Daily Brief- Tuesday 9th June, 2015




Cop’s son in court

Constable Justin Abraham, son of ace crime fighter and Head of Central Division Snr Supt Johnny Abraham yesterday appeared before a Tunapuna Magistrate on charges of common assault and misbehaviour in public office. He appeared before Senior Magistrate Gillian David-Scotland in the First Court and was represented by attorney Taradath Singh. The officer is also charged with demanding money by menace. The charges were laid indictably and PC Abraham was not called upon to enter a plea. Abraham who was last assigned to Northern Division Task Force is charged in relation to an incident which allegedly occurred on May 30.  The charges allege that there was an altercation involving the accused and another man outside Aquarios Bar in Tunapuna. On Friday last, Abraham was detained at his home by a team of officers led by ACP Baldeo, Superintendent Renwrick and including Sgt Daniel and others. He was taken to the Port-of-Spain CID the following day and placed on an identification parade. Read more...

Ex-clico ceo GETs $17.3m

Two days before the chairman and managing director of CLICO were fired for not following instructions with regard to payouts, its former chief executive, Eugene Dziadyk, was paid $17.3 million for his policies. Dziadyk, a Canadian actuary who had three US currency polices, was paid on June 3. Unlike other policyholders, like former director Nigel Salina who had a two per cent interest on his policies, Dziadyk had 12 per cent interest on the three policies. For his three investments valued at of $499,919.15, $1,083,051.82 and $1,086,935.36 in 2007, he was paid $3,239,842.96, $7,018,970.63 and $7,044,138.85 respectively. The $17.3 million represents 85 per cent of the money owed to him with the interest. The payment was made even after Finance Minister Larry Howai called for a report on the matter. At the Sir Anthony Colman's Commission of Enquiry, it was revealed that Dziadyk had benefited from an interest credit of $63 million on an account.. Read more...

My qualifications above board says Alexandrov

Forensic pathologist Dr Valery Alexandrov has described the statements made by pathologist Dr Hughvon des Vignes against him as the act of a desperate man. He made the comment to the T&T Guardian on Sunday in response to des Vignes’ threats that he would resign if Alexandrov’s contract was renewed. During a press conference at the office of his attorney, Glenda Morean-Phillip, on St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain, last Friday, des Vignes claimed he was the only person in the country qualified to conduct forensic autopsies. He said through Morean-Phillip he had written to the Medical Board seeking information about Alexandrov’s qualifications.“You don’t come here and say you’re working in forensic, so you’re a forensic pathologist. Let’s see your qualifications,” des Vignes had said, adding he also had queries about Dr Eslyn McDonald-Burris, who also performed autopsies at the centre. Read more...



UNC hands out 280 ‘candidate’ forms

Approximately 280 nomination forms have been distributed almost one month after the United National Congress (UNC), the main political party in the coalition People’s Partnership Administration, formally began the first phase of its 2015 General Election campaign. Acting UNC chairman, Khadijah Ameen, responding to an email query about the status of the nomination process, reiterated the party had invited nominations from all 41 constituencies pending the outcome of negotiations with the coalition’s political parties. The other parties are the Congress of the People (COP), the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) and the National Joint Action Committee (NJAC). “Nominations remain open,” Ameen stated, adding, “UNC has invited nominations for all 41 constituencies.” “Negotiations with our partners will determine which individual constituency will be contested by which party and the candidates,” she stated, and noted negotiations “have not yet begun but we will keep you posted on that.” Read more...

Govt gets its way despite Opposition, Independent objections

As the countdown to the dissolution of Parliament begins in earnest, Government had to defend its parliamentary agenda yesterday against dissenting voices of Opposition and Independent Senators. Government had to use its majority to outvote Opposition and Independent Senators, who objected to what they saw as a last minute, rushed parliamentary timetable. The matters in dispute were the Squatter Regularisation bill which Government has set for debate today; the Variation of Appropriation bill which Government has scheduled for debate tomorrow and the completion of Committee stage on the Motor Vehicle Bill, which Government insisted had to be done yesterday. Opposition Senator Faris Al-Rawi and Independent Senator Helen Drayton registered objections when the questions were put to the Senate for the debating of these bills, asking for a division (a precise count of the vote). With four Opposition senators and three Independent Senators (Drayton, Anthony Vieira and David Small) present in the chamber, Government by a vote of 12 for, seven against, got its way. On the issue of the Motor Vehicle bill, Opposition and Independent Senators said they needed more time to study the complex legislation and that such a bill should go to a Select Committee.



