Daily Brief - Thursday 18th October, 2018


TT companies looking to network with local players

A team of Trinidadians is in Guyana attending a three-day Business-to-Business (B2B) engagement being hosted by the Trinidad & Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) to foster collaboration that will develop industries, both in the twin-island republic and Guyana. The first session was held at the Ramada Georgetown Princess Hotel on Tuesday, when the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ActionCOACH Guyana, Vishnu Doerga, brought them up to speed with statistics about Guyana, which he said will aid in their engagements during their stay. Read more here



More boats, fishermen taken by Venezuela’s Guardia Nacional

Since Marvin Farria’s narrow escape from death one week ago, four more vessels from the Icacos area have been seized and an unknown number of Trinidadians detained by the Venezuelan Guardia Nacional. Read more…

Shooting at Movietowne, Port of Spain: Cops nab suspect

Movietowne Port of Spain was the scene of a shooting on Wednesday. Police say that at around 6p.m. the victim was involved in an altercation outside the mall’s casino. The victim left the scene, visited a pharmacy and was walking towards the parking lot outside PriceSmart when five men confronted him. Read more here



Espinet chairs Heritage, Petrotrin

Petrotrin has apparently not just transferred its assets to newly incorporated entity Heritage Petroleum Company Ltd, but also its executives.Documents that have been widely circulated on social media suggest that Petrotrin’s chairman, Wilfred Espinet and his deputy, Reynold Ajodhasingh are also the chairman and director of Heritage. The documents, Newsday was told, “appear to be authentic.” Read more…

Young urges prison officers to stand strong

Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Stu­art Young is urg­ing prison of­fi­cers to stand strong and re­sist walk­ing off the job in the wake of yes­ter­day's mur­der of their col­league Dar­ren Fran­cis. His com­ments came dur­ing a live in­ter­view on CNC3's Busi­ness Watch last night. “I im­plore them not to walk off their job. At the end of the day, un­for­tu­nate­ly, there is dan­ger as­so­ci­at­ed with their job and un­for­tu­nate­ly that dan­ger has been height­ened by the il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ties that are tak­ing place in the pris­ons in the past.” Read more here

Fear of crime, frustration on UWI campus

Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies stu­dents are fear­ful for their safe­ty fol­low­ing a string of vi­o­lence against stu­dents in re­cent weeks that cul­mi­nat­ed in a bloody at­tack on a sec­ond year stu­dent on Tues­day. Tues­day evening’s day­light rob­bery and al­leged as­sault of the fe­male stu­dent on the cam­pus, they ad­mit­ted on Wednes­day, is weigh­ing heav­i­ly on their minds. Sec­ond-year psy­chol­o­gy stu­dent Chikara Mitchell told Guardian Me­dia, “It’s not some­thing you want to wor­ry about—com­ing to school and wor­ry­ing about your safe­ty, think­ing about where you can and can’t go, al­ways hav­ing to be with a friend.” Read more here



RBC invests in junior achievers

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) yesterday pledged its commitment to this country’s young people with the launch of its Future Launch initiative at the Arthur Lok Jack School of Business in Mt Hope. Read more…

T&T’s relationship with money

Al­most two decades ago dur­ing my time at Price­wa­ter­house­C­oop­ers I was ex­posed to a train­ing pro­gramme on in­ter­per­son­al skills. It was my first re­al un­der­stand­ing about how peo­ple think dif­fer­ent­ly. The high­light came when peo­ple of the same per­son­al­i­ty type were grouped and each group was asked to de­scribe what they saw. Dif­fer­ent peo­ple look­ing at ex­act­ly the same in­for­ma­tion and in­ter­pret­ing it com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent­ly was an eye open­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Read more here

BHP applies to drill ten wells

Australia’s BHP Billiton has applied to drill ten wells offshore Trinidad, according to a submission to the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) released via e-mail yesterday for public comment. Read more here



Wonder Women - Reggae Girlz Secure Historic World Cup Qualification

“It is an unbelievable feeling; it is a feeling of accomplishment.” Those words by assistant coach Andrew Price perfectly sums up the almost super human effort that led to Jamaica’s historic qualification to next year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup in France. Just eight years after a lack of funding forced the suspension of the national senior women’s football programme, Jamaica became the first Caribbean nation to qualify for a FIFA Women’s Cup, after yesterday’s intensely exciting penalty shoot-out win over Panama, in their CONCACAF Women’s Championships third place play-off in Frisco, Texas in the United States. Read more here



Brexit deadlock after May offers 'nothing new' at crucial EU summit

European leaders have dropped plans for a special November summit to complete a Brexit deal because of a lack of progress in negotiations, and have ramped up preparations for a chaotic split. British Prime Minister Theresa May offered "nothing new" in a presentation to EU leaders at a critical meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the head of the European Parliament said Wednesday. EU leaders ordered negotiations to continue, and left open the possibility that a November summit could yet take place if a breakthrough can be reached, two EU sources told CNN. But they also ordered officials to intensify their preparations for a "no-deal" scenario. Read more here

Jamal Khashoggi disappearance: Last column published

The Washington Post has published missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi's last column - a call for press freedom across the Arab world. The newspaper said it decided to go ahead after accepting Mr Khashoggi was not going to return safely. The journalist has not been seen since entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October, where Turkish officials allege he was killed. Saudi Arabia, which denies the killing, allowed investigators inside overnight. Turkish crime scene teams were seen leaving the consulate early on Thursday morning. Read more here

18th October 2018


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