Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Sunday 17th May, 2020

Tobago hoteliers can expect to access the guidelines and registration forms for the Government’s $50 million grant facility to upgrade their properties later this week. Chief Secretary and Secretary for Tourism, Culture and Transportation Ancil Dennis made the announcement on Saturday during a virtual post-executive council news conference at the... Read more

17th May 2020

Daily Brief - Saturday 16th May, 2020

As Government has started allowing some sectors, particularly restaurants, to reopen after being closed to curb the spread of covid19, some degree of normalcy is being seen in some areas. One such place is Maracas Beach where bake and shark vendors are starting to serve the public once again. Read more

16th May 2020

Daily Brief - Friday 15th May, 2020

The country’s manufacturers believe that current safety protocols among essential services prove that all parts of the sector are ready and able to come back out to work. In a release on Thursday, the TT Manufacturers’ Association said the performance of the 273 manufacturers classified as essential services should be... Read more

15th May 2020

Daily Brief - Thursday 14th May, 2020

CEO of the TT Chamber of Commerce Gabriel Faria says government should show more empathy to small businesses and ramp up the delivery of salary relief grants. At the Health Ministry’s virtual press conference on Tuesday morning, Finance Minister Colm Imbert said the micro-, small-, and medium-enterprise sector would receive... Read more

14th May 2020

Daily Brief - Wednesday 13th May, 2020

Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) president general Ancel Roget said there is no evidence to support allegations by the Opposition UNC that Paria Fuel Trading Company sold fuel to Venezuela. Roget rejected claims by the Opposition Leader that the UNC would reopen Petrotrin if it were re-elected. Read more

13th May 2020

Daily Brief - Tuesday 12th May, 2020

The American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham TT) is calling on companies to show compassion when addressing the thorny issue of employee leave, once covid19 restrictions are lifted. The chamber, through its webinar “Navigating HR & IR Issues During the Pandemic,” said there must be balance in an employer’s legal obligations... Read more

12th May 2020

Daily Brief - Monady 11th May, 2020

T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce remains concerned about the negative impact that the partial closure of the economy is having on businesses in T&T. The chamber made a statement Saturday after Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced that the economy will be reopened on a phased basis. Read more

11th May 2020

Daily Brief - Friday 8th May, 20202

Three men have been arrested by police in Tobago and charged with sexually assaulting minors, one as young as seven. All three, according to a police press release, were expected to appear before a Scarborough magistrate on Thursday to answer the charges. Read more

8th May 2020

Daily Brief - Thursday 7th May, 2020

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith acknowledged Wednesday that he does not know if there has been an increase in cases of domestic violence in the past six or seven weeks as a result of the confinement against covid19. Read more

7th May 2020

Daily Brief - Wednesday 6th May, 2020

The Cabinet-appointed National Economic Recovery Committee will soon have the results of a recent business survey—conducted jointly by the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) and the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA)—to add to its deliberations. Read more

6th May 2020

Daily Brief - Tuesday 5th May, 2020

Let the untimely death of Crystal Cazoe be a lesson to all that the government's stay-at-home regulations should be obeyed. This was the plea from Cazoe's relatives on Monday as they waited for her autopsy at the Forensic Science Centre in St James a day after the mother of four... Read more

5th May 2020

Daily Brief- Monday 4th May, 2020

The economic impact of businesses closing and the general economic slowdown due to the covid19 pandemic, is already evident but can be considerably cushioned, especially for the working-class, if government makes good on its promise to help with employee retainment, an updated survey from the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham)... Read more

4th May 2020

Daily Brief- Friday 1st Mayy, 2020

Rockly Bay is now a sea of sargassum after a floating "island" of sargassum washed ashore on Wednesday. The Tobago House of Assembly’s sargassum management committee is ready to treat with the issue, according to Howard Robin, climate change specialist at the Coastal Zone Management Unit of the Division of... Read more

1st May 2020

Daily Brief - Thursday 30th April, 202

A joint survey of the T&T Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) and the T&T Manufacturers Association (TTMA) has found that as a result of the country’s COVID-19 mitigation measures, 36 per cent of the businesses surveyed have terminated full time employees and 55 per cent have terminated part time or... Read more

30th April 2020

Daily Brief - Wednesday 29th April, 2020

About 200 hampers were expected to be distributed on Monday at the Queen’s Park Oval, through the combined efforts of Queen’s Park Cricket Club, members of the public, and the Port of Spain City Corporation. Colin Murray, executive secretary of the club, said to collect donations, club officials simply put... Read more

29th April 2020

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