Daily Brief - Monday 22nd October, 2018


Many Good Samaritans

They may not have been personally affected by the floods which has devastated parts of east and central Trinidad, but many private citizens and organisations have responded to the plight of their fellow citizens by organising collection centres for the fold victims. Yesterday, Naparima College principal Dr Michael Dowlath and members of the Naps Old Boys’ Association presented Rural Development and Local Government minister Kazim Hosein with a number of relief items. Read more here

Wrecker owners exploiting trapped UBH drivers

With the Ca­roni Riv­er still over­flow­ing its banks, hun­dreds of mo­torists ei­ther try­ing to get to north or south Trinidad re­main strand­ed on the Uri­ah But­ler High­way. And while hun­dreds of Good Samar­i­tans have risked their own well­be­ing to take aid to flood vic­tims as tor­ren­tial rain and flood­ing con­tin­ues across Trinidad, dis­turb­ing sto­ries about wreck­er own­ers ex­ploit­ing those trapped have emerged. Guardian Me­dia was told that as night ap­proached yes­ter­day and those strand­ed be­came more des­per­ate to get to their homes, wreck­er dri­vers charged mo­torists be­tween $500 to $1,500 to take their ve­hi­cles over the flood­ed part of the high­way be­tween the Ca­roni Bird Sanc­tu­ary and the Munroe Road Fly­over. Read more here



BHP Billiton confident about deepwater find

BHP Bil­li­ton is even more con­fi­dent about find­ing large amounts of oil and gas in the deep wa­ter than it was when it bid on sev­er­al blocks in 2014. Pres­i­dent of BHP T&T Vin­cent Pereira told Busi­ness & Mon­ey that he was very hap­py with the way the drilling cam­paign has so far gone with the com­pa­ny en­coun­ter­ing nat­ur­al gas in three of the four wells it drilled. In a brief in­ter­view at the Hy­att Re­gency last week, Pereira said, “We are very con­fi­dent about the deep­wa­ter. We have been able to en­counter hy­dro­car­bons in three of our four wells and the pro­gramme is go­ing good.” “Our suc­cess has been based on sev­er­al things in­clud­ing the use of tech­nol­o­gy. From the ac­qui­si­tion of our seis­mic to pro­cess­ing to the rig we hired to mak­ing de­ci­sions where to drill, it has all been dri­ven by the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy. It’s why, so far, we have had a high suc­cess rate.” Read more here



Skyline Shift - PM Says Gov't Getting Requests For 20-Storey Buildings In The City

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has trumpeted that developers are buying into the vision of the Government and have moved to capitalise on infrastructural works now under way to modernise the city of Kingston. He said that requests are coming in for approval for 20-storey buildings as developers seek to make better use of land in the capital. Holness said this is being facilitated by a strong economy and steps are being made by the Government to improve the infrastructure in Kingston. Read more here



Russia nuclear treaty: Bolton in Moscow amid missile tensions

US national security adviser John Bolton is in Moscow for talks after Russia gave a frosty reception to news the US was dropping a nuclear treaty. President Donald Trump said Russia had violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty and the US planned to withdraw as a result. The treaty signed in 1987 restricted US and Russian short- and medium-range nuclear missiles. Mr Bolton is reported to have been a key voice pushing for the withdrawal. He is due to meet senior officials during his pre-planned visit but may now meet President Vladimir Putin too. As Mr Bolton began his visit on Monday, the Kremlin warned it would take steps to maintain the balance of nuclear power. Read more here

Surveillance footage shows Saudi operative in Khashoggi's clothes after he was killed, Turkish source says

One member of the 15-man team suspected in the death of Jamal Khashoggi dressed up in his clothes and was captured on surveillance cameras around Istanbul on the day the journalist was killed, a senior Turkish official has told CNN. CNN has obtained exclusive law enforcement surveillance footage, part of the Turkish government's investigation, that appears to show the man leaving the consulate by the back door, wearing Khashoggi's clothes, a fake beard, and glasses. Read more here

22nd October 2018


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