Daily Brief - Thursday 20th December, 2018


Four injured in Beetham accident

Four people were injured in a two-vehicle accident on the eastbound lane of the Beetham Highway, opposite the entrance of the Beetham Landfill, around 3 pm today. The accident caused traffic on both sides of the highway, as drivers in the westbound lane slowed down to look. Two women and a child were injured in one vehicle, and a man in the other vehicle was also hurt. Read more here

Hospital probes woman’s death after giving birth

The griev­ing com­mon-law hus­band of 26-year-old Maquad­er Mar­tin wants an­swers be­fore his wife is laid to rest. Davis Nedd is claim­ing that his wife’s death was due to neg­li­gence on the part of the med­ical per­son­nel at the Ma­ter­ni­ty Ward of the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. Mar­tin died on the floor near the bath­room area of the ma­ter­ni­ty ward on Sat­ur­day, three days af­ter she gave birth to her first ba­by. South-West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty’s (SWRHA) Di­rec­tor of Health Al­bert Per­saud con­firmed that an in­ves­ti­ga­tion has been launched in­to the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing her death. Read more here



Baptiste-Primus: ‘Support for unemployed people’

Minister of Labour and Small Enterprise Development Jennifer Baptiste-Primus says she understands the pain unemployed people are facing and says there is support for people looking to get back on their feet. Contributing to the Finance Bill Tuesday, Baptiste-Primus encouraged people to visit the Ministry of Labour for assistance. “We invite retrenched persons or those persons who are unemployed to visit the Ministry of Labour. Visit any one of our offices – Tunapuna, Port of Spain, Central, San Fernando, Point Fortin. They can bring in their resumes. We have efficient and very helpful public officers who would walk them through the various processes.” Read more here

Fill vacant posts in DPP’s office now—Ramdeen

All of the laws which Gov­ern­ment is pass­ing may not get very far where the pros­e­cu­tion of of­fences are con­cerned, since the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions’ of­fice has 73 va­can­cies out of its to­tal 128-strong com­ple­ment. Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress sen­a­tor Ger­ald Ramdeen made the ob­ser­va­tion as he ex­pressed con­cern about the va­can­cies dur­ing yes­ter­day’s Sen­ate de­bate on the Mis­cel­la­neous Pro­vi­sion leg­is­la­tion which seeks to change sec­tions of the Pro­ceeds of Crime Act, An­ti Ter­ror­ism Act and Fi­nan­cial In­tel­li­gence Unit Act. Ramdeen not­ed that work has been go­ing on to amend and strength­en laws but re­sults are still lack­ing. Read more here



Kolor Expressions, a win-win

IT was described as a win-win for all involved, when Kaleidoscope and Bhagwansingh’s launched the Kolor Expressions Kiosks at Bhagwansingh’s Hardware in Sea Lots, Port of Spain, on December 12. The Kolor Expressions Kiosks is a collaboration between Kaleidoscope and Bhagwansingh's, where kiosks have been set up in all branches of Bhagwansingh’s to help customers use different colour paints to get the colour they want. Kaleidoscope Paints Ltd CEO Dale Parson said, “It is a win-win for the consumer, it is a win-win for the Bhagwansingh’s, it is a win-win for Kaleidoscope.” Read more here



Dogged Determination! - Man Who Lost His Left Hand Is Male Household Worker Of The Year

Violently robbed of his left hand and later losing two sons in gun-related incidents, 56-year-old property caretaker-handyman Michael Brown has had his fair share of misery and despair. But through it all, Brown, this year's recipient of the Male Household Worker of the Year Award, maintained his sanity and faith in God, never allowing his work ethic to wane but instead, intensify. "My family is what kept me going after I lost my hand, my five children, and their mom," Brown declared moments after the award ceremony at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Tuesday. Read more here



Shocking Syria withdrawal plan is pure Trump

President Donald Trump once famously said he knew more about ISIS than US generals do. Now he wants to prove it. His big gamble on a sudden and rapid Syria pullout, which broke on Wednesday, is classic Trump in execution and content after he effectively declared mission accomplished and the defeat of ISIS. The President announced an apparently impulsive decision that shook the world, showed little sign of nuanced consideration, confounded top advisers and by the end of the day left Washington in chaos and confusion. Read more here

Gatwick Airport: Drone attack grounds flights

A drone attack at one of the UK's busiest airports has left tens of thousands of passengers facing major disruption. Gatwick's runway has been shut since Wednesday night, when two devices were seen flying over the perimeter fence. The airport said 110,000 passengers on 760 flights were due to fly on Thursday. Police were still hunting for the drone operator after another device was reported just before 07:00 GMT. Those due to travel have been told to check the status of their flight, while Easyjet told its passengers not to go to Gatwick if their flights have been cancelled. Sussex Police said it was not terror-related but a "deliberate act" of disruption. Read more here

20th December 2018


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