creative and resourceful. Read more here



US Slams Police CMU For Kraal Killings

The United States announced travel and other sanctions on Thursday against six Jamaicans who were part of the controversial Reneto Adams-led Crime Management Unit that was criticised as a trigger-happy police squad that committed multiple extrajudicial killings. The State Department revealed that the six - Adams, Devon Orlando Bernard, Patrick Anthony Coke, Shayne St Aubyn Lyons, Leford Gordon, and Roderick Anthony Collier - were targeted by Washington "for their involvement in gross violations in human rights in Jamaica", citing the extrajudicial killings of four people on May 7, 2003. Read more here

EU releases $19.8B grant to Guyana

AN enabling environment and political stability have encouraged the European Union (EU) to disburse $19.8 billion (approximately US$92 million) to Guyana, to aid in inclusive and sustainable development as the country moves forward with its agenda to create a better life for all. Guyana was initially in line to receive this support under the EU’s “budget support programme” last year, but political instability and uncertainty had discouraged the bloc from releasing funds to this country. Read more here



Explaining the Supreme Court lawsuit from Texas and Trump challenging Biden's win

Although all 50 states have certified their election results and the Supreme Court swiftly rejected an emergency request from Pennsylvania Republicans to block election results in the commonwealth, the justices are now grappling with a new controversial bid from Texas, supported by President Donald Trump and 17 other Republican-led states. They are asking the Supreme Court for an emergency order to invalidate the ballots of millions of voters in four battleground states -- Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- even though there is no evidence of widespread fraud. Read more here

Brexit: EU leaders told no UK deal more likely than not

European leaders - including France's Emmanuel Macron and Germany's Angela Merkel - have been told the EU is unlikely to get a trade deal with the UK by Sunday's deadline. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the bloc's 27 leaders talks were "difficult". Time is running out to reach an agreement before the UK stops following EU trade rules on 31 December. UK PM Boris Johnson says there is a "strong possibility" of no deal. Weeks of intensive talks between officials have failed to overcome obstacles in key areas, including competition rules and fishing rights. Read more here

11th December 2020


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