Postal workers want 18.5% more

Postal workers are appealing to Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) Stephanie Lewis to intervene and fast track their request for an “18.5 per cent increase to their basic salary”. They are also appealing to both Lewis and Public Utilities Minister Nizam Baksh to intervene and speed up their negotiations before Parliament is prorogued on June 17. Yesterday, Reginald Crichlow, general secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Postal Workers Union, union president David Forbes and workers staged a protest outside the CPO's office at St Vincent Street, Port of Spain. To date, Crichlow said they have only dealt with “non-cost items” (health and safety issues) and are yet to move to cost items like increase in salaries and vacation. He said: “We are asking for an 18.5 per cent increase in a number of job positions. The job evaluation is 18.5 per cent to the basic salary to bring us concurrent with the international market.  Read more...

Trade Minister signs MOU with UTT

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed by representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Tertiary Education and Ministry of Public Utilities for establishment of the University of T&T’s Institute of Printing and Packaging. On hand for the signing ceremony were Trade Minister Vasant Bharath, Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim, Public Utilities Minister Nizam Baksh, Curtis R Manchoon, UTT chairman and Professor Dyer Narinesingh, president, UTT. Bharath said “the launch of the Institute is a significant milestone for the printing and packaging Industry and stakeholders, as it addresses one of the major issues facing the industry for many years, namely, the shortage of trained and skilled labour.” “We envision that the establishment of the Institute of Printing will be instrumental in developing and meeting the human resource needs of the printing industry; and will assist with the training and certification of new and existing workers in the industry, while encouraging new entrants into the industry.” Read more...


CSA Group, a leading global provider of standards development, testing and certification services, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), the standards development, conformity assessment, laboratory accreditation and metrology organisation for Trinidad and Tobago, and Premier Quality Services Limited (PQSL), a fully owned subsidiary of TTBS that provides business solutions in quality, professional and skill development via training, consultancy and strategic partnership programmes, announced a new alliance and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on June 2. “Our new alliance with TTBS and PQSL is part of our commitment to develop standards nationally and globally,” said Gianluca Arcari, Executive Director, Standards and Vice President, CSA Group. “Through our new alliance, we will be sharing expertise and knowledge to encourage stronger relationships with business and government in Trinidad and Tobago.  Read more...

Young entrepreneurs learn about NIB

Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) recently invited the National Insurance Board (NIB) to conduct an educational workshop for young entrepreneurs. Participants were exposed to specific areas such as employer obligation—what is expected of them as employers—as well as their responsibilities to their employees and the NIB. Details of the 23 benefits provided by the NIB were also shared. Public relations assistant at the NIB, Sheldon Joseph, told participants the NIB is “more than a pension provider.” “Our role is to ensure that all citizens—both employers and employees—are aware of their entitlements,” he said. The initiative was part of YBTT’s mission to ensure young entrepreneurs are kept abreast of important information that can impact their businesses.


New elections supervisor and electoral commission to be appointed in St Kitts-Nevis

The governor general of St Kitts and Nevis is expected to announce a new supervisor of elections shortly, according to Attorney General Vincent Byron Jr. "We would await his Excellency the governor general to determine who or what would happen to the supervisor of elections. The constitution... stipulates that the governor general shall appoint a supervisor of elections having had consultations with the prime minister, the premier of Nevis and the leader of the opposition, and so we would await his Excellency to have those consultations and make the requisite appointment... which we understand are ongoing as we speak, and so that I would expect in a day or two that there will be an announcement as to the appointment of the new supervisor of elections," the attorney general told WINN FM. The supervisor of elections Wingrove Grove was at the centre of controversy during the February 16 general elections. . Read more...



'A man of character': Obama delivers emotional eulogy for Beau Biden

President Barack Obama eulogized Beau Biden Saturday as a good man of character, hailing the compassion and public service of his family in a moving funeral oration about the son of grief-stricken Vice President Joe Biden. Obama said that the former Delaware Attorney General and Iraq War veteran who died a week ago from brain cancer was a fine man full of integrity who had refused to trade on his family name. He did his duty to his country and "did not have a mean bone in his body," Obama told more than a thousand mourners at a Roman Catholic funeral Mass in Wilmington, Delaware. "Beau Biden brought to his work a mighty heart, he brought to his family a mighty heart," Obama said in his eulogy, during which he appeared on the verge of being emotionally overcome several times as he praised Beau Biden as a model public official, father and son.  Read more..

9th June 2015


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