Daily Brief - Thursday 3rd December, 2015


2,536 drunk drivers charged in 2015

The reckless decision to drive while intoxicated has led to the arrest of 2,536 persons, so far this year, while breaches of road traffic laws and regulations by motorists resulted in police issuing 46,004 tickets which led to fines to the State in the amount of $46 million. That’s not all. Data compiled by the Crime and Problem Analysis (CAPA) Branch and the Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) suggests alcohol was a main contributor in 30 percent of road traffic deaths between 2011 and 2014. The data was provided yesterday by Acting Superintendent, Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch of the TTPS, Mathura Singh, during the weekly press briefing at Police Administration Building, corner of Edward and Sackville Streets, Port of- Spain. Read more…

 Contractors must be paid

One of the reasons the Government will be seeking to raise the borrowing ceiling at tomorrow’s Parliament sitting is to be able to pay off the outstanding bill owed to contractors, Leader of Government Business in the Lower House Camille Robinson-Regis has said. President of the Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association (TTCA) Mikey Joseph says the bill owed to contractors by the State currently stands in excess of $1 billion. Read more…

Political legend dies

Political legend, cultural icon, mentor to many. Those were among tributes which have poured in for longstanding political and cultural figure Dr Kamaluddin “Charch” Mohammed who died Tuesday night and who was laid to rest yesterday at the El Socorro cemetery. Last rites Janaza prayers were held for Mohammed at the Nur E Islam Mosque, El Socorro, at 4.30 pm yesterday. Mohammed, 88, who had been ailing for the last two years, had been hospitalised at Mt Hope Hospital at various points, family members said. Read more…



Not time to change horses

Now is not the time for the United National Congress (UNC) to change horses in midstream while the party anticipates a victory in its elections petition says UNC incumbent Political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. “Now is not that time to put fuel in a jet plane up in the sky. Now is a time for us to stay focused, see what is ahead of us and know that the real enemy is the PNM (People’s National Movement),” she said. Addressing supporters on Tuesday evening at the Aranjuez Community Centre, Persad-Bissessar said that as soon as Team UNC wins the party’s internal elections on Saturday, the party will hold constituency elections soon after in preparation to win back the Government. “We need the leadership at every level and not only at the national level,” she said. Read more…

...Rowley praises PNM founding member

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday that the late Kamaluddin Mohammed’s contribution to the development of Trinidad and Tobago was evident and the nation was grateful for his laudable contribution. “His commitment to our nation has been outstanding and exemplary and we hope that it will continue to serve as an inspiration to others in this regard,” Rowley said in a condolence message.The Prime Minister noted that, during his illustrious life, Mohammed distinguished himself on the political landscape as a founding member of the People’s National Movement (PNM), member of Parliament and government minister in various ministries as well as as an ambassador. “I wish to express condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Dr Kamaluddin Mohammed on his passing. On behalf of the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago, I sincerely express deep condolences to all his loved ones,” Rowley stated. Read more…

Jack’s extradition case February 19

Former government minister Jack Warner’s extradition proceedings will not begin until next year. Warner, who is wanted in the United States for a dozen fraud and corruption charges stemming from his two-decade stint in world football governing body FIFA, reappeared in the Port-of-Spain Magistrates’ Court for a status hearing of the case yesterday. During the brief hearing, Senior Counsel Pamela Elder, who is representing the US interest in the case, suggested that it be adjourned for an extended period. Senior Magistrate Nanette Forde-John, who held for Chief Magistrate Marcia Ayers-Caesar, agreed and defered the case to February 19 next year. Read more…



Digicel acquires controlling interest in Prism Holdings

The Digicel Group has acquired a controlling interest in financial services powerhouse, Prism Holdings, for an undisclosed sum, it was announced yesterday. Established in 1993 in Barbados by Edward Ince and Mike Parris, Prism Holdings is a privately held business to business company operating in 22 countries with regional headquarters in Barbados, and offices in The Bahamas, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Prism provides payment systems, information management, data centre services, loyalty processing and financial transactional processing. Read more…

New board at CDA

Newly appointed chairman of the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA) Anthony Pierre says he hopes to change the negative perception associated with public officials and show that his board is all about “sustainable national development”. Read more…

Honours for top service providers

Amalgamated Security Services Ltd was named Service Provider of the Year (Large) at the 8th Annual Excellence in Services Awards Ceremony hosted by the T&T Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI) at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre. The awards ceremony was one of the highlights of the group’s National Services Week. Amalgamated also won the award for Best Use of Innovation In Services, which was among eight top honours presented on the night, while Caribbean Ideas was Service Provider of the Year (Small). Read more…



Former St Kitts-Nevis minister criticizes Eastern Caribbean Monetary Council 

The Eastern Caribbean Monetary Council is being criticized for allegedly dragging its feet on appointing a new governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB). Former St Kitts and Nevis government minister Dwyer Astaphan said on Tuesday that the finance ministers, some of them prime ministers, who make up the Council have been aware for some time that Governor Sir Dwight Venner’s contract was due to end on Monday, November 30, and should have by now announced a new governor to replace him. Read more…

Major security exercise in Guyana to address terrorism threats, border security and crime

A major security exercise has been launched in Guyana, as government seeks to ramp up security across the country. Code named Operation Dragnet, the exercise took effect from December 1. It was initiated following a security briefing to Cabinet by Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, according to Minister of State Joseph Harmon. Harmon said that Cabinet was urged to consider the recent attacks in France, Mali and other nations as indicative that Guyana is “not exempted from the threat of terrorism”. Read more…



San Bernardino shooters die battling police

It started at a holiday party -- perhaps with a slight or a testy exchange, something that prompted Syed Rizwan Farook to storm off angrily. It ended in a bloodbath with 14 people dead and 17 more wounded -- the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since Sandy Hook. At its center, a couple, Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Read more…

Oscar Pistorius verdict changed to murder

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of murder after a South African appeals court overturned an earlier manslaughter verdict. He killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in February 2013 after shooting her four times through a locked toilet door. He is currently under house arrest after spending one year of his original five-year sentence in jail. Read more…






3rd December 2015


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