Daily Brief - Wednesday 11th May, 2016


Spy Bill Passes

Legislation giving more powers to the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) was last night passed in the Senate after two Independent Senators – including one temporary senator – broke ranks from their colleagues and supported the measure. The controversial Strategic Services Agency (Amendment) Bill 2016 was passed at 11.20 pm by a margin of 17 for 12 against. Independent Senator Ian Roach and Temporary Independent Senator Justin Junkere voted yes. Independent Senator Sophia Chote SC - who opposed the bill and voted against prior procedural motions relating to it - was not in the chamber for the final vote. The Act now goes to President’s House.If assented, the SSA will be empowered to handle “information that could facilitate the detection and prevention” of any crime with a jail-term of five years or more. Passage of the legislation came notwithstanding serious concerns by seven of the nine Independent Senators, two of whom had called for the legislation to be withdrawn.On a night of high drama, Opposition and Independent Senators forced five divisions on normally simple procedural motions which had been tabled by the Government in order to move the legislation closer to a vote. Read more…

Children’s Authority: 100 reports of toddler abuse in nine months

During the nine-month period, May 18, 2015 to February 17, 2016, the Children's Authority received approximately 100 reports of children three years and under, including newborns who were physically abused. These statistics came to light after the tragic death of two-year-old Jacob Antonio Bastaldo last Friday. It was initially believed the toddler was beaten to death but an autopsy showed that the death of the toddler was accidental. The report said Jacob suffered a ruptured liver and died from complications associated with haemorrhaging after falling off a coffee table. The child’s mother is 18. Read more…

Arrive Alive on speed limit hike: Not so fast

An increase in the speed limit without proper assessment is a recipe for disaster and would only increase the number of road deaths, says activist group Arrive Alive. Since the introduction of the speed guns by the Police Service last week, there has been much debate, with an online petition asking Works and Transport Minister Fitzgerald Hinds to increase the speed limit from 80 kilometres per hour to 120 kilometres per hour on highways. More than 10,000 people had signed the petition up to last evening. Arrive Alive said it was not opposed to a review, but it had to be done in the context of a holistic assessment of the issue by the ministry’s road traffic engineers based on available data, including the unacceptable level of road fatalities. The non-governmental organisation (NGO) said new measures implemented by Government must be taken into consideration. Read more…



AG Facing Cabinet Axe

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is on the verge of reshuffling his Cabinet and Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi’s position in jeopardy, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar told supporters at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum in Aranjuez. “What I am hearing is that the first political head on the block is the Attorney General and if that is not true,” she said, “he should be removed for his role in the Malcolm Jones affair, for his role in the SSA (Strategic Services Agency) affair, for his role in ArcelorMittal and so many others that we can rain on his doorstep,” Persad-Bissessar said. Addressing supporters at the Aranjuez Community Centre, Persad-Bissessar said there have been discussions about who were and who were not members of Government. Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, she said, made statements about abortion for which Rowley later, “came out and bouffed him”, saying Deyalsingh was not the Government and that the debate should continue. Read more…

2 independents support SSA Bill

The support of two Independent Senators — Hugh Ian Roach and Justin Junkere — last night assisted in propelling Government’s controversial Strategic Services Agency (SSA) Bill towards passage. The vote was the climax of strong debate on the bill over several weeks in the Lower House, and this week in the Upper House again with 21 speakers there. Up to yesterday’s final stage, controversy was heavy on the bill, which seeks to expand the remit of the SSA, which can employ wiretapping in collecting intelligence. The SSA’s ambit under the amendment would extend to collecting information, not only on drug issues (as it currently does) but also on a host of offences listed as “serious crime”. This includes treason, sedition, terrorism, terrorist financing, corruption, money laundering and other crimes. Read more…

More concerns raised about bill; No so, says Govt

The debate on the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) Amendment Bill continued up to press time, with Independent and Opposition senators continuing to voice concerns that the bill widens the scope for spying. This, notwithstanding Government statements to the contrary. Read more…



