Daily Brief - Tuesday 26th January, 2016


Beware the Zika virus

There are often no symptoms to show that someone has the mosquito-borne Zika virus, and even if it is suspected there is no treatment, yet the infection can lead babies to be born with small heads (microcephaly) and/or a paralysing nerve-disorder known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). This was the sobering reality spelt out at a news briefing yesterday at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (Carpha) at their office at Federation Park, St Clair. The event saw presentations on the topic of Zika from the aspects of the disease, regional perspective, surveillance, tourism and ethical issues, headed by Carpha executive director, Dr James Hospedales. The forum learnt that so far mosquito controls are failing to stop Zika, as seen before in the attempt against the Chik V Virus. Some persons bitten by infected mosquitos display symptoms of muscle aches, pains, fever, headache and rash. Read more…

Gunmen ‘threaten’ priests at funerals

Religious leaders, including priests and lay ministers in Laventille and environs, are very fearful and exercise extreme caution about what they say to their congregations because gunmen often sit among the mourners armed with weapons, and priests feel threatened by that. Retired lay minister at the Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Main Road, Laventille, Wendell Noel, said he had to stop his sermons during two separate funeral services because men allegedly pulled guns and pointed them at him when he spoke about gangs and criminal activivity in the community. Read more…

I did not kill boys

Even though rumours continue to spread that 81-year-old Morsley Philip was killed because his youngest son had shot dead teenagers De-neilson Smith and Mark Richards on Thursday last, 26-year-old Ethan Philip says he is innocent of all allegations. Ethan made a passionate plea to residents of Sogren Trace, Laventille, yesterday evening to exercise “caution and sensibility” and not to react to “hearsay” because innocent people were being caught up in the crossfire. Read more…



A victory for TT

Attorney GeneralL (AG) Faris Al-Rawi yesterday declared the ruling of the Privy Council on the Section 34 matter is, “a victory for Trinidad and Tobago and all of the people of TT.” Addressing a news conference at his Cabildo Chambers office in Port-of-Spain and recalling his role in this matter as an Opposition Senator, Al-Rawi said, “We do feel some sense of vindication for the people of TT.” The AG stated, “ Certainly, we are no longer permitted that perspective of being partisan on the approach that we take.” Recalling the public outcry which the Section 34 fiasco evoked, Al-Rawi said, “The position of the Privy Council today is nothing more than an affirnation of the judgment of Madam Justice Dean Armorer in the High Court and indeed of their Lordships in the Court of Appeal.” Read more…

Imbert: PP govt spent $66b and counting...

Four ministries have so far reported unpaid bills from the past PP’s tenure totalling $2.1 billion, which together with other figures would take its last 2015 Budget expenditure to $66 billion, Finance Minister Colm Imbert says. “The (PP) government spent about $66 billion and we’re still counting as the $2.1 billion is only from four ministries, so who knows where this will reach in the final count,” Imbert added in the Senate, yesterday. Imbert detailed the situation in response to a challenge by UNC Senator Wade Mark to give the final expenditure for the last PP budget. Both speakers were participating in a debate on a Standing Finance Committee report closing the 2015 accounts including shifting $200 million in savings from the Energy Ministry to Works for the Pt Fortin Highway and associated issues. Read more…

Minister: Continued support for Success/Laventille pupils

Education Minister Anthony Garcia yesterday promised continued support for the pupils of the Success/Laventille Secondary School during his tour of the institution following the shooting deaths of two pupils last Thursday. The two teenagers, Mark Richards, 16 and 17-year-old De-neilson Smith, were shot and killed while on their way home after classes at their school. The teenagers died on the spot after they were dragged out of a taxi and shot several times by three masked men on Picton Road, Laventille. Read more…



$5,000 fine for ‘Magic Jack’

It is  an offence in law to use electronic devices for transmission of sound and pictures for a financial reward without permission of the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT). The operator of Abchan Enterprises Ltd of Salazar Trace in Point Fortin found this out last week when a magistrate slapped a fine of $5,000 on them. The offence alleged that the business was involved in the sale of an electronic device known as ‘magic jack’ which is a device which facilitates overseas calls via the internet, free of charge. Thakoor Kolahal and Abchan Enterprises Ltd were charged with providing a public telecommunications service without a concession and in breach of the Telecommunications Act, during the period March 2009 to May 2009 in Point Fortin. Read more…

Work begins on agency to replace CSO

Planning and Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis has pledged to do what it takes to ensure a smooth transition from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) to the National Statistical Institute (NSI). She did so recently when she met with CSO staff at their new offices at 47 Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain.The CSO’s building at 80 Independence Square was closed down due to health and safety issues in May 2013. As a result, data sets such as trade, labour and tourism were at least three years out of date. In recent months, with the acquisition of the new facilities at 47 Frederick Street, the CSO has started to overcome many of the challenges in the production of its data. Read more…

Chamber backs joint patrols

The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce says it is in full support of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley's decision to implement joint army and police patrols in East Port of Spain and elsewhere. The organisation yesterday expressed outrage over the upsurge in heinous crimes for the year, noting that the situation came to a sobering head last Thursday with the brutal killing of teenage boys Mark Richards and De-neilson Smith. Read more…



Dr Peter Phillips - Gleaner Man Of The Year

Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr Peter David Phillips, casually strode to the platform to accept The Gleaner Man of the Year Honour Award for 2015. This was in stark contrast to the dogged sense of purpose that characterised his resolute approach to the management of the Jamaica's economy. With a wide grin, Phillips held aloft, the symbol of the crowning moment of a challenging year, after receiving the prestigious award at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel yesterday. But he was quite emphatic that the honour did not belong to him alone. "I accept the award with great appreciation but, quite frankly, it is an award to the Jamaican people," he declared. Read more…

Regional tourism organisations observing protocols on mosquito-borne diseases

The public-sector-led Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and its private sector counterpart, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) said on Monday that they were observing national, regional and international health protocols in dealing with mosquito-borne viral diseases found in tropical countries. In a statement on the zika virus, the CTO and CHTA said they were in close contact with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to monitor and research the zika cases that had surfaced in some Caribbean destinations, and to communicate prevention and control measures to residents and visitors. Read more…



CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump dominates GOP field at 41%

Donald Trump has hit a new high in the race for the Republican nomination, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, with more than 4-in-10 Republican voters nationwide now saying they back the billionaire. And more than two-thirds of Republicans say he's the candidate most likely to capture their party's presidential nomination. Trump has topped the 40% mark for the first time in CNN/ORC polling, standing at 41%. That more than doubles the support of his nearest competitor, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who notches 19% support in the poll. No other candidate hit double-digits. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio landed at 8%, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 6%, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5%, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 4%, and the rest at 3% or less. Read more…

Apple in 2016: Is the mighty iPhone in decline?

Despite a rip-roaring 2015, something peculiar happened this month: Apple's stock value dropped to below $100 for the first time since October 2014. That was down from a high of just over $132 last May. As I write this, it's rallying on account of some decent rumours - but it's on Tuesday we'll truly know if 2016 is going to be a tough one for the tech giant. On the one hand, we're expecting an amazing Christmas with record-breaking revenues, yet again. But it's Apple's guidance for what to expect in the months to come that investors will be eagerly awaiting. It's here where the company outlines its worries, the issues that keeps it awake at night (or at least, stressed out in the boardroom). Read more…



26th January 2016


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