HSE Covid Protocols Webinar Presentations
Recovery and the Way Forward Webinar
Returning to Work and Work from Home Guidelines
Recovery and the Way Forward
TTMA Employee Engagement Industry Relations

Our Members at work!
Working with UWI (that is working closely with the Ministry of Health) to prototype and distribute 2,000 face shields for use by front line medical staff.
Distribution of 1,000 bottles of sanitizer to police stations in rural south Trinidad (donated by Angostura) with a further 3,000 bottles to be donated by ANSA Mcal.
Donation of dried goods by TTMA Secretariat via hampers to families in Aranguez (spear-headed by Aranguez businessmen)
200 face masks donated by Kamri Glass for southern police divisions
Rotary Club of St.Augustine
These are extraordinary times and the country is facing a very grave crisis. The private-sector and the labour movement, understanding the seriousness of the crisis, know that we must come together to help the nation through this crisis. Both the labour movement and the private-sector acknowledge the Government’s response and measures in dealing with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus
Guardian Group is partnering with a 3rd party entity to fabricate and distribute hand sanitizer stations to 80 police stations throughout the country.
Collection of PPE following HSE COVID Protocol Webinar #proudlytt
Proudly TT
PTT school competition which has already started to encourage children at home to be creative. There are two age categories (12 and under & 13-17). Competition runs till 15th April (now extended till 25th April due to extension of Lock Down Period).
First Citizen Bank LTD
A "Care Share Card". This card is to be given to first responders and those directly in contact with patients and patient care as a show of gratitude for all they are doing. The goal is 1,000 cards with $250 on each card. This concept can only be realized if donations are procured to the sum of $250,000.00 (priority project in progress)
Advance Foam
Donation of five (5) mattresses and ten (10) bedding frames to serve the bedding needs of frontline medical staff donated by Advance Foam.
SCL Trinidad Ltd
Donation of the following By SCL, through the TTMA, to the Ministry of Health and Police for use in their fight against Covid 19:
- 8 cases (4 x 4 lit) of sanitizing All Purpose Cleaner
- 8 cases (4 x 4 lit) of "Sanifect" sanitiser.
- 8 cases (4 x 4 lit) of sanitizing hand soap.