Republic’s HFC Bank explores T&T-Ghana links

ACCRA—HFC Bank, a member of Republic Bank Holdings Limited, hosted a cocktail reception on Monday evening with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley as part of his four-day official visit to Ghana. The reception was also attended by Vice-President of Ghana, K.B. Amissah-Arthur, as well as members of the high-powered delegation accompanying Dr Rowley on his official visit. Ghana Government officials, the diplomatic community, representatives of the private sector in Ghana, Trinidadian nationals in Ghana and HFC Bank stakeholders were also at the function. Dr Rowley, who is visiting Ghana for the first time has already met with President John Dramani Mahama to discuss issues of mutual benefit to the two countries. The Managing Director of HFC Bank Robert Le Hunte, said there are too strong similarities between Ghana and T&T which gives indications that the two countries are virtually one people. Read more…

Way to Go

The National Gas Company’s (NGC) initiative to actively pursue opportunities in gas-producing African countries is welcome news at a time when the domestic energy landscape is gloomy. While seeking to leverage NGC’s vast experience and expertise in multi-faceted aspects of the oil and gas industries is not new, the aggressive approach to position NGC to benefit from those countries’ drive to monetise their natural gas resources is the way to go. We note that well before NGC chairman Gerry Brooks’ visit to Ghana (as a member of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s team), energy expert Professor Ken Julien had served in Africa as a senior adviser, and under former energy minister Kevin Ramnarine, NGC officials had begun discussions with several entities in that emerging energy continent. Read more…



Barbados awards offshore exploration block to Repsol

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart says the award of the Black Belly offshore exploration block to Repsol SA represents “another bold step” in Barbados’ journey towards realising its offshore petroleum potential.
Speaking at a ceremony on Monday to present the award formally to the company based in Madrid, Spain, Stuart said the opportunity to partner with Repsol was both encouraging and timely, considering the severe and wide-reaching constraints that had been placed on the oil and gas industry due to prevailing low oil prices. “This blossoming partnership will undoubtedly send a clear message to the industry that Barbados remains committed to the development of its offshore petroleum sector,” he said. Barbados launched its offshore petroleum programme in 2007 in an effort to license prospective areas of the island’s offshore petroleum acreage. The Black Belly Sheep Block, which Repsol will be exploring, is located off the island’s west coast. Read more…

Royal Mess - Probe Launched Into Collapse At Hotel Construction Site In Negril

Minister of Local Government and Community Development Desmond McKenzie has ordered an investigation into the circumstances that led to yesterday's collapse of decking at the Blue Diamond Royalton hotel construction site in Negril, Hanover. The collapse left five construction workers injured, and at least one trapped in rubble for hours before being rescued. Pointing to what he said were concerns about breaches of permits granted by the Hanover Parish Council, McKenzie instructed the council to issue a stop order that is to remain in effect for at least 30 days. "A notice of cease work has been issued by the Hanover Parish Council and will be extended beyond 30 days until we are satisfied, following the investigations, that everything is done to conform with the approvals that were granted by the Hanover Parish Council," he said. The local government minister said a three-man technical team has been established to investigate the incident and he has requested that a comprehensive report be submitted to him later today. Read more…



Queen filmed calling Chinese officials 'very rude'

The Queen has been filmed saying Chinese officials were "very rude" during last year's state visit by President Xi Jinping. She was discussing their treatment of Britain's ambassador to China with a senior police officer at a Buckingham Palace garden party on Tuesday. It came after David Cameron was overheard saying Afghanistan and Nigeria were "fantastically corrupt". Buckingham Palace said the Chinese visit had been "extremely successful". Chinese officials in both London and Beijing also recalled the visit's "success". The invitation to President Xi was part of the government's policy of courting Chinese investment. The Queen's remarks were filmed as she was introduced to Metropolitan Police Commander Lucy D'Orsi, who the monarch is told had overseen security during President Xi's visit to the UK in October. She is heard to respond: "Oh, bad luck." Read more…

ISIS claims responsibility for Baghdad bombing that killed dozens

At least 64 people were killed when a bomb went off at a market in Baghdad, according to Iraqi police. An additional 87 people were injured in the attack in the largely Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City. Pictures of the aftermath of the explosion showed hundreds gathered near a chaotic scene. Blood marked the street, cars had their windows blown out and nearly an entire sidewalk was left charred. Read more…



11th May 2016


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