Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Thursday 21st October, 2021

The T&T Manufacturers Association (TTMA) says it is encouraged that action is being taken against those who contribute to illicit trade. This follows supermarket owners, Stephany Wong Low and Yunxuan Huang who were charged with selling illegal cigarettes and conducting illegal gambling at their businesses. Read more

21st October 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 20th October, 2021

As the investigation continues into the discovery of an improvised explosive device at the Parkade Government Plaza, Richmond Street, Port of Spain, on Monday, senior police believe the device was not intended to cause major damage but instead stir panic in the capital. Read more

20th October 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 19th October, 2021

The Ministry of Health has reported five deaths and 153 new covid19 cases on Monday. In its 4 pm update, it said the number of deaths to date is now 1,605, the number of active cases is 4,329 and there have been 54,267 positive cases in Trindad and Tobago since... Read more

19th October 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 18th October, 2021

President of the Police Service Social and Welfare Association Insp Gideon Dickson said police officers are not satisfied with the way the authorities dealt with the vacancy of the Police Commissioner. In a telephone interview with Newsday, Dickson said while the imbroglio involving former police commissioner Gary Griffith and former... Read more

18th October 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 15th October, 2021

“My days of service are not over,” says former commissioner of police Gary Griffith, as High Court judge Nadia Kangaloo ruled that his acting appointment and that of DCP Mc Donald Jacob as acting commissioner of police were unconstitutional. Read more

15th October 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 14th October, 2021

The Ministry of Health has reported six deaths and 119 new covid19 cases on Wednesday. The ministry’s 4pm update said the number of deaths to date is now 1,572, the number of active cases is 4,207 and there have been 53,216 positive cases since March of last year. Read more

14th October 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 13th October, 2021

Tobago’s covid19 death toll climbed to 90 after a 73-year-old man with comorbidities died from complications associated with the virus overnight. There are 25 new covid19 cases in Tobago and 306 active cases. In a statement on Tuesday, the THA's Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development said there are... Read more

13th October 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 12th October, 2021

Global hygiene soap brand Lifebuoy plans to observe Global Hand washing Day (GHD) by hosting what it says is the world’s largest virtual classroom to impart the important lesson of hand washing with soap. Having already helped over one billion people develop better hand washing habits, improve their hygiene, and... Read more

12th October 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 11th October, 2021

There Have been 11 more covid19 deaths in Trinidad and Tobago. In its covid19 update on Sunday, the Health Ministry reported the total number of covid19 deaths now stands at 1,551. On Saturday, this figure was 15,40. Read more

11th October 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 8th October, 2021

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago has called for immediate reform of the supplemental petroleum tax (SPT) and value-added tax (VAT) refunds to spur investments in oil production. In a statement on Wednesday, it said the changes introduced in 2020 for small onshore producers have contributed to increased activity... Read more

8th October 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 7th October, 2021

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said covid19 "safe zone" certificates will be available for download on Thursday. He said there is no application process or fee by an owner/operator to be registered as a Trinidad and Tobago safe zone. Read more

7th October 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 6th October, 2021

Finance Minister Colm Imbert yesterday defended his 2021/2022 Budget, saying that it was not as “draconian” as some people expected. Imbert was the guest speaker at the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturing Association’s (TTMA’s) post-Budget forum and said that the Budget was evidence that the Government was “listening” to all stakeholders. Read more

6th October 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 5th October, 2021

Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) president Tricia Coosal has welcomed the Budget measures proposed to assist the business community in Trinidad and Tobago, especially those geared to assisting small and medium enterprises (SMEs). She said the TTMA was also heartened to learn the Government will be seeking to address... Read more

5th October 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 4th October, 2021

Thousands of fully vaccinated forms four-six students will return to face-to-face classes today after attending virtual school for the greater part of the pandemic. TT has been battling with the pandemic for more than a year and seven months now. Read more

4th October 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 1st October, 2021

Stuart Dalgliesh, a leader of the business community, manufacturing and construction sectors, and former president of the TT Manufacturers Association (TTMA), died suddenly in Grenada earlier this week. Dalgliesh, 69, was the CEO emeritus of SCL (Trinidad) Ltd and SCL Group of Companies. Read more

1st October 2021

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