Daily Brief - Monday 17th December, 2018


Prison officer reports threat by inmates

A 29-year old prison officer assigned to the remand section of the Maximum Security Prison went to the Arouca Police Station on Saturday and reported a death threat made by a remand prisoner awaiting trial for murder. The officer told police that at 10.30 am on Saturday, he was supervising the repair of some electrical work in the remand section when a prisoner requested that repairs be done to an electrical outlet inside the prisoner’s cell. The officer refused and an argument ensued. During the exchange of words, the prisoner reportedly told the officer, “I will make you well-known to the public. I have some young boys here who will deal with you.” Read more here

Lawyer cop bypassed for promotion wins lawsuit

A High Court judge has or­dered the Po­lice Pro­mo­tion Ad­vi­so­ry Board to con­sid­er pro­mot­ing a po­lice con­sta­ble af­ter rul­ing that he was treat­ed un­fair­ly. Ram­dath Phillip, a qual­i­fied at­tor­ney and po­lice pros­e­cu­tor at­tached to the South­ern Di­vi­sion, was suc­cess­ful in his ju­di­cial re­view law­suit chal­leng­ing the Board’s de­ci­sion to de­ny him the max­i­mum 35 points giv­en to of­fi­cers who pos­sess a law de­gree. De­liv­er­ing judge­ment in Phillip’s favour in the San Fer­nan­do Supreme Court on Fri­day, Jus­tice Ricky Rahim al­so or­dered the State to pay the le­gal costs in­curred by the of­fi­cer in fil­ing the ac­tion. Phillip, of Princes Town, joined the Po­lice Ser­vice in Feb­ru­ary 2003, com­plet­ed his Bach­e­lor’s de­gree in law with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lon­don in 2007. Read more here



Deyalsingh: I’m inspired by seniors

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh yesterday hosted his Fourth Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Luncheon for elderly constituents, at the WASA Sports Club in his constituency of St Joseph. About 200 senior citizens were given a Christmas meal and drinks, all to the backdrop of the Pal Joey Lewis Band. Deyalsingh sported a Santa Claus mask to welcome guests, later switching to a cowboy hat, and waltzed with a few constituents. “You the senior citizens reflect what is good and holy about St Joseph and Trinidad and Tobago,” he said, addressing guests. Read more here

PM: Cudjoe’s book a gift to the nation

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley de­scribes Pro­fes­sor Sel­wyn Cud­joe’s new book should be used as a teach­ing tool in all schools across the coun­try. He was speak­ing at the launch at the Cen­tral Bank in Port-of-Spain last Thurs­day. The book, The Slave­mas­ter of Trinidad: William Hardin Burn­ley and the Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry At­lantic World, was pub­lished by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Press and chron­i­cles the life and times of William Burn­ley, the largest slave-own­er in Trinidad who was of­ten re­ferred to as one of the na­tion’s found­ing fa­thers. Read more here



Building long-term wealth

This week, we at Bourse focus on the importance of building your long-term wealth. We share some perspective on preparing for your financial future, with particular emphasis on the benefits of investing in retirement funds. Read more here



Swiss Eye Local Ganja - Firm Heading To Jamaica With Ideas To Ensure Small Farmers Benefit From Medical Marijuana Industry

The possibilities for the explosion of Jamaica's medical marijuana industry have attracted the interest of another major multinational corporation that wants to set up shop in Jamaica. And it says it has a plan to ensure that the traditional small farmers are not left out. "We have systems to ensure compliance and shrink the illegitimate market, but also help to legitimise some of the historically marginalised people who want to be included in the industry and ensure that there are opportunities for the small cultivators, not only to be active in the market, but to ensure that they are able to sustain themselves," Alex Spelman, vice-president of SICPA Holdings, told The Gleaner. SICPA is a Switzerland-based company that operates in more than 160 countries across the globe. It is now seeking to set up shop in Jamaica, and Spelman says it can provide solutions for many of the challenges facing Jamaica's fledging marijuana industry. Read more here



China sparked an economic miracle -- now there's a fight over its legacy

When Victor Gao was growing up in rural China in 1970s, cars and trucks were so rare he would chase them with the other children through the dirt roads, overjoyed by the strange sight. Today, China is the world's largest automobile manufacturer, with more than double the capacity of the United States. "I never expected that an ordinary Chinese family would own an automobile. I never expected China would be a major automobile manufacturing country," Gao told CNN. "It would be completely beyond my wildest dreams that China would produce more automobiles than the US." Read more here

New EU referendum would break faith with Britons, May to warn MPs

 Holding another referendum on the EU would "break faith with the British people", Theresa May will warn MPs. Former PMs John Major and Tony Blair are among those urging a new referendum if MPs cannot agree on a way forward. But the prime minister will argue that it would do "irreparable damage to the integrity of our politics" and would "likely leave us no further forward". Last week she called off a Commons vote on her Brexit deal, admitting it was likely to be heavily rejected. Read more here

17th December 2018


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