Daily Brief - Wednesday 24th October, 2018


Seismic Centre: Quake activity elevated

The two earthquakes felt on Monday night were part of “an elevated level of seismicity” being felt both regionally and globally, said Dr Joan Latchman, head of the Seismic Research Centre (SRC), at the University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine. “What we are seeing in the Gulf of Paria this year is somewhat elevated above what we would normally see,” she commented. She said the two quakes occurred respectively at 11.33 pm and 11.37 pm in the Gulf of Paria, followed by aftershocks. The first and main quake was 5.1 magnitude at a depth of ten kilometres. Read more here

President falls ill at Carifesta XIV opening

Pres­i­dent Paula-Mae Weekes fell ill ear­li­er this evening while at­tend­ing the launch of Car­ifes­ta XIV at the Hilton Trinidad, Port-of-Spain. Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease from the Of­fice of the Pres­i­dent, Weekes was still able to com­plete her sched­uled speech at the event af­ter falling ill ear­ly on in the pro­ceed­ings. It said Weekes had to be at­tend­ed to by Dr Mon­i­ca Davis, the Dean of the Con­sular Corps, af­ter she had a bout of “cold sweat­ing” and a “bad feel­ing.” She was es­cort­ed from the ball­room for treat­ment and it was lat­er dis­cov­ered her symp­toms were due to low blood sug­ar. Read more here 

Flood Victims Kicked Out Shelter

Sev­er­al fam­i­lies at Ram­lal Trace, off Be­ju­cal Road, Cunu­pia, say they were kicked out of the Munroe Road Hin­du School - a des­ig­nat­ed flood shel­ter - on Mon­day, af­ter they sought shel­ter there on Sat­ur­day. An­toinette Jaikaran, 58, told Guardian Me­dia she and her fam­i­ly were told they need­ed to leave the school’s com­pound as clean-up crews were go­ing in to sani­tise the com­pound for the re­sump­tion of class­es yes­ter­day. She said she was told to leave by Ch­agua­nas West Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment Gan­ga Singh. Read more here



Ministry changes flood grant methodology

National Security Minister Stuart Young says the Ministry of Social Development is now using a more sensible approach to assessing people for flood relief grants. Read more here



T&T’s gas reserves grow

Trinidad and Tobago’s natural gas reserves have grown. In his contribution to the budget debate in the Senate on Monday, Energy Minister Franklin Khan said the latest Ryder Scott report on T&T’s natural gas, which outlines the country’s proven, possible and probable reserves, shows that reserves have grown. Read more here



Flood Nightmare - Thousands Caught In City Lockdown Following Heavy Rains

Frustration, flooded roads and buildings, city-wide gridlock, hours in stand-still traffic, and stranded at bus stops were some of the horror many persons experienced in the Corporate Area yesterday, as they attempted to get home following heavy rains which started at approximately 4 p.m. "It was a nightmare. I've never seen anything like this. The entire city seems to be practically locked down," one woman in downtown Kingston declared, who had been stuck in traffic for more than three hours trying to get home. Read more here



Trump is at the top of his dangerous game as midterms loom

Donald Trump fixed reporters with a hard gaze and declared: "I'm a very nonpolitical person, and that's why I got elected President." Like much of what Trump says, his comment required a large helping of salt, since it came in a session in which his considerable, instinctive and often cynical political prowess was on full display 14 days before the midterm elections. With reporters and lawmakers huddled around his Oval Office desk Tuesday, Trump floated conspiracy theories, boasted about his achievements, bent facts, teased future announcements and dipped into a well of racial and cultural prejudice. Read more here

Tropical storm Willa moves inland across Mexico

Storm Willa is moving inland after it made landfall on Mexico's Pacific coast. Willa has rapidly weakened but torrential rains are falling over west-central Mexico. The US National Hurricane Center has warned of potentially life-threatening flash flooding and landslides. It also warned of large waves and rough surf conditions on the coast of the states of Sinaloa and Nayarit and of continued strong winds. Willa was a category three hurricane when it made landfall but has since weakened and been downgraded to a tropical storm. Read more here


24th October 2018


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