Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Monday 17th September, 2018

Business consultant Maxine Attong says labour is treated like a commodity in TT, and can be best described as ‘water-bottle culture’. She was addressing the Association of Professional Engineers of TT (APETT) conference on re-booting the economy at Cara Suites, Claxton Bay, San Fernando, on Friday. Read more here Read more

17th September 2018

Daily Brief - Friday 14th September, 2018

A $5.4 million “lost in hole” lawsuit is engaging the High Court in San Fernando, between an oil services company and a contractor who has ventured into the oil business. Tucker Energy Services of Princess Margaret Street, San Fernando slapped the lawsuit on TN Ramnauth & Co, claiming US$803,577.77 for... Read more

14th September 2018

Daily Brief - Thursday 13th September, 2018

The husband of kidnap victim Natalie Pollonais has spoken out on an audio file circulating on social media by a woman who purports to be telling the story of Natalie’s kidnapping. Jason Pollonais said the public should be careful of believing everything they hear or read on social media as... Read more

13th September 2018

Daily Brief - Wednesday 12th September, 2018

Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Vishwanath Partapsingh Monday urged the media to respect the families and memories of suicide victims as they report on such instances and be wary of sensational reporting and exaggerated facts. Speaking at the launch of the National Media Guidelines for Responsible Reporting on Suicide at... Read more

12th September 2018

Daily Brief - Tuesday 11th September, 2018

Four days after she was kidnapped, Palmiste mother of three Natalie Pollonais was rescued by police. The news was shared moments ago by the Police Service via their Twitter feed. No additional information was made available. Read more

11th September 2018

Daily Brief - Monday 10th September, 2018

The pri­vate sec­tor was not af­fect­ed by calls from var­i­ous trade union lead­ers to par­tic­i­pate in the day of “rest and re­flec­tion” yes­ter­day, with busi­ness­es re­port­ing that staff turned out for work as nor­mal. In a joint state­ment, the T&T Cham­ber, Am­ChamTT, En­er­gy Cham­ber and the TTMA said a com­pre­hen­sive... Read more

10th September 2018

Daily Brief - Friday 7th September, 2018

The ripple effect of the pending closure of Petrotrin’s refinery is being felt in the Caricom region. President general of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) Ancel Roget said his union has had discussions with some prime ministers in the region and with the source of their supply uncertain, they... Read more

7th September 2018

Daily Brief - Thursday 6th September, 2018

Several energy firms operating in TT in statements recently each said the proposed closure of Petrotrin’s refinery will have no impact on their operations. One said it was “a difficult but necessary step”, while another said it might actually help their profit margins, while a third hoped to offer jobs... Read more

6th September 2018

Daily Brief - Wednesday 5th September, 2018

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) and the Employers’ Consultative Association (ECA) are advising employees that a national shutdown on Friday will have adverse effects on the country. Read more here Read more

5th September 2018

Daily Brief - Tuesday 4th September, 2018

Min­is­ter of Trade and In­dus­try, Paula Gopee-Scoon will lead a del­e­ga­tion of 10 pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies along with se­nior ex­ec­u­tives of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ As­so­ci­a­tion (TTMA) and state en­ter­prise ex­porTT Lim­it­ed on a Trade Mis­sion to Colom­bia from Sep­tem­ber 2-6, 2018. Read more

4th September 2018

Daily Brief- Monday 3rd September, 2018

A Venezuelan boat, carrying copper and scrap iron, was impounded for three days by Coast Guard officials on Thursday morning but was subsequently released without the cargo being offloaded. The boat, with three Venezuelan men on board, left Guira on Wednesday at 11 pm for the Port of Spain docks. Read more

3rd September 2018

Daily Brief - Thursday 30th August, 2018

All the employees will be treated in a “reasonable, equitable and fair manner,” Petrotrin chairman Wilfred Espinet said yesterday. Espinet did not give specifics, despite uncertainty and unease among workers who are now unsure of their fate after the state oil company made a surprise announcement yesterday that it would... Read more

30th August 2018

Daily Brief - Wednesday 29th August, 2018

The public is being told by the Ministry of Health, there is no malaria outbreak in TT. In a media release yesterday, the ministry said cases of malaria recorded for the year, thus far, are not unusual. It said the majority of confirmed cases were imported from neighbouring countries. Read more

29th August 2018

Daily Brief - Tuesday 28th August, 2018

Although the Piparo mud volcano erupted during last Tuesday’s earthquake, those who live closest to it are not afraid of another bigger eruption. Piparo resident, 74-year-old Parbatee Suratt, believes the volcano will not erupt again in her lifetime as it did in February, 1997 destroying homes, covering cars and killing livestock. Read more

28th August 2018

Daily Brief- Monday 27th August, 2018

Tamarind balls, fudge, preserved mango and spice bun are among the items customers of Caribbean Airlines Ltd (CAL) will soon be able to purchase from the new in-flight snack and beverage catalogue, Caribbean Café. Launched last Friday, Caribbean Café items will be available from September 1 to those travelling on... Read more

27th August 2018

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