Daily Brief

Tuesday 7th December, 2021

Prime Minister and Political Leader of the Peoples National Movement Dr Keith Rowley this morning issued a statement in response to the party's embarrassing and complete defeat at the polls in Tobago on Monday. Read more here… Read more

7th December 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 2nd December, 2021

In spite of the unforeseen challenges in the last couple of years, the TT Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) said it still intends to double the value of export to $7 billion by 2025. The organisation's president Tricia Coosal was speaking at the TTMA’s eighth annual president’s dinner and awards ceremony at... Read more

2nd December 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 1st December., 2021

Following the murders of two prison officers within a few days of each other, the president of the Prison Officers Association (POA) Ceron Richards has called for a meeting with the Prime Minister. Richards was speaking during a press conference at the association’s office in Arouca. Read more

1st December 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 30th November, 2021

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) is once again commending Government for its stance on illicit trade, and says with continued policing and stronger enforcement of the requisite laws, more cases will reach the prosecution stage. Read more

30th November 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 29th November, 2021

The Family Planning Association has said that some factors which contribute to domestic violence have become “cultural norms” in Trinidad and Tobago, and they should be “addressed and eliminated.” In a news release on Friday – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – the association called on... Read more

29th November 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 26th November, 2021

Children need to be given safe spaces to feel safe enough to disclose sexual abuse. Adults in these spaces need to be trained in how to respond to these disclosures. These were some of the conclusions made during the UWI’s Institute for Gender and Development Studies’ special lunch time seminar... Read more

26th November 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 25th November, 2021

Several business chambers are calling for an extension of the demonetisation of the $1, $5, $10, $20 and $50 notes issued before 2020. In June, the Central Bank announced the demonetisation process in which the old notes would cease to be in circulation as a legal tender from January 1, 2022. Read more

25th November 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 24th November, 2021

While Moody's rating agency has said pandemic pressures pushed Trinidad and Tobago's debt-to-GDP ratio towards 90 per cent, it was optimistic for a "strong recovery" next year of 5.9 per cent growth, it said in a report last Friday. Read more

24th November 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 23rd November, 2021

Several hurting, grieving relatives of people murdered recently have called on Government to bring back the state of emergency (SoE) and curfew as a tangible action aimed at curbing the bloodshed caused by criminals. The call was made on Monday outside the Forensic Science Centre, where people gathered waiting to... Read more

23rd November 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 22nd November, 2021

Both Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon and Supermarkets Association (SATT) president Rajiv Diptee have rejected the dire prediction by former SATT president Balliram Maharaj of an impending food shortage for Christmas. “I don’t subscribe to that view at all,” Gopee-Scoon told Newsday when contacted on Sunday. Read more

22nd November 2021

Daily Brief - Friday 19th November, 2021

With the state of emergency (SoE) at an end and Christmas approaching, the police has called out its troops to address an expected crime increase and covid19 cases. Speaking at the media conference on Thursday, ACP Erla Christopher, police operations manager, said officers on vacation would be called out for... Read more

19th November 2021

Daily Brief - Thursday 18th November, 2021

As negotiations on the future of Atlantic LNG (ALNG) train one and its restructuring continue, Shell’s vice president and company chair for TT Eugene Okpere says it is committed to the future of the country. Speaking at the signing of the Manatee production sharing contract between TT and Shell at... Read more

18th November 2021

Daily Brief - Wednesday 17th November, 2021

A 33-year-old hairdresser who was working as a babysitter was killed on Monday night along with the father of the child she was babysitting. Police said at about 12.08 am on Tuesday they were alerted to a wounding at Celestine Drive, Pelican Extension Morvant. Read more

17th November 2021

Daily Brief - Tuesday 16th November, 2021

Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) deputy leader Dr Faith BYisrael has criticised the PNM-led Tobago House of Assembly for the "lack of planning" that went into the new $98 million Roxborough hospital. Her comments came after Secretary of Health Tracy Davidson-Celestine revealed on Thursday that finding specialists for the hospital has... Read more

16th November 2021

Daily Brief - Monday 15th November, 2021

Supermarket Association president Rajiv Diptee said the lifting of the state of emergency (SoE) on Wednesday gives businesses some time to plan their operations and can bring them some relief heading into Christmas. At a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann's on Saturday, the Prime Minister said the... Read more

15th November 2021

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