Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Tuesday 20th July, 2021

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith said the police will be altering their operational plans and strategies to keep up with changes in the public health regulations. As of Monday, the rules now allow the sale of food at restaurants and outdoor exercise in groups of up to five. Read more

20th July 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 19th July, 2021

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers Association (TTMA) has successfully administered over 20,000 vaccines in seven mass vaccination sites to-date. TTMA stands proud to have positively contributed to the Government’s ‘Vaccinate to Operate’ for the safe reopening of the business community. Read more

19th July 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 16th July, 2021

In time for the reopening of restaurants and fast food outlets, hundreds showed up at the Paddock, Queen’s Park Savannah on Thursday for their first dose of the Sinopharm covid19 vaccine. There was an extremely long line at the entrance to the site by 8.30 am. Read more

16th July 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 15th July, 2021

Getting back to some type of normalcy as the world battles the covid19 pandemic requires vaccination, according to the medical experts both at home and internationally. Trinidad and Tobago as of Tuesday afternoon, the Ministry of Health indicated, has fully vaccinated 142,875 people while 226,939 people have received their first... Read more

15th July 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 14th July, 2021

Lutalo Masimba, President of the Trinbago Unified Calysonians Organisation (TUCO), popularly known as Brother Resistance, passed away on Tuesday night. Condolences were sent out to family, friends and the Calypso/Rapso Family. Masimba born in 1954, was well known for pioneering the Rapso music movement in the 1970s, which led to... Read more

14th July 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 13th July, 2021

Two days after being given the all-clear to resume work, the manufacturing sector was almost at full operation capacity yesterday. President of the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) Tricia Coosal said the vast majority of the industry reopened. Read more

13th July 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 12th July, 2021

While many in the food sector are eager and preparing to open come July 19, not every business that closed in May will be in a position to reopen its doors. Penal Debe Chamber of Commerce president Rampersad Sieuraj said that businesses have been battered financially and fears that many... Read more

12th July 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 9th July, 2021

Scotiabank continues its support for communities and people affected by the covid19 pandemic, as it has been doing over the past months through donations to NGOs and charities. In a specific initiative, over 5,500 people throughout the country have recently benefited from food hampers through the bank’s collaboration with the... Read more

9th July 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 8th July, 2021

The National Agricultural Marketing and Development Corporation (Namdevco) has partnered with Prestige Holdings Ltd to increase capacity in the corporation's food-basket initiative. A release from Namdevco said it has been allowed use of Prestige's cold-storage refrigerated trucks and that this public-private partnership would ensure transport efficiencies and mobilise Prestige employees,... Read more

8th July 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 7th July, 2021

Republic Bank Ltd has apologised to its customers for the issues experienced a few hours after it launched on Monday. Newsday obtained a statement e-mailed to its customers on Monday night. The app was launched that morning. Read more

7th July 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 6th July, 2021

Over 5,000 vaccines were administered in one day to personnel from the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers Association (TTMA). In a release issued on Sunday, the Association noted that it had reached another “milestone” with the commencement of vaccination sites for second dose Sinopharm vaccines for the business community. Read more

6th July 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 5th July, 2021

Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith said the defiant stance by businessman Stephen Hadeed towards the law and reopening his business on Monday is simply due to frustration. Hadeed’s social-media post, “I am opening on Monday, the bank calling me, the finance company calling me! Let them come and close me,... Read more

5th July 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 1st July, 2021

CF In­dus­tries Hold­ings, In­cor­po­rat­ed, through cer­tain of its pro­duc­tion fa­cil­i­ties, has filed pe­ti­tions with the US De­part­ment of Com­merce and the US In­ter­na­tion­al Trade Com­mis­sion (ITC) re­quest­ing the ini­ti­a­tion of an­tidump­ing and coun­ter­vail­ing du­ty in­ves­ti­ga­tions on im­ports of urea am­mo­ni­um ni­trate so­lu­tions (UAN) from Rus­sia and Trinidad and To­ba­go. Read more

1st July 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 30th June, 2021

A high court judge has granted an interim injunction stopping the operations of a popular hardware store in Arima owned by former president of the Hindu Credit Union (HCU) Harry Harnarine and some of his family. Read more

30th June 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 29th June, 2021

Breastfeeding women can now be vaccinated against covid19, after the National Immunisation Technical Advisory Group approved the Sinopharm vaccine for use by new mothers. Read more

29th June 2021

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