Daily Brief - Monday 16th November, 2015


We Won't Bow To Barbarians

Barbarians! Cowardly Barbarians! This was how France’s Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago Hédi Picquart described the deadly ISIS attacks in Paris last Friday which left over 120 dead, scores injured and the European country under a national State of Emergency and lockdown. Speaking on Saturday evening at a dinner to honour Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to TT, hosted by President Anthony Carmona and Mrs Carmona at Pier I in Chaguaramas, the Ambassador was resolute in his declaration that, “France will not kneel in front of these barbarians!” The ISIS terror attack in Paris saw 129 people slaughtered and more than 300 injured. Read more...

89 Trinis join Isis fighter

There are now 89 T&T nationals—including families—known to Government who have joined the Islamic State of Iraq (Isis) in the last three plus years, T&T Guardian has confirmed.That is the most up to date figure on the situation which was given by Government early last Saturday morning, shortly after deadly terrorist attacks on Paris claimed 129 victims, left 350 wounded and the world reeling in shock and anger. Isis has claimed responsibility. Former National Security Minister Gary Griffith and former National Operations Centre head Garvin Heerah were among experts who yesterday came out in support of laws to block T&T-born Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFS) returnees on their way back, well before they reach T&T. Read more...

'Gruesome' Road Death

A 68-year-old woman and 26-year-old man are dead following separate road traffic accidents yesterday morning. The victims have been identified as Una Belgrave and Rennie Sookdeo. Belgrave was killed when the vehicle in which she was travelling was struck by another car as it attempted to overtake on the shoulder of the Solomon Hochoy Highway. Sookdeo was killed when he was run over by at least four vehicles along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway after exiting his vehicle. The first incident took place at about 2.30 a.m. in Chaguanas.  Read more...



Attempts to drop UNC voters from list

Former Opposition Senator Vasant Bharath formally launched his bid to become political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) when he launched his slate of candidates on Saturday at the Couva South multi-purpose hall at Campden Road where he expressed concern that a concerted effort is being made to dis-enfranchise UNC members who may vote for him. Bharath said he was informed that text messages have been sent to UNC members asking that they support him and his slate in the party’s December 5 internal election. He said this was strange since he never sent or instructed anyone from his team to send text message seeking support. Read more...

Sat joins PM at Divali function

Hindu leaders, including one of his fiercest critics Satnarayn Maharaj, were among selected guests hosted by Prime Minister Keith Rowley at a post-Divali function at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s on Saturday. Maharaj is an open supporter of the United National Congress and former prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, and has been critical of Rowley and the People’s National Movement in the past. He is the Secretary General of one of largest Hindu organisations in T&T—the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha. Read more...

UNC: Preliminary voters list posted at Rienzi Complex

The preliminary list of those eligible to vote in the United National Congress (UNC) internal elections is now available for public viewing at the party headquarters at Rienzi Complex, Couva. The list was made available yesterday and can be viewed daily from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The party’s general secretary Dave Tancoo told the Express the final list of voters will be the one that will be used for the election on December 5. Read more...



Government committed to fixing procurement legislation

Housing Minister Marlene McDonald says government is not backing down from its decision to amend the Procurement Bill brought to Parliament by the former Kamla Persad-Bissessar government because it was flawed. Further, she said the Act was not fully proclaimed. Speaking at the T&T Contractors Association (TTCA) Contractor of the Year Awards and Dinner held at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre on Lady Young Road in St Ann’s, Port-of-Spain, on Saturday, she said while the Keith Rowley-led administration was aware of concerns raised by the fraternity on learning of Cabinet’s intent to amend the law, reforms were absolutely necessary. Read more...



Write Off Our Bills - Parents Of Deceased Preemies Ask Hospital Management, Health Minister For Help

The families of eight preterm babies who died during an infection outbreak at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) now want the health facility to write off the remainder of their bills, which run into millions of dollars. One parent revealed yesterday that the request was made last Thursday when Jamaican hospital administrators and newly appointed Health Minister Horace Dalley met, for the first time since the scandal came to light, with eight families. The family of the parent with whom The Gleaner spoke still owed the UHWI "way over a million" for the delivery of their daughter and is finding it difficult to make the payment. According to the family member, who The Gleaner has chosen not to identify, hospital officials declined to give a commitment, but indicated they would consider the request. "One parent asked the question [during the meeting] and they said they would get back to us," the parent told The Gleaner. Read more...

Antigua-Barbuda ambassador warns of regional terrorism threat

In prescient remarks on Tuesday, three days ahead of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, France, Antigua and Barbuda’s ambassador to the US, Sir Ronald Sanders, warned that the Caribbean region should not linger in the false notion that small countries are immune from the conflicts that engulf larger and more powerful states. Sanders, who is Antigua and Barbuda’s nominee for the post of Commonwealth secretary general to be selected by heads of government later this month in Malta, was at the time delivering a presentation entitled “The Commonwealth of Nations: Its role for Global Good” at the 2015 Global Leadership Forum Nassau, Bahamas. Read more...



Paris attacks 'planned from Syria' - France PM Valls

Friday's attacks by Islamist militants in Paris were organised from Syria, French PM Manuel Valls says. He added that the authorities believed new terror attacks were being planned in France and other European countries. Meanwhile two more attackers were named as well as five already identified. One is confirmed to have entered Greece among migrants earlier this year. A total of 129 people died in the attacks on bars and restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France. Read more...

French jets bomb Syria in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa

French fighter jets bombed a series of ISIS sites in Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday in what officials described as a major bombardment. The airstrikes came two days after a series of terrorist attacks in Paris. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which France's President described as "an act of war." ISIS claims Raqqa as the capital of its so-called caliphate. The targets in Sunday's airstrikes included a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp for the terror group, said Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister. Read more...



16th November 2015


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