Daily Brief - Tuesday 10th September, 2024


Health Ministry: Dengue deaths now at 16

The Health Ministry has reported the total number of deaths due to dengue fever is now 16. This information was provided in its latest epidemiological update on September 9. “There are 1,315 laboratory-confirmed cases of dengue fever and 16 laboratory-confirmed deaths.” As of September 5, the ministry said a total of 914 yellow-fever notices have been issued to property owners/occupiers, directing them to clean up their surroundings. Read more here

Divali Nagar kicks off in October with focus on the family

The 36th edition of Divali Nagar gets rolling on October 22 and will run until October 30, with a focus being placed on strengthening the institution of the family. This was announced by Independent Senator Deoroop Teemal, president of the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC), over the weekend. He was addressing a cultural show for attendees of a three-day International Conference on Hindi at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas. He said the theme for this year’s Divali Nagar celebrations is Ghrias Ashram - Building Homes and Building Families. Teemal said the theme would look at parenting and the institution of the family. Read more here



Planning Minister: Climate challenges bring opportunities

Minister of Planning Pennelope Beckles-Robinson has encouraged delegates at the eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable to find solutions to the challenge of building resilience against climate change. She said while there are many challenges to making the region resilient, each challenge provided opportunities. Read more here

Kamla: Why did Central Bank not allow Auditor General access to data?

UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has queried why the Central Bank of T&T (CBTT) refused to allow the Auditor General's request to examine the bank's electronic cheque-clearing system. "What are they hiding? And why?” Persad-Bissessar added at Monday night's UNC meeting at Chaguanas. Persad-Bissessar also listed 50 initiatives for the health sector which a UNC government would offer - from reintroducing the Baby Grant to expanding the CDAP programme's pharmaceuticals and introducing Cath labs in hospitals to enable cardiac stenting on a 24-hour basis. Read more here



Angostura recruits new local sales exec

Two weeks after advising that CEO Laurent Schun will take on an advisory role on the company’s international expansion from Miami, Florida, Angostura Holdings Limited has appointed a new executive manager for local sales. In a notice on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Angostura announced that Nigel Balkaran has been appointed to the position. The notice stated that he will take up the role from October 1, 2024. Angostura’s former executive manager for local sales, Curtis Durity resigned from the position with effect from June 24, 2024. Read more here

SOLIS officially listed on Stock Exchange

SOLIS (Eric Solis Marketing Ltd) was officially listed on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange yesterday and began trading. The company is listed as SOLIS on the TTSE’s Small to Medium Enterprise Listing. In a release on September 6, the TTSE stated that Solis listed 8,333,333 ordinary shares at $4 each. Read more here



New Demerara River Bridge… Gov’t working with GTT, GPL to relocate utilities for advancement of project

Discussion are ongoing regarding the removal of utilities obstructing the pathway of the US$260 million New Demerara River Bridge, as part of a critical step towards advancing the transformational project, which is now 69 per cent complete. The update was provided by Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill following an inspection of the site on Monday. He emphasised the urgency of expediting the project and outlined strategies for initiating works in the Peter’s Hall area. “We are working with GTT and GPL to relocate the utilities so that we can continue the work and how we can start executing work within the Peters Hall area where we have acquired the properties,” the minister pointed out. Read more here



Harris and Trump to debate in pivotal campaign test

Presidential debates matter in American politics. And the one that takes place on Tuesday night between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris – their only currently scheduled face-off – may matter more than most. Joe Biden’s poor performance in the first presidential debate in late June created a firestorm of pressure within the Democratic Party that ultimately forced him to abandon his re-election campaign. Even though Kamala Harris has been vice-president for more than three years and a candidate for president for seven weeks, she is still a relative unknown for many Americans. In a recent New York Times survey, 28% of likely November voters said that they needed to know more about the Californian. Read more here


10th September 2024